the culture

A woman with a hangover in an airplane was mistaken for a patient with a coronavirus. After the flight, she was sent to isolation for 14 days.

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A woman with a hangover in an airplane was mistaken for a patient with a coronavirus. After the flight, she was sent to isolation for 14 days.
A woman with a hangover in an airplane was mistaken for a patient with a coronavirus. After the flight, she was sent to isolation for 14 days.

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The hysteria surrounding the coronavirus has already reached such proportions that even the slightest ailment is taken as a symptom of a terrible disease. So, recently a passenger of a plane who felt bad due to a hangover was mistaken for an infected person and sent to quarantine.


Happy ending of vacation

A British woman named Victoria spent her vacation in Cambodia with her friend, and on the last day before departure, the women went to Singapore. They decided to properly note the end of the rest and, of course, went over with alcohol.

The friends drank and had fun until late at night, and already at 6:00 they had a boarding plane. Naturally, with a hangover, women felt unwell. Victoria was especially bad.


Prudent request

Victoria had a terrible headache. Some time after take-off, she felt even worse, and therefore decided to turn to the stewardess for help. She wanted to ask for a pill from her head. And also, referring to poor health, she asked if there were any empty places where she could lie down. But the reaction of the stewardess was very unexpected.

Alert stewardess

Hearing Victoria’s request, the stewardess panicked in earnest. She decided that a woman picked up a coronavirus in Singapore. Flight attendants quickly seated passengers around the cabin so that no one remained in close proximity to Victoria. Then they handed out masks to everyone. And Victoria during the 14-hour flight every half hour measured the temperature.
