the culture

The meaning of the saying "Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne"

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The meaning of the saying "Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne"
The meaning of the saying "Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne"

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The well-known proverb “Who does not risk, does not drink champagne” opens in an article before the reader: exposes his meaning, reveals his “brothers” and “sisters”, shows himself in action and proves that it was invented for a reason. That is, we will discuss what the above phrase means, and also give new ones that are similar in meaning and meaning to the expression.


Proverbs and sayings

Surely many have heard a variety of well-aimed expressions from their relatives, friends or just acquaintances. When asked about who said this, they most often answer that it is a proverb or saying. What is it and where did these concepts come from?

A proverb is a saying coined by people (in most cases, one author simply does not exist) and containing a certain meaning that needs to be conveyed to the listener. It’s like a quote, in a more modern language, the only difference is that, firstly, the proverb does not have a specific person who expressed their thoughts, and secondly, it has a deeper implication, which, among other things, is conveyed multiple, but substantial.

A proverb is roughly the same as a proverb, unless it is sometimes more blurry and abstract.

The proverb “Who does not take risks, does not drink champagne” has firmly entered our life. It is used almost universally, because it approaches really many things because of its meaning and deep meaning. It can be used both in complex, complicated situations, and with little thought. In general, it will be “in the subject” in any case, when it comes to any choice. Most often if you have to decide on a particular step.



So, now we will take a closer look at the expression “Who does not take risks, does not drink champagne.” The meaning of the saying is: to get a reward (“champagne”), to win, to achieve something in life, you need to take risks, otherwise someone else will take the prize (the contents of the glass will drink).

Let’s take an example. Moreover, literally. The situation is …

A man sits for the third day in prison without food and water. If without the first one you can hold out for several weeks, then without drinking people are able to live only about three days. One fine day, the steel door that blocked the path to freedom opens, inviting the person to go free. But not everything is so simple: as soon as the man approached the coveted exit, he saw that he was standing over a deep moat. On the opposite side is a barrel, near it is a table and a glass. And between that side and the place where the person is, there is only a thin block board along which you need to go to get to the opposite shore.

In the barrel - champagne. If a man reaches his goal, risking his own life, he will get drunk and survive. If he doesn’t even try, he will die from dehydration. So it turns out that who does not risk, he does not drink champagne. Literally.


In general, they drink champagne when a solemn, bright event occurs. The conclusion follows that only risk-takers enjoy this drink: brave, courageous, brave personalities. That is why champagne is used in the proverb, not wine or water.

The value of risk in our lives

Of course, such a serious choice is provided quite rarely, and moreover, human life does not so often depend on champagne. But the essence is nevertheless clear.

Taking risks is crucial. If you are afraid to do something, you can miss your unique chance, since fate rarely repeats its generous offers. Yes, risk often borders on recklessness, but it is sometimes very useful to be decisive. It’s more complicated with stupidity, but nevertheless, for example, a person can guess not to go into the mouth of a dragon for a couple of gold coins (a fantastic theoretical example). Because this is not a risk - this is stupidity, and nothing good will come of such an undertaking.
