
The journalist visited the Bolivian tribe, whose residents, according to studies, have surprisingly healthy hearts: his impressions

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The journalist visited the Bolivian tribe, whose residents, according to studies, have surprisingly healthy hearts: his impressions
The journalist visited the Bolivian tribe, whose residents, according to studies, have surprisingly healthy hearts: his impressions

Video: Reading Explorer 2 Audio CDs 2024, June

Video: Reading Explorer 2 Audio CDs 2024, June

A few years ago, CNN journalist and medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta found out about a tribe living in the Amazon rainforest. Tsimans (as the inhabitants of this tribe are called) have almost no signs of heart disease. Previously, the Japanese were considered the owners of the healthiest hearts, but now their title passed to the inhabitants of this Bolivian tribe. Sanjay went to South America to find out the secret of healthy hearts.


Hard road

Getting to the Qimane tribe's habitat is not easy. After arriving in La Paz, Sanjay and his team had to transfer to a propeller plane, which took them to the town of Rurrenabake, which stretches along the Beni River. Then they had to make their way through the jungle on SUVs, and then canoe down the Amazon. When the sun was already setting, the team came across a small village on the banks of the river. The research team set up a campground in the center of the village and began to live like a cyan.


How do cyman live?

Tsimans live in thatched huts, which do not provide electricity and even basic modern amenities. When Sanjay Gupta took a tablet from his backpack, the tribe residents looked at him for a long time and in surprise, not understanding what was happening.

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Women of the tribe go daily in the jungle in search of food, men go fishing, and children prefer to drive football. Then Sanjay and his colleagues had already approximately guessed the formula of healthy hearts - diet, activity, rest.


Special diet

Before the trip, Sanjay Gupta did some research and suggested that 65% of the diet of cyman is meat. In fact, the basis of their diet is not protein, but carbohydrate food - bananas, rice, cassava, rice, corn. They account for up to 70% of the diet. Another 15% are fats and proteins. This diet is due solely to living conditions in the jungle. Hunting is not always successful, and agricultural food is more stable, there are almost never any problems with it.


Considering that there are practically no civilization benefits in cymene, it is logical that their food is almost not processed. They do not add salt and sugar to food. There are two times more fiber in a cyan diet than in a standard American or European diet. Also in their usual products there is a lot of selenium, potassium and magnesium. And due to lack of food, the tribe periodically practices starvation.

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For most of the wakefulness period, cyman spend on the move or standing. This is not surprising, because their main activities are gathering and hunting. But all this happens at a fairly measured slow pace. So, hunters can spend hours walking in the jungle, tracking down prey. This can take several hours, or even a whole day. Women and children are involved in agriculture, their work also proceeds at a rather slow pace.


Each representative of cyman from small to large passes almost 17, 000 steps daily. It turns out that they are constantly active, but in moderation. In the language of doctors, this is a moderate cardiac load, which is recommended to maintain normal heart function. Gypsies practically do not sit during the day, but they do not overwork.



While living in the village with tsimane, Sanjay Gupta also got an idea of ​​how the representatives of the tribe rest. It was quite expected that their schedule is fully consistent with natural rhythms. So, as soon as the sun sets over the horizon, people scatter around their huts, and after half an hour, peaceful sniffing and snoring of sleeping cymans are spread throughout the village. This indicates that they do not have any sleep disorders - they fall asleep quickly and deeply. And all because they do not have televisions, smartphones and tablets that they could devote time in the evenings. Nothing distracts them from sleep. As soon as the horizon begins to dawn, and in the distance the first cries of roosters are heard, the Tsimane camp comes to life again. By around 9:00 a.m. everyone is already doing their direct duties — men fishing or hunting, women gathering food in the forest or cultivating gardens, and the children play football.

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Social life

Sanjay Gupta did not disregard the social life of Tsimane. They constantly chat with each other both on business and without much reason. They laugh a lot. Cymans are very positive and do not feel lonely. It also has a positive effect on the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Here the so-called Roseto effect is triggered. It implies that healthy social relationships weaken the effect of negative factors on overall well-being. Roseto is an Italian town. Researchers once noticed that its inhabitants live longer and suffer less than in neighboring towns. It turned out that the reason is not in nutrition and not in genetics, but in social ties. Local residents often go to visit each other, constantly chatting on the streets, and most importantly - everyone behaves on an equal footing with each other.



Another unexpected factor in good health in cyman is parasites. Almost all the inhabitants of the tribe are infected with giardia, roundworms, hookworms. Despite the fact that this sounds unpleasant and strange, for centuries people have been infected with parasites and have not fought with them in any way. That is, it is quite natural. Researchers believe that it is parasites that help people living in the Amazonian environment to regulate the immune system, protecting against chronic diseases (including heart problems). Of course, this does not mean that you need to urgently become infected with parasites. You just need to stop being afraid of dirt and create sterile conditions for yourself.