
Life status: what is it for?

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Life status: what is it for?
Life status: what is it for?

Video: Best whatsapp status about life || Life status || Best life quotes || Best words about life 2024, July

Video: Best whatsapp status about life || Life status || Best life quotes || Best words about life 2024, July

There is no such person who does not have his motto. In some it is life-affirming, optimistic, in others it is aching and pessimistic. Someone sees his life as helping others, and someone, on the contrary, raves everything to himself and envies everything. A person’s life is nevertheless connected with what status he has chosen, which means what he aspires to.


Now on the Internet you can read many statuses. People read them, some fall into the soul. On their social pages they save and publish particularly liked expressions. Maybe they don’t give themselves a report in this, but it is these mottos that determine their position in life.

Life status


Such statements are often philosophical. After reading the life status of a person, much can be understood about him.

For example: "The road will be overpowered by the walking one." Such a status could be chosen by a person who, despite all doubts, still continues to achieve his goal. Step by step, he will move, no matter what. Most often, such people do not fly high, and they don’t have such ambitions, but they always achieve their goals. The same people like to say: "Water grinds a stone."

The life status of a person who does not conceal insults, but solves his own problems instead, sounds something like this: "Everyone thinks to the extent of his depravity" or "Only the wretched are offended."

People who are active, inventive in achieving goals, leading themselves, often prefer such a status of life: “Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne!”; “Whoever wants to do something will see a thousand possibilities, and who does not want to, will come up with a thousand reasons!”

Life statuses with meaning


Such statuses can be called the most wise. Such statuses provide food to the brain and develop a person as a person.

For example: "When the student is ready, the teacher comes." It means that until a person wants to get some knowledge himself, to teach him something is useless. But when a person really wants to get some knowledge, there will immediately be someone who will give it to him.

“You can’t go back in time to change your start, but you can always start now to change the finish!” It’s so simple, to start all over again, at any time. And at 50, you can build a new family, a house, go in for sports or change your profession.

“Not the wise one who knows a lot, but the one who knows what is needed” - as it is said for sure! There are so many know-it-alls that look like a walking encyclopedia, but there is no sense in this either by themselves or by those who expect to benefit from them.

Life statuses about life

Such statuses on how to live in order to make a career, to be rich, happy, loved, in general, how to live right. Sometimes such statuses look cool, because with the humor of our people everything is in order.


For example: “I miss my past, I hate my present and I am afraid of my future …”. But the truth is, most Russians live like that, but it would be the other way around. To gratefully relate to the past, enjoy the present and dream with enthusiasm about the future.

"Life will show who lies with whom." As aptly said. Who knows what, the main thing is actions.

"This is not a man who has become so bad, it's just that you thought about him better than he really was." This status is relevant for many. Many trusted someone, but were deceived or betrayed. Just a man was judged by himself, but he turned out to be different.

“Learn to find a reason for joy in life - this is the best way to attract happiness.” This is the most important thing in life - to be happy every day. Always find a reason for joy, peace of mind and happiness, because “tomorrow” may not come.

“It doesn’t matter with whom you spend your time, but it is important who you remember when you are alone.” But the truth is precisely about the one you love, and you think first of all. And it doesn’t matter that you can’t be with him, that he doesn’t love you, and you have to live with someone else, you think about him, and that’s it.

"They were made for each other, but they were dumb in a terrible way." Probably many people are familiar with this situation. Endless showdown. And they cannot run away, and they do not live together.

Love is the most important component of a happy life. How often do we complicate things, and many life statuses are what this is all about. All profiles on social networks are full of them, but, understanding everything, we continue to "stupid."

Beautiful life statuses

Such statuses are most often in poems, and they say about feelings, about love. For example: “We often love those who do not need us, and meeting only with them is always important to us. And next to you there is another who thinks about us, and we who love him keep everything in reserve. ”

Even some of the verses can be attributed to a beautiful status.