
Afanasyeva Elena Vladimirovna: all life for the benefit of the people and LDPR

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Afanasyeva Elena Vladimirovna: all life for the benefit of the people and LDPR
Afanasyeva Elena Vladimirovna: all life for the benefit of the people and LDPR

Afanasyeva Elena Vladimirovna - Russian politician, member of the LDPR party, as well as a representative of the Federation Council committee on the constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation. During her stay in parliament, she established herself as a responsible and kind person who is happy to answer the requests and comments of her voters.


Afanasyeva Elena Vladimirovna: biography of early years

Elena Vladimirovna was born on March 27, 1975 in Orenburg. In this city, she spent her whole childhood, and therefore even today for her he is the most dear. It should be noted that the leadership qualities of the girl appeared at an early age: she always wanted to be the first among classmates.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Elena Afanasyeva came into politics at a fairly early age. At nineteen, she was already organizing the local LDPR branch in Orenburg. Such an activity required a lot of effort, and many did not understand how a fragile girl could do this. But the future politician successfully coped with this task.

The beginning of adulthood

In 1997, Afanasyeva Elena Vladimirovna graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. After him, she went to work as a history teacher in one of the local schools. However, six months later, she had to resign from there, as fate decided to give her another, more important place.

The thing is that in 1998 Elena Vladimirovna was appointed head of the Orenburg branch of the LDPR. Such a decision was quite predictable, because the girl put a lot of effort into his discovery. From this moment begins a new stage in the life of Afanasyeva - the relentless struggle in the arena of politicians.


Career ladder

In 2003, elections to the State Duma are held, in which Elena Vladimirovna Afanasyeva decides to take part. LDPR nominates her from the Orenburg district, in the hope that fellow countrymen will vote for her. Their expectations come true, and Elena Nikolaevna becomes a full member of the Russian Federation.

In parliament, she had to go through fire, water and copper pipes. The young politician was constantly changed in positions, thereby trying to close gaps in various departments. Initially, Elena Afanasyeva worked in the committee on economic policy, then she was transferred to the department related to tourism, after which she was destined to spend six months in the committee on ecology. Only in 2006 did Afanasyeva Elena Vladimirovna gain a certain constancy. This happened thanks to the post of deputy chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party.

In 2007, Elena Vladimirovna graduated from the Diplomatic Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In the same year he received the title of candidate of historical sciences, and was also re-elected to the State Duma of the V convocation. He is a member of the Supreme Council of the party and soon leads the LDPR control and audit commission.

And this is far from the last peak that Afanasyeva Elena Vladimirovna was able to conquer. The Federation Council - the seat of the elect - accepts it in its ranks in September 2014. Here she becomes the official representative of the Orenburg region.
