
Actor Charles Bronson: biography, filmography, personal life and interesting facts

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Actor Charles Bronson: biography, filmography, personal life and interesting facts
Actor Charles Bronson: biography, filmography, personal life and interesting facts

Video: BIOGRAPHY: "CHARLES BRONSON: - BRUTE FORCE" 8-27-2002. (HD HQ 1080p) 2024, June

Video: BIOGRAPHY: "CHARLES BRONSON: - BRUTE FORCE" 8-27-2002. (HD HQ 1080p) 2024, June

“The Magnificent Seven, ” “The Great Escape, ” “The Red Sun, ” “Once Upon a Time in the Wild West, ” “The Passenger of the Rain, ” are films that made Bronson Charles famous. The talented actor has over 120 roles in film and television projects. He left this world in August 2003, but his name forever entered the history of cinema. What is known about the lyceum?

Bronson Charles: family, childhood

Charles Dennis Buchinski is the real name of an American movie star. Charles Bronson is a pseudonym that the actor took during the aggravation of anti-communist sentiments in the United States. His real name was too "Slavic", so he changed it to Anglo-Saxon.


The actor was born in Pennsylvania, it happened in November 1921. Charles grew up in a family of Polish-Lithuanian immigrants, became the eleventh child of his parents. His childhood can hardly be called cloudless. The boy was barely ten years old when he lost his father. The family lost the breadwinner, so Charles was forced to start work early.

Choosing a Life Path

The idea of ​​choosing an acting profession, Bronson Charles did not come immediately. In his youth, he happened to be a participant in the Second World War. The young man served as an air gunner in the Pacific Fleet. His courage and courage were awarded an honorary award, the future actor was awarded the Purple Star.


Returning from the front, Charles was looking for himself for some time. He managed to change several professions, until he became a member of the theater troupe in Philadelphia. The audience warmly accepted the first productions with his participation, and Bronson decided on the choice of profession. He graduated from the Pasadena Playhouse School of Theater and began to search for roles.

The beginning of a film career

Bronson Charles first appeared on the set in 1951. The actor made his debut in the military drama "You are in the Navy", playing the role of a sailor. Then he starred in the films “The Stagecoach Guard, ” “Miss Sadie Thompson, ” and the “Wax Museum.” Supporting roles did not help him become famous, but gave him valuable experience.


Only at the end of the 50s. Bronson managed to attract public attention. He played in several well-known films and series, for example, in the crime drama “Machine Gunner Kelly”.

Star roles

“The Magnificent Seven” - Western, thanks to which Charles Bronson tasted the real glory. The filmography of the actor replenished with this picture in 1960. He brilliantly coped with the role of the shooter and received a fabulous fee for those times, which amounted to 50 thousand dollars. Surprisingly, this film gained the greatest fame in the Soviet Union. After the release of the tape, Vladimir Vysotsky began to call Bronson his favorite actor.


Two years later, another successful film was released with the participation of the actor. We are talking about the film "The Great Escape", in which Charles brilliantly played a prisoner from Poland. He easily managed to embody the image of a person suffering from claustrophobia, since he himself faced a similar problem.

In the 60s, Charles Bronson was an extremely sought after actor. Films with his participation came out one after another. “Once in the Wild West” and “Dirty Dozen” are the most famous tapes with him presented to the audience during this period. The drama Dirty Dozen has won several Oscars, and the Western Once Upon a Time in the West has acquired the status of a cult picture.

70s-80s movies

In the 70s. Bronson was still a favorite of directors and viewers. The most famous actor films released during this period are listed below.

  • "The Enemy Behind the Door."

  • "Passenger of the rain."

  • "Red sun".

  • "Cold-blooded killer".

  • "The thirst for death."

  • The Horses of Valdes.

  • "The escape".

  • "The last bullet."

  • "White bison."

In the eighties, the Lyceum did not appear so often on the set. The main reason for this is health problems. However, he also played several vivid roles at the end of his career, for example, one cannot fail to note the film “Ten Minutes Before Midnight” with his participation.

Personal life

In 1962, Bronson Charles met the love of his life. His chosen one was a colleague Jill Ireland, whom he met through work on the film "Big Escape." Jill was married, but the actor was not going to abandon the lady who managed to win his heart. Six years later, Ireland became his wife.


With Jill Charles lived many happy years. The wife gave the actor two children. A great misfortune for Bronson was the news that his wife was ill with cancer. For several years he fought for her life, but the disease prevailed. The death of the second half negatively affected the health of the actor.

Interesting fact

Michael Gordon Peterson is a famous criminal whose favorite actor was Charles Bronson. The prisoner began to use the pseudonym of his idol, under which he managed to become famous. In total, this man served in prison for over 30 years, managed to change more than 120 correctional facilities. His most high-profile act is the robbery of the post office, committed in 1974.

Prisoner Charles Bronson (Michael Gordon Peterson) went down in history for many reasons. This man managed to attract attention due to the constant violation of the prison regime, fights with warders and cellmates. However, he is known as a poet and artist. Surprisingly, Bronson-Peterson even managed to sell his work, gaining good money.

In 2013, the film “Bronson”, which tells the story of Charles-Michael, was presented to the audience. The key role in this picture was brilliantly played by actor Tom Hardy. It is known that in preparation for the shooting, he visited a prisoner in prison, made a positive impression on him.