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62-year-old Andrei Urgant broke up with his young wife

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62-year-old Andrei Urgant broke up with his young wife
62-year-old Andrei Urgant broke up with his young wife

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For a fairly long time, fans of Andrei Urgant believed that the actor was happy in a relationship with Elena Romanova. Recently, the girl announced her pregnancy, posting confirming photos on the Network. However, the popular actor denied his paternity. We find out what Elena says about this.

A meeting

Andrei Urgant was married more than once. From his first marriage, his son Ivan was born, from his second marriage, his daughter Maria. The actor currently has four grandchildren.

However, a few years ago, he planned to become a father again. The life of Andrei Lvovich with his young wife quite allowed such a development of events.

Acquaintance with the fourth wife took place when the girl was young enough. At the age of 15, Elena played a small role in the Big Wash program. It was on the set that she saw the actor for the first time. However, as her husband later recalled, she did not consider for herself a relationship with a man older than her father. He also claimed that he was not avid for young people.



The second meeting took place at the university, where Andrei Lvovich lectured. So their romance ensued. Being married, Elena jokingly told the press that she was interested in the son of a famous actor. But since Ivan Urgant was happy at that time in marriage, the girl had no choice but to choose a star father. Whether there is at least some truth in this statement is still unknown. However, Ivan avoids stepmother and rarely communicates with her.


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