
The life path of the actor Valery Filatov, filmography and interesting facts

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The life path of the actor Valery Filatov, filmography and interesting facts
The life path of the actor Valery Filatov, filmography and interesting facts

Video: Kygo, Valerie Broussard - Think About You (Official Video) 2024, July

Video: Kygo, Valerie Broussard - Think About You (Official Video) 2024, July

Filatov Valery Nikolaevich - a wonderful Soviet actor and just a wonderful person. What is known about this person? How was his life? What did he manage to achieve? The biography of Valery Filatov is presented to your attention in the article.

early years

November 22, 1946. It was on this day that Valery Nikolayevich Filatov was born. In the postwar years, people lived extremely hard, but still found the strength to continue life and equip their homeland. The parents of little Valera lived in Belarus, which is the birthplace of the future actor. Like many children of that time, the boy quickly matured. From early childhood, he helped his parents, who did not cherish souls in his little son. In his youth, the boy began to develop artistic abilities, and he immediately tried to show them to others. Both family and friends happily watched the reincarnation of a talented boy.

In his school years, Valera also continued to "hone his skills." A mischievous and funny boy was a real favorite among classmates. Despite this, the future celebrity liked and studied. He did not highlight any subjects, but simply enjoyed being in the classroom. After all, his parents paid special attention to the successes of their son.

The boy wanted to grow up quickly and become an artist. But for this it was necessary to get an acting education. To fulfill a dream, a young man has to work on talent.



Young Valery, a recent graduate of the school, understood: getting a further profession is simply necessary. With what to connect his future, he knew in advance. The Belarusian Theater and Art Institute is exactly the place where the guy wanted to go. Hardworking and responsible, he achieved his goals. Teachers predicted a successful student a great career. However, neither they, nor Filatov himself knew how everything would turn out. And in 1970, training ends, and in the hands of Filatov is a diploma of acting education. Ahead - a successful career, many offers from famous directors and, of course, characteristic roles. But so thought Valery himself, who did not yet know what was really awaiting him.


Theatrical work

Actor Valery Filatov, whose age was still very young, began his career in the theater almost immediately after graduation. Throughout his life, he managed to play on the stages of several theaters. Among them - the National Academic Theater named after Yanka Kupala, the National Academic Drama Theater. M. Gorky. As an addition to the list, you can also include the Mogilev Regional Drama and Comedy Theater named after Dunin-Martsinkevich and the Brest Academic Drama Theater. In the latter, the actor was delayed for two years. But Filatov played his most prominent and outstanding roles in the theater. Yankees Kupala. Of the most famous productions, it is worth highlighting The Inspector General according to Nikolai Gogol, the Shakespearean Tempest, Tartuffe, or the Deceiver, written by Moliere. And for participating in the performance "Private" Filatov is awarded the USSR State Prize, which he received in 1985.

The man liked to play on the stage, but he wanted something more. He dreamed about cinema, wanting to act in films more than in productions. The actor also did not want to leave the theater and tried to find a kind of compromise.


Career in cinema

The first film with Valery Filatov was released in 1970. In the film, called the "Master", the actor did not receive a central role. And in general it is difficult to call this character at least more or less noticeable. But despite this, he decided to continue his career and achieve high results. A more prominent role was expected by Valery Nikolaevich in 1975, when he was chosen from hundreds of candidates. In the melodrama "The Last Victim", he played the role of Luke Dergachev. After this, the career of the actor rapidly rose up. Famous directors saw Filatov's endless talent and tried to invite him to their projects. However, he carefully studied the roles offered to him and only after that decided whether to agree to participate in films or not. For three decades, Valery Nikolaevich delighted the audience with his appearance in the best films of the time.

Further roles only convinced the directors and viewers that Valery had talent, and it was growing rapidly. In the actor’s career, the 80s are marked by an unprecedented take-off after the release of such films as “Let's Get Married” and “White Dew”. These films are loved by a huge number of people who are still happy to watch them. Also at this time, the notorious films "The Case for Real Men" and "Personal Interest" are being shot. Spectators of different ages enthusiastically watched the plot twists and ups and downs in the lives of the characters. The central roles again did not go to Valery, but he most likely did not seek to get them. It was an unforgettable pleasure for him to be in the frame, to speak some lines from the script and show his game. And the secondary role or the main one did not matter to him.

In the 90s, Filatov continued to act in films of various genres. Among them stand out dramas and action films. Film critics believe that it is in such films that the actor’s talent is presented to the maximum. Although films of this period were not particularly successful, Filatov did his best during the performance of his roles.



For talent and a variety of roles, Filatov receives, perhaps, one of the most honorary titles in the life of any actor. In 1996, Valery Nikolaevich became a People's Artist. Such a prize was granted to him by his native Belarus. Of course, this event was important to him. Filatov Valery Nikolaevich - an actor who devotes himself entirely to cinema and fans, eager for new roles. The award languished in anticipation when it will be presented to a truly talented actor. And now, for the 50th anniversary, Filatov finally receives the long-awaited well-deserved title.

Personal life

For a long time, Valery Filatov, films with the participation of which found his viewer, carefully guarded his loved ones from public attention. He believed that personal life should remain so always. Although Filatov was a public man, he never wanted to bring his family to publicity. Valery has always been considered an exemplary family man and has never been seen in suspicious and incriminating stories.


Last years

Valery Filatov is an actor who until his final days continued to appear on the screen. One of the latest projects is the 1996 drama "Son for Father" and the detective "Running from Death", released in 1997. The year 2000 was marked by the release of the episode of the series "Kamenskaya", in which the actor took part. The broadcast of the series on television was launched after the death of Filatov. Thus, this project was the final in the life and career of Valery Nikolaevich. During his short life, the actor played in four dozen films and series. Having passed away in the 52nd year, he left a considerable mark in the cinema.
