women's issues

Women's waist: types, physique and ideal proportions

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Women's waist: types, physique and ideal proportions
Women's waist: types, physique and ideal proportions

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Video: How To Determine Your Body Shape Using Measurements 2024, July

For all ages, women's forms have attracted the views of men: poems, odes, poems and songs have been dedicated to them. To date, the situation has not changed: the beautiful shape of the hips and a narrow waist are largely determine the attractiveness of women.

Fashion trends say that the size of the female waist (girth) should be sixty centimeters. But experts say that the waist circumference is a very individual indicator, which depends on the type of figure and a number of other circumstances.

Visual parameters of a female figure


With the change of centuries, new preferences and tastes come. This also affected female beauty. So, remember the goddesses Venus and Aphrodite, who embodied the functions of fertility and love. They captivated the men of Greek and Roman civilizations with their brilliant beauty.

As for the modern world, it is worth noting that the "divine proportions" have definitely changed. Replaced by thin waist, thin legs and magnificent breasts. But, of course, they don’t argue about tastes, so we suggest that you consider the main types of women's waists, based on the types of figures. There are only five of them.



According to most women and men, the figure of this form is a classic. It looks proportionate because it has an ideal ratio of the waist, hips and shoulders.

You can find out the type of figure by the thin female waist, broad shoulders and lush hips. When gaining weight, it is the buttocks and hips that increase in the first place, but even this does not prevent a woman from staying attractive. Most girls strive for this form, but, unfortunately, the narrow female waist for many remains only a dream. But you can get closer to the shape of the hourglass figure if you add volume to the hips, buttocks and shoulders.

Pear-shaped figure


This form represents the ideal of the Renaissance. In addition, according to many doctors, from the point of view of physiology, this complex is one of the healthiest.

The owners of the pear-shaped figure have a significant difference between the shoulders and hips. This is due to the fact that the shoulder girdle is poorly developed, but the woman boasts wide hips and a narrow female waist, the photo of which is presented above. As a rule, when trying to lose weight, the hips remain unchanged, and the upper body "dries out" very significantly.



This form is usually associated with a male or sports figure. The figure is distinguished by massive, broad shoulders, narrow hips and a waist. A female figure of this type was considered unattractive for some time. But today there are tricks of clothing that help hide flaws and show virtues. But the owners of a figure of this type have a beautiful female waist by nature. A photo located a little higher indicates this. In addition, women with this figure are not inclined to be overweight.



This type has little resemblance to an hourglass, since the proportions of the hips and shoulders are equal. A striking feature is the unexpressed waist, which merges with the general line of the body.

As a rule, such women naturally have long legs, large breasts, but the shape of the waist is rather weak. When gaining weight, fat is deposited in the abdomen, it evenly covers not only the abdominal wall, but also the internal organs. According to doctors, this shape is dangerous to the health and life of a woman. Therefore, owners of this type must carefully monitor their weight.

An Apple


This form is one of the most inharmonious. She is characterized by narrow hips and shoulders, but at the same time, a greatly increased volume of the abdomen violates the harmonious proportions. It is difficult for representatives of this type to lose weight, since any diets and physical activity do not give significant results.

Beautiful Waist Formula

Probably every woman dreams of a beautiful waist, but the canons of beauty are a rather subjective concept. Note that there is a decent number of opinions and various indicators indicating the optimal value for the waist. So, for example, the model ratio speaks about the parameters 90-60-90. But approaching such numbers may indicate anorexia.

Some experts believe that the optimal indicator of the circumference of the female waist is growth, divided in half. It is still necessary to subtract fifteen from this value. For example, if a girl is 170 centimeters tall, her ideal waistline would be 70 centimeters. This is the formula for a beautiful waist.

How to get a perfect waist

For those women for whom the obtained waist index exceeds the established norms, there are effective ways to help find the aspen waist. In order to create the figure of your dreams, you need to observe a healthy and healthy diet, lead an active lifestyle and practice regular physical activity. Only in this case, after a while, the first results on the way to changing forms and gaining physical health will become noticeable.

Physical activity


If you want to become the owner of a thin and elegant waist, then you can not do without physical exercises.

The rotation of the hoop will help get rid of the sinister sides and reduce the volume in the waist. Paying this lesson is worth at least forty minutes a day.

Raising the legs helps to work out the muscles of the lower press. To do this, lie on the floor, arms spread out to the sides. Then close the legs together and lift them gently until an angle with the body of ninety degrees is formed. In this position, you need to linger for five seconds and slowly return to its original position. The exercise is repeated at least fifteen times.

Everyone knows the slopes to the sides contribute to the speedy elimination of fat in the waist. Despite its simplicity, this exercise is very effective.


In order to get rid of the accumulated fat in the waist, first of all, it is worth normalizing your diet. The advice of nutritionists is as follows:

  • It is necessary to exclude overeating. The weight of one serving should be no more than 200 grams.
  • The diet should be fractional. Proper nutrition involves eliminating the feeling of hunger, so you should eat 5-6 times a day, but do not forget about the maximum serving size.
  • To speed up the process of reducing waist, you should abandon fried, salted and smoked foods, as well as flour, sweets and semi-finished products. Fast carbohydrates are also subject to exclusion from the diet, since they tend to quickly turn into fat folds at the waist. It is worth noting that even alcohol and smoking negatively affect the figure, because tobacco smoke accelerates aging and slows down metabolism, and alcohol removes healthy water from the body.

So what kind of food is suitable for a beautiful waist? Consider the following:

  • Eating large amounts of greens and vegetables will give the body a large amount of fiber and vitamins.
  • Do not forget about fruits and berries, which help saturate the body with vitamins and keep it in good shape. The most useful for the figure will be citruses, watermelons, pears, apples, pineapples, melons, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, currants.
  • Protein foods are important to support muscle tone. Therefore, daily it is necessary to eat lean meat, fish or seafood.
  • Drinking two liters of still water daily, we help remove toxins and wastes from the body, start metabolism and satisfy hunger.


Today, the popularity of spa treatments is growing rapidly. You can pamper yourself not only in the salon, but also at home. Before wrapping, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the skin with a scrub of honey, ground coffee or sea salt. Then we prepare a mixture of the following ingredients to choose from:

  • a mixture of black clay and red pepper;
  • mustard with olive oil.

Then we apply it on the waist, wrap it with cling film, cover ourselves with a warm blanket and rest for an hour. After time, the film must be deployed and thoroughly rinse the mixture with water. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing lotion or body cream to the skin.


The simplest and at the same time effective method is pinch massage, which you can do yourself:

  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to apply massage cream or oil on the sides and abdomen.
  • With the help of intensive strokes, it is worth warming up the muscles well.
  • Then, with light but energetic tweaks, you need to walk around the stomach in a clockwise direction. As a rule, in this area the skin is quite elastic, so do not be afraid to stretch it. However, you do not need to hurt yourself and pinch yourself to bruises.


Visiting the sauna once or twice a week, you can easily get rid of excess body fat at the waist. But it is worth noting that the event should not be accompanied by drinking alcohol. In order to cleanse the skin as much as possible and accelerate the process of fat breakdown, you can immediately use steam scrubs made from natural ingredients prepared at home immediately after the steam room.