
Life in Novosibirsk: level, conditions, pros and cons, reviews of people who moved

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Life in Novosibirsk: level, conditions, pros and cons, reviews of people who moved
Life in Novosibirsk: level, conditions, pros and cons, reviews of people who moved

Video: Jan Svenar, "Performance of, and Challenges Faced by, Former Soviet Economies" 2024, July

Video: Jan Svenar, "Performance of, and Challenges Faced by, Former Soviet Economies" 2024, July

Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia. For this reason, it is not at all surprising that many seek to move into it. Life here has its own peculiarities, related both to the economic situation and to the climate. The harsh environmental conditions of the Trans-Urals leave their mark. In our article, we will consider the reviews of people who moved about life in Novosibirsk, advantages and disadvantages. We touch on the issue of conditions, living standards and other aspects.

Is it easy to get a job in Novosibirsk?

Perhaps the main criterion for the standard of living in Novosibirsk is the possibility of employment and the salary of citizens.

In 2019, fresh vacancies can be found almost always. The only question is what salary a person expects, what kind of profession and qualification he has. The size of the income of citizens depends on the economic sector. Today, much depends on the employer and on seasonality.

Without a special education, a visitor can apply for the work of a loader, cleaner or janitor. In this case, the payment of unskilled labor is about 15, 000 rubles.

Sellers (the market or chain supermarkets), housing and communal services employees and service workers receive a more decent salary, which is approximately 19, 000 rubles.

Office workers and other information processing personnel receive a bit more. Their income is about 22, 000 rubles.

Workers of road services, manufacturing enterprises, and representatives of creative professions receive an average of 27, 000 rubles a month. It is worth noting that in relation to these professions, earnings often depend on the level of qualification. With the growth of professionalism, the level of wages is growing, and often it reaches 31, 000 rubles and above.

The employees with the highest qualifications: technologists, engineers and other highly qualified specialists receive a salary in the region of 35, 000 rubles.

Top and middle managers, as well as department heads, receive about 53, 000 rubles a month.

The most highly paid are the profession of a programmer and IT specialist. The level of wages in this area varies from 80, 000 rubles to 130, 000 rubles. Accordingly, project managers receive more, ordinary employees receive less.

The most profitable of the workers is the profession of a welder who has passed the certification of NAKS. The income of such a worker starts from 85, 000 rubles.

Life in Novosibirsk has its own characteristics. For example, there is a demand for certain areas of activity. So, most of the vacancies are open in the field of medicine. The first place is occupied by the junior medical staff, then the doctors go. The second is web programmers and website designers. The third position is shared by janitors and cashiers.

It is possible to find a job in the city, but it should be noted that wages are different everywhere. That is why, starting a new life in Novosibirsk, it is advisable to get acquainted with suitable vacancies of the appropriate level, after comparing the risks that are possible in a new place in a foreign city.


Absolutely everyone can find work in Novosibirsk, but not always exactly where they want. As a rule, for employment in good vacancies, experience of similar labor activity is required, which not everyone has.

Cost of living

Another criterion for the standard of living in Novosibirsk is the cost of living. Prices for food commodity products in the country do not differ too much, nevertheless, there are fluctuations in regional significance. The impression of prices largely depends on the place from which the move is planned. A fairly low cost in this city is set for chicken and eggs, which is why lovers of poultry products will undoubtedly be happy. Local cheese and brewery products are above average national prices. Here you can eat inexpensively in restaurants and fast food cafes. For example, the cost of a standard complex for one person is not more than 250 rubles. The city has a fairly developed public transport network: trams, minibuses, buses. One way or another, the status of a metropolis is obligatory, so life in Novosibirsk takes place using a full-fledged metro line. The cost of one trip at the time of writing is 22 rubles.

Renting a one-room apartment on the outskirts costs from 12, 000 rubles. By the way, the center is not much more expensive. You can rent housing from 13 000 rubles. Utilities are usually paid separately on receipts. In the heating season an average of 6, 000 rubles is obtained. Life in Novosibirsk, judging by the reviews of those who moved, is relatively inexpensive.

Here you can buy a one-room apartment from 1, 800, 000 rubles. However, prices are largely influenced by her condition and, of course, by the qualitative characteristics of the house as a whole. By the way, remoteness from the center plays a secondary role in comparison with most other cities in Russia. In old houses in the center, you can buy or rent an apartment for a relatively low cost.

New buildings are more expensive, even given the lack of decoration inside, prices are often lower than those set for secondary housing. Most expensive are apartments in new houses with a ready repair. Remoteness from public transport and metro stations is essential. The combination of conditions in one way or another allows you to make the right choice.



Life rating in Novosibirsk is formed depending on many factors. The city does not have a favorable and warm climate. In winter, frosts can reach -40 ° C; in summer, torrential rains often pour. If you are prone to depression, this city is not up to par. Visitors from time to time complain of the gloom and dullness of Novosibirsk, as dense dust is added to the twilight weather on city streets.

City development is being implemented in accordance with a clear plan. Today, in the process of building a new house or residential complex, playgrounds for children are organized. By the way, according to the improvement program, playgrounds are installed in older courtyards.

Cultural life

The cultural life of Novosibirsk is quite saturated. Each district has a network of entertainment and shopping centers, several cinemas. The cost of a movie ticket is from 120 rubles, which every citizen can afford. There are many opportunities in Novosibirsk to relax culturally. One of the main attractions of the city is the Opera and Ballet Theater. Classical music lovers visit the Philharmonic. Parents take their children to the planetarium and zoo. There are several museums in the city, among which are both classical and unusual, for example, the Museum of the Sun.


Life in Novosibirsk, according to people who have moved, is distinguished by a variety of entertainment and a rich cultural component. These words are confirmed by the following figures: 9 theaters operate on a professional level in the city (in addition, numerous amateur groups carry out creative activities), 14 museums, one of the largest zoos in Russia - the Novosibirsk Zoo, a water park and a planetarium - is waiting for guests. In various areas, 8 recreation parks are quite comfortable. Judging by the reviews of life in Novosibirsk, they are the favorite places of those who like leisurely walks with pets or children, a relaxing holiday filled with harmony. Nature is beautiful!

The nightlife of Novosibirsk does not stand still. There are many bars and clubs open for party-goers, various concerts and festivals are organized. The architectural component is of great interest. It is worth noting that citizens call the Opera and Ballet Theater the Siberian Coliseum. The Globus Theater is a sailboat, and the Puppet Theater has no analogues to compare.

Religion and Education

Religious life in Novosibirsk is rich in denominations - representatives of almost all world religions can find a place to pray here. Together with traditional Christian churches, several mosques, a Buddhist temple and a synagogue were erected in the city.

There are good prospects for young people. According to reviews of life in Novosibirsk, local universities provide a satisfactory classical education. There is a good base for teaching specialties of modern importance.

The educational sphere is attractive for both Russian and foreign students. By the way, judging by statistics, the number of the latter is steadily increasing. Feedback on secondary education is positive. In educational institutions of Novosibirsk, modern technologies are actively used in the learning process, while many regions are still striving for this. Children can choose additional education in the houses of creativity - the city does not lack them.



Relocation will open new horizons for travelers - life in the city of Novosibirsk is full of positive moments. Remoteness from Moscow, of course, involves financial costs for those who want to go to the resort or see Europe. However, it should be remembered that Siberia also has its advantages. In the Novosibirsk region and surrounding areas there are many natural attractions.

For lovers of domestic architecture in terms of architecture and budget travelers, we recommend a trip to Tomsk. However, the main advantage is the proximity of the Altai Territory. Having gone there only once, you will definitely want to return - this is a real paradise for adventurers and tourists with backpacks behind their backs. People with larger amounts of money can go to Lake Baikal. It is worth noting that the flight to the nearest Ulan-Ude or Irkutsk will take about 3-4 hours by direct flight.

Disadvantages of life


We examined the main aspects and advantages of living in Novosibirsk. Each city has its drawbacks: many consider housing prices to be too high. Of course, difficulties should not arise in finding a room or apartment: housing is actively renting out - there is a huge choice, but nevertheless, prices sometimes seem incommensurably high compared to salaries.

Problems may arise for those who move to Novosibirsk at the beginning of the school year. The fact is that during this period profitable options are sorted out in a matter of minutes, however, as in other big cities. People who want to buy an apartment often come across so-called Moscow prices. Currently, renting a one-room apartment in the city center, with a good repair, costs about 30, 000 rubles a month. You can find, as noted above, cheaper housing in the region of 10, 000 rubles. Moving alone, even this amount often seems unbearable, and if you add expensive utilities, the situation becomes even worse.

The climate in Novosibirsk is sharply continental. The meaning of the concept “sharply” to the indigenous resident of the city can not be explained. In winter, severe frosts reign here for three months. It is incredible that in the summer, the capital of Siberia, on the contrary, often turns into hellish hell. Of course, you can get used to this, but in winter, when the temperature drops below -30 ° C, climatic conditions seem simply unbearable.

The ecological situation here is not catastrophic, but far from desirable. The main source of air pollution by harmful substances is transport. It should be clarified that the share of emissions from this category of transport is about 65% of the total. The Ob river is considered the main source of water supply for the city. So, with its sudden and at the same time significant pollution, the capital of Siberia will remain without water. Despite the fact that most enterprises working with radioactive sources have ceased to function, but in Novosibirsk there are still zones with radioactive pollution of the natural environment. Many of these territories are located in the Kalinin district, where a chemical concentrate plant operates.

Forests are considered to be the natural savior of the city, surrounded by a ring on all sides. The greenest area (according to statistics, and according to reviews about Novosibirsk) is Zaeltsovsky.

It should be noted that the conditions for car drivers in the city are extremely unfavorable. Novosibirsk was built up quite rapidly, and in a chaotic manner. Then there was no thought that in almost every family there would be a car. Today, during peak hours, the capital of Siberia freezes in traffic jams. The situation is aggravated by the fact that there are no organized parking lots. Moreover, the condition of the roads is unsatisfactory and leaves much to be desired. It is important to note the low-quality work of public utilities. Often in the city you can come across such an “interesting” phenomenon as the failure of a car underground. And the situation with fountains of boiling water coming out from under the broken asphalt, to this day disappoint with its stability.

Reviews of the city reflect its most important problems, such as the sphere of preschool education and healthcare. If things are so-so with medicine, then the problem with registration in kindergarten is obvious. In budgetary preschool institutions, you need to apply for at least a year, but sometimes children are accepted into dating groups. Due to the acute shortage of caregivers during employment in kindergartens, places for staff children are usually found, but the salaries of employees leave much to be desired.

Life expectancy in Novosibirsk

It is interesting to note that in the Novosibirsk region, according to statistics, citizens live up to 70.86 years. At the same time, the age of men reaches 65.08 years, women - 76.60. The difference is 11.52 years.

Until 2024, the average life expectancy in Novosibirsk should increase to 70 years, and by 2030 - to 80 years. According to Governor Andrei Travnikov, this will happen thanks to the implementation of a strategy called Siberian Leadership.

Ways to improve quality of life


The regional government intends to make progress in critical areas over the next 6 years. Thus, the gross product by 2024 will grow by 1.5 times, that is, up to 1 trillion 970 billion rubles. The revenues of the consolidated budget of the Novosibirsk Region over the next 3 years will amount to no less than 544 billion rubles, and in 2022-2024 they will increase to 697 billion.

The tools through which it is planned to improve regional life in terms of quality were discussed at the forum "Socio-Economic Partnership-2019. Siberian Leadership: Action Strategy". According to the governor, in order for regions to develop in accordance with the innovation scenario, Novosibirsk should lead in the implementation of national projects.

It is about the formation of social infrastructure. So, by the end of 2024 at least 570 objects will be built in the region: kindergartens, schools, feldsher-obstetric centers, clinics, cultural institutions and sports grounds. About 350 more constructions and buildings are planned to be overhauled and reconstructed.