
The meaning of the name Clementius: interpretation, origin and mystery

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The meaning of the name Clementius: interpretation, origin and mystery
The meaning of the name Clementius: interpretation, origin and mystery

Video: Audiobook Complete Nazarene Acts of the Apostles Part 1 2024, July

Video: Audiobook Complete Nazarene Acts of the Apostles Part 1 2024, July

As the heroes of the old children's cartoon said: "As you name the boat, so it will float." The proof of this was the fact that naming his yacht “Trouble”, her crew constantly got into all kinds of troubles.

But it’s one thing to choose the name of the type of transport or building, and it’s quite another to name the child, because the name given to him can determine his whole future destiny. So before deciding what to name your baby, you must first study the history, features and origin of the chosen name.

Today, the tendency to call children by old names is becoming relevant again. One of them is Clementius. The meaning of the name, character and fate of the child are determined by certain historical circumstances. To avoid unpleasant surprises in the future, parents who opted for this name should carefully study all the information about him.

Clementius: the meaning of the name

The name Clementius (Klim, Clement) came to the Slavic languages ​​for a long time. Today it is difficult to determine in which language it appeared before: in Greek or Latin.


In the language of the proud Hellenes, the meaning of the name Clementius is “vine”. But the invincible Romans in the speech had the word "Clemens", meaning "merciful / merciful." It is believed that it was from this word that the name Clementius and its various variants in the Slavic and other languages ​​of the world came from.

Origin of the name Clementius (short forms Clement, Klim)

Despite the Latin-Greek origin and meaning of the name Clementius, it came to the Slavs together with Christianity and quickly spread, becoming popular. However, pretty soon, instead of the long name, Clementius began to use its abbreviated forms - Klim or Clement.

The appearance and distribution of this name among the Slavs is associated with St. Clement. This man is widely revered among both Catholics and Orthodox. Being one of the most active distributors of Christianity in the Roman Empire, he became objectionable to the official authorities, and to stop him, Clement was exiled to the possession of Rome near the Black Sea.


However, this did not stop the saint, and he continued his educational activities. So it was ordered to kill him. Having died a martyrdom, Saint Clement was buried in Chersonesos. Over time, canonized. With the collapse of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity, the relics of Clement were divided. Some of them were sent to Rome, while the other was left in Russia and transported to the Kiev Tithe Church.

Since the time of Yaroslav the Wise, St. Clementius was revered as the first intercessor of Russia, churches were opened in his honor and, of course, children were called. And not only boys, since a female version of this name appeared quite quickly - Klimentin (Clementine).

Name of Clementius: the meaning of the name and fate

From early childhood, the boys bearing the name of Clementius and its abbreviated versions are rather calm personalities, even slightly phlegmatic. Despite a flexible mind and a well-developed fantasy, the school of Clementia most often study medium or generally poor. It's all about the lack of motivation. If parents from the very beginning of their studies will check and control the successes of their child, Klimentiy can even become an excellent student and achieve much.


The main "trump card" of people who bear this name is the ability to think calmly and intently. It helps Clementia cope well with mathematics and other exact sciences. Therefore, among the people who bear this name, there are many scientists, engineers and physicians.


It is worth noting that the great importance of the name Clementius for a boy who decided to devote himself to sports. Since people with this name have excellent inclinations for this activity, they allow Clementia to achieve high sports achievements, as well as become excellent coaches.


Despite the responsive nature, sometimes Clementius often seems to be callous, superficial and incapable of deep, real feelings. But this is not so. Finding his soul mate, he is capable of the most sincere and faithful love that will not fade over many years.

Clementia is not peculiar to cunning. Most often, such people are trusting, sincere. They are ready to give the last for the good of a loved one. Unfortunately, friends and relatives are not always able to appreciate the victims of Clementius. So the one who bears this name quite often becomes disappointed in people and with a huge circle of acquaintances, Clementius has not so many real friends.

Another pronounced character trait of Clementius is a heightened sense of duty. Therefore, most of them are constantly torn between duties and their desires, as a result, it is not easy for them to build a personal life. So, calling your baby so you should remember what is the meaning of the name Clementius for the boy and the fate that it can predetermine him.

Love and family relations Klimentiev

Guys with this name get married quite late. Being essentially maximalists, they prefer marriage for love. In their opinion, the spouse is obliged to love, understand, support her husband and fully share his interests. And it’s not easy for Clementia to find such a life partner.


In the process of finding the ideal wife, Clementius is even able to divorce several times if he sees that the second half does not meet his high requirements. However, due to a heightened sense of duty, the decision to divorce is very painful and not easy for him. So, having divorced, he will come to his senses for a long time.

Clementius rarely develops harmonious and strong relationships with girls named Anna, Valentina, Daria, Larisa, Margarita and Barbara.

But Nina, Natalya, Lada, Ada, Lydia and Anfisa will be excellent companions in family life for Clementius.

Clement Health

Having decided to call their child so, parents should also consider the importance of the name Clementius for the child in terms of health.


People with him are quite energetic and have a strong nervous system. The weak point of Klimentiev, as a rule, is vision and stomach. With a sedentary lifestyle, problems with the musculoskeletal system are possible. Observing a healthy lifestyle, people with this name are able to surprise others with their longevity and good shape.

Talismans and secrets of the name of Clementius

Like all names, Clementius has its own special secrets. For example, the meaning of the name Clementius and its influence on the character of a person, the so-called, largely depends on the time of year in which he was born.

“Summer” Clementius is a good-natured altruist, ready to give away his last shirt. “Autumn”, on the contrary, is focused and not inclined to spend its time, resources and attention on people uninteresting for it.

Clementia, born in the winter, may have a tendency to alcoholism, but in the presence of a favorite cause is able to avoid this vice. And the "spring" Clementius is an amateur inventing something, a dreamer and a dreamer. However, sometimes this quality prevents him from achieving serious success in his chosen field.

The Klimentiev mascot stone is chrysolite, the flower is gladiolus, the tree is maple, and the totem animal is a falcon. The color for the boy with this name is purple, and the patron planet is Mars.

Name Day Clementia

According to church tradition, Clementius has several name days. First of all, this, of course, is the eighth of December, popularly called "Klimentyev Day".

Also, all Clementias can celebrate the birthday of January 17, February 5, May 5 and 17, August 9 and September 23.