
Animals and plants of Eurasia: who lives on the vast mainland?

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Animals and plants of Eurasia: who lives on the vast mainland?
Animals and plants of Eurasia: who lives on the vast mainland?

Video: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife of Asia 2024, June

Video: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife of Asia 2024, June

The largest continent of our planet is Eurasia. It is washed by all four oceans. The flora and fauna of the continent is striking in its diversity. This is due to difficult living conditions, topography, and temperature contrast. In the western part of the mainland there are plains, while the eastern part is mostly covered with mountains. All natural areas are present here. Basically they are stretched from west to east.

Flora and fauna of arctic deserts, tundra and forest-tundra

The northern regions of Eurasia are characterized by low temperatures, permafrost and marshland. The flora and fauna in these areas is poor.

In the Arctic deserts there is no continuous soil cover. You can only meet mosses and lichens, very rarely - some types of cereals and sedge.


The fauna is mainly marine: walruses, seals, such bird species as goose, eider, and chistik fly in the summer. There are few terrestrial animals: polar bear, arctic fox, and lemmings.


On the territory of the tundra and forest-tundra, in addition to plants of the Arctic deserts, dwarf trees (willows and birches) and shrubs (blueberries, princess) begin to be found. The inhabitants of this natural zone are reindeer, wolves, foxes, hare-hares. Polar owls and partridge live here. In rivers and lakes, fish swim.

Animals and plants of Eurasia: taiga

The climate of these territories is warmer and more humid. On podzolic soils coniferous forests dominate. Depending on the composition of the land and the terrain, they differ from each other. It is customary to distinguish dark coniferous and light coniferous. The first plants of Eurasia are represented mainly by fir and spruce, the second - by pines and larch.


Among coniferous and small-leaved species: birch and aspen. Usually they dominate in the first stages of forest restoration after fires and deforestation. On the territory of the continent is 55% of coniferous forests of the entire planet.


There are many fur-bearing animals in the taiga. You can also find lynx, squirrel, wolverine, chipmunk, elk, roe deer, hares and numerous rodents. Of the birds at these latitudes, crossbills, capercaillie, common hazel grouse, and pine forests live.

Mixed and deciduous forests: animals and plants of Eurasia

The list of fauna of the territories south of the taiga is represented by numerous trees. They are mainly located in Europe and the Far East.

In deciduous forests, the flora is characterized as follows: tree layer (usually 1-2 species or more), shrubs and grasses.


Life at this latitude freezes in the cold season and begins to wake up in the spring. Most often you can find oak, linden, maple, ash, beech. Basically, these Eurasian plants bloom and bear fruit rich in nutrients, such as acorns, nuts and others.

The second tree layer is represented by bird cherry Mack, yellow maple, Maksimovich’s cherry, Amur lilac, viburnum. In the undergrowth, honeysuckle, aralia, currants, elderberries grow. There are also vines: grapes and lemongrass.

The flora of the Far East is more diverse and has a southern appearance. In these areas there are more vines, and moss is present on the trees. This is due to precipitation that the Pacific Ocean brings. Mixed forests here are simply unique. You can find larch, and nearby - actinidia, spruce and nearby - hornbeam and yew.


The relationship of animal and plant world is unconditional. Therefore, the fauna of these territories is more diverse: deer, wild boar, bison, roe, squirrel, chipmunk, various rodents, hare, hedgehog, fox, brown bear, wolf, marten, weasel, mink, Amur tiger. Some species of reptiles and amphibians are also found.

Forest steppes and steppes

As you move from west to east, the climate changes significantly. Warm weather and the lack of sufficient moisture formed fertile chernozems and forest soils. The plant world is becoming poorer, the forest is rare, consisting of birch, linden, oak, maple, alder, willow, elm. In the eastern part of the mainland, soils are saline; only grasses and shrubs are found.

However, in the spring, the steppe expanses simply delight the eye: Eurasian plants wake up. Multi-colored carpets of violets, tulips, sage, irises are located for many kilometers.


With the arrival of heat, the fauna also becomes active. It is represented here by steppe birds, ground squirrels, voles, jerboas, foxes, wolves, saigas.

It is worth noting that most of this natural area is used in agriculture. The natural fauna has been preserved for the most part in places not suitable for plowing.

Deserts and semi-deserts

Despite the harsh climate of these territories, flora and fauna is rich in diversity. Plants of the continent Eurasia of this natural zone are unpretentious. These are wormwood and ephemeroid, cactus, sand acacia, camel thorn, tulips and malcomia.

Some go through their life cycle in a couple of months, others quickly wither, than keep their roots and bulbs underground.


The animals of these places lead a nocturnal lifestyle, since during the day they have to hide from the scorching sun. Large representatives of the fauna are saigas, smaller - various rodents, gophers, steppe turtles, geckos, lizards.

Savannahs and woodlands

This natural area is characterized by a monsoon climate. Tall plants of Eurasia in savannahs in the conditions of drought are not common, mainly palm trees, acacias, thickets of wild banana, bamboo. In places you can find evergreen trees.

Some representatives of the local flora in the dry season dump their foliage for several months.


The fauna of the savannah and woodlands, characteristic of this area, is a tiger, elephant, rhino, a large number of reptiles.

Evergreen subtropical forests

They occupy the Mediterranean region. Summer is hot, and winter is warm and humid. Such weather conditions are favorable for the growth of evergreen trees and shrubs: pine, laurel, stone and cork oak, magnolia, cypress, various vines. In places where agriculture is well developed, there are many vineyards, wheat and olive stands.


The animals and plants of Eurasia, characteristic of this natural zone, are significantly different from those that lived here before. The man is to blame for everything. Now there are wolves, tigers, ground squirrels, woodchucks, and horned goats.