
Abramov Evgeny Aleksandrovich, Quantum System: biography, state

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Abramov Evgeny Aleksandrovich, Quantum System: biography, state
Abramov Evgeny Aleksandrovich, Quantum System: biography, state

Internet business today is one of the most profitable and at the same time risky activities. One of the most controversial projects on the Internet is considered to be the Quantum System. Its founder, Evgeny Abramov, made a fortune on this and even got on the Forbes lists! Or not? Let’s figure out where the truth is and where the lie is …

Who is Evgeny Abramov?


This very mysterious person became known in the vast network in 2014. It was then that the presentation of Abramov’s project called the Quantum System took place. He is the CEO and founder of the project. Before creating his own business, Evgeny Aleksandrovich Abramov worked at a large Moscow investment firm. His responsibilities included monitoring the assets of many well-known investors. The Russian billionaire Yevgeny Abramov developed the Quantum System program with a team of technical geniuses from all over Russia, and as soon as it began to bring real profit, he immediately quit his main job. Together with the guys from the technical team, Eugene founded his company Quantum System Management.

Motivation Abramova

While working in a Moscow company, he had already begun research to create his own program, as he passionately wanted to provide a comfortable life for his family, as well as help ordinary people earn decent money. Every day he watched a picture of how many colleagues and bosses stuffed pockets with stolen money, so he set out to get out of this vicious circle and start a new life.


In his presentation video, Eugene stands on the helipad in an expensive suit and coat and directly declares that he is "exactly the guy you can find on the Forbes list." Nevertheless, the biography of Yevgeny Abramov remains a mystery to us, since nowhere else, except for the presentation video, is this person featured. He also states that he is known in Russia as “The Russian Wolf from Wall Street” and “The Fastest Millionaire”. Where it is known, in what circles and to what people - also remains a mystery …

The sensational video presentation

This project was created by Abramov himself, and in the presentation he generously presents the naive viewer with information about his personal helicopter, his many travels and his love of money. After the spectator’s appetite is fueled by dreams of wealth and freedom, Abramov immediately focuses on what he earns exceptionally honestly, and considers millionaire bandits to be pathetic scammers. Eugene calls himself a philanthropist and claims to be actively involved in charity work. Whether this is true or not is impossible to verify, and the businessman does not attach any evidence of his words. He lists practically every point his achievements in this area, such as helping hospitals and orphans. Of course, a compassionate viewer who is not alien to financial difficulties, willy-nilly permeates trust and sympathy for the speaker.

We analyze what we saw

After a convincing entry, Eugene proceeds to the point. He explains that in his project he helps ordinary people make big money. On the Quantum System website, we do see profiles of people with pretty impressive bills from $ 10, 000, but are they real? Further, the man offers us to go to the office of Quantum System Management, and in no other way than to get there by personal helicopter, of course. Here, the millionaire Yevgeny Abramov masterfully handles the female audience, giving maximum respect to his assistant Anna. He gallantly helps her climb into the helicopter and talks to her extremely courteously.


When the female audience is won, Abramov starts advertising his own project. Inadvertently, he demonstrates his brand-new laptop from Apple and shows us a file with the names and accounts of Quantum System employees, and the document looks like an ordinary Excel file, which any of us can make up if we wish, using only imagination and patience. Suddenly - oh, a miracle! - Eugene receives an enthusiastic message from one of the project participants who has just earned $ 8, 000. A businessman is reading a message, practically not looking at the laptop screen, as if he had memorized it beforehand. Eugene immediately clarifies that this person does not have any special education, he is not smarter than us and he does not come from a wealthy family. That is, absolutely everyone will be happy in the Quantum System project.

There are a lot of such psychological tricks throughout the video: a demonstration of the material benefits of millionaire Yevgeny Abramov, a friendly and absolutely happy team in the office, respect for each other, and all the things that ordinary hard workers most often are deprived of. Interestingly, very often the participants in the video use the words “rich” and “free”, which also, of course, should have a certain impact on the viewer. Maybe this is really an extremely thought-out advertisement of a real project, or maybe another fraud and an attempt to play on the hopelessness of the situation of many residents of the country …

What is a Quantum System?

This is a whole system for trading on the stock exchanges, which works faster than everyone else, money is constantly transferred to the accounts of participants. It is for this reason that the project was called "quantum." Before the official presentation of the project by Evgeny Abramov, we could read about it in economic journals, but rich people rarely share their secrets, so for a long time the quantum miracle system remained in the shadows …


How does this work? Instead of studying the financial market 12 hours a day and trying to predict the future course of events, Eugene suggests that we rely on a program that works according to an exact formula that never fails. The project works on innovative software, thanks to which you can forget about the study of trading, binary options and economic algorithms. 100% success is also ensured by full automation and the absence of a human factor that increases the chance of error.

Company Achievements

The program appeared in 2006 and since then has already brought in more than $ 1 billion in profit. A team of scientists has been working on new developments for 10 years, and the latest, eighth version of the Quantum System program was released in January 2017. The program algorithms are constantly updated, adapting to the intricacies of the exchange. Releasing another grand update, the company recruits 20 volunteers for testing, who get absolutely free beta version and all the money earned. In the video about "Quantum Systems" by Evgeny Abramov, the reviews are shown exclusively enthusiastic.

Quantum System Algorithm

This system, as mentioned earlier, works on quantum computing. She analyzes the markets and makes purchase or sale transactions before any person or company does it. Thus, its advantage is the speed of performing all necessary calculations. The system works for all markets and can be used in any country.

After authorization in the program, the user needs to attach a credit card to the page, on whose account must be at least $ 250, then you need to press the program activation button, and she will automatically search for the most profitable deals and make a profit on autopilot. According to the developers, the Quantum System program literally predicts market events 60 seconds ahead, therefore it makes the most profitable deals. Abramov promises that on the first day of trading, the account can bring about $ 1700 in just an hour.

System reviews

If at first the project caused a stir and excitement, then gradually potential business candidates began to wonder if everything was as good as Abramov says. The first thing that catches your eye is a frank deception about free registration. Yes, the “Personal Account” itself is created for free, but in order for the program to work, a mandatory investment of $ 250 is required, and this is a considerable amount. On the other hand, everyone knows that without investments, there can be no talk of any earnings, especially when it comes to the exchange.


The reviews of "Quantum Systems" by Yevgeny Abramov earned contradictory, people talk about how they began to earn from $ 1, 500 to $ 3, 000 a week. Basically, according to numerous reviews, the Quantum System is another organization of scammers who breed money for money, playing on their sense of hopelessness and a desperate desire to somehow improve their financial situation. Moreover, the scale of deception reaches the point of absurdity: the name of director Abramov clearly echoes the oligarch known to us, who is really listed on the Forbes list. By the way, Evgeny Abramov is not in it.

Beware of scammers

So, starting to test the program, the user is redirected to the account activation page, which costs only 90 p. It would seem that the amount is small, although the organizers promised us earnings without any investments. For payment, we are redirected to the e-pay service, and here something interesting is discovered. If we break through the catalog props that we are asked to transfer money to, the owner is a certain Roman Korolev, to whose account not only the Quantum System of Evgeny Abramov is tied, but also a few frankly fraudulent projects.


After paying the fee, we are again redirected to the main page of the project, where the user needs to go through registration and, attention, choose a favorable tariff. That is, the user again needs to pay money for the project. The contribution is democratic: 180, 260 and 390 rubles for the VIP package, which includes unlimited daily income, a video course on working with the program and all kinds of consultation methods. The form of payment and details are the same. What does the user get in the end?

After payment of all fees, we are redirected to a regular cloud on the Mail.ru website, where they offer to download several binary options trading trainings, as well as a Forex robot. Nothing that was promised in the video is provided to the user.

The truth about binary options

There are some areas where an ordinary user should not meditate at all, since there is either no money there, or you need to have certain knowledge in order to earn it. First of all, these are binary options. The usual affiliate program works under which the sponsor receives 300 rubles. for each invitee who refilled the account. Further, the sponsor receives a certain percentage of the amount of money lost by you.
