
Elena Rybalko: biography, family, photo

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Elena Rybalko: biography, family, photo
Elena Rybalko: biography, family, photo

Looking through the next humorous program, you understand that today the humor is not the same as it was before. A few years ago, jokes looked a bit different. And most importantly, the characters were bright, positive and memorable. For example, Elena Rybalko, a member of the KVN team “Burnt by the Sun”, is just such a heroine. Who is this fragile and amazing woman, causing joy and smiles of others?


Childhood and education

Russian Elena was born on February 20, 1973 in Sochi. From childhood, she was an active and cheerful child who liked to speak to the public. At first it was her family and friends, then neighbors, friends and acquaintances.

From an early age, Elena Rybalko was such a sun to herself, bestowing on others her warmth. She was not in conflict and, on the contrary, was famous for her sociability and artistry. She studied at a secondary school in Adler.

Later she entered the Sochi College as an accountant, and afterwards there was a faculty of accounting and audit at SGUTiKD. There she began to master the always relevant and promising profession of an economist.

That's how Elena Rybalko studied. The biography of the little-known composition at that time also mentions its additional interests, which we will discuss below.


What was Elena interested in during her studies?

During training, Elena was interested not only in numbers and accurate calculations. In addition to the curriculum, she also had other hobbies that were not related to school or university. For example, in primary school, the girl actively mastered playing the piano, studied painting, played chess and volleyball beautifully. In the fifth grade, she became interested in the elective “Young Pilot”, where she admiredly examined and made models of various aircraft.

In high school, Elena Rybalko graduated from cutting and sewing courses. And after school, she moonlighted as a seamstress in a souvenir factory. In college and university, the girl was such a mass-entertainer. There she organized and took part in thematic creative evenings, played in the student KVN team.

Career: who worked?

Seeing the creative streak and organizational abilities of the girl, the university leadership made her an offer to stay. Elena answered positively. So she began her career in the trade union committee of the university.

Then she was transferred to the vacated position of a cultural worker. A few years later, she became a coordinator for working with creative youth and was invited to the city administration.


Elena Rybalko: KVN

The biography suggests that Elena has always been a very charismatic and creative person, so it was not difficult for her to get into KVN. Selection for the game began in 1996 and took place in one of the classrooms of the Institute of Spa and Tourism.

According to Elena herself, her good friends informed her about the set. Having heard about this, the enterprising girl decided not to hesitate. Moreover, the selection was rather tough, the jury was strict. Moreover, the team was actually recruited, but only it lacked bright female characters. To her surprise, the audition was held by Elena Rybalko. “KVN from this moment became a symbol of my life, ” says the “star” resident of Sochi.


Creation of the team “Burnt by the Sun”

The decision to name the team “Burnt by the Sun” was a common one. In 1998, the team gathered and chose the right name. And so the new KVN team was born, which in the future will become a three-time finalist of the Major League and the owner of the Summer Cup, as well as the champion of the game season in 2003.

The game in KVN: success, fears and glory

According to Elena, playing in KVN was a real pleasure for her. It was not just a game, but a kind of interest club where people of various professions and creative opportunities gathered. “Everything is interesting here, starting from rehearsals, backstage jokes, as well as new friends and acquaintances, ” explains Elena Rybalko, a successful and never discouraged. The biography of this wonderful woman describes important events in her life, including the game in KVN.

She liked to perform on stage, learn new roles, and also take an active part in the life of the team. Well, and, of course, membership in the KVN team obliged a lot: it had its pros and cons. From the pros, the following could be distinguished:

  • acquaintances and prospects;

  • new friends;

  • the opportunity to develop creatively.

Among the negative points, according to Elena Rybalko from "Burnt by the Sun", the main thing is chronic lack of sleep. To pay for my studies, accommodation and all sorts of household trifles, I had to work. In the morning we went to study, then to work, and then to rehearsal. Therefore, almost none of the team members got enough sleep.


Friendship in the team

Since Elena was very sociable, it was not difficult for her to make new friends. However, she came closest to another member of the team - Emilia Denisova, who lives in Geneva today. It is with her that a well-known resident of Sochi has maintained friendly relations for more than 20 years. According to KVNschitsy, money for travel at that time was sorely lacking. Therefore, he and Emilia often succeeded each other during the next team raid on the cities of Russia.

Principles and Fears

Like any aspiring artist, Elena experienced a certain discomfort when she went on stage. She, like everyone else, was nervous before the performance. In addition, Elena Rybalko did not like to watch her performances on TV. It always seemed to her from the outside that the text did not sound as it should, and the jokes were not funny. If she watched the game, then only in the recording, but it was extremely rare. In a word, the artist was very scrupulous and demanding about herself.

The most important gaming moments

While participating in KVN, Elena had a lot of bright and memorable moments. However, the most spectacular, according to fans of the team "Burnt by the Sun", is a captains contest. Recall that it was held in 1998, during the semi-finals of the Voronezh League of KVN. It was then that the “star” resident of Sochi showed herself from an unexpected side for her fans.

Autographs and secrets

According to the artist, her mailbox has always been littered with letters. Moreover, she tried to answer everything manually and did it with great pleasure. She still carefully preserves some of them. She also often signed postcards, calendars, and photos. But to a greater extent, Elena answered a lot of questions coming from the female half of the audience.

According to KVNschitsy, they were interested in the personal life of more vivid and successful characters. For example, she was often asked and even asked to send photographs of Mikhail Galustyan, Alexander Reva, Maxim Bobkov and others. Of course, Elena Rybalko (her biography is given in our article) did not tell all fans of the team "Burnt by the Sun". Only what could be voiced for the general public. By the way, Rybalko corresponded with some fans over the years.

Elena herself had few fans. But she, like the other guys from the team, was recognized, gifted with flowers and shook hands.


Personal News

Elena met her future husband at a rehearsal. Elena Rybalko and Pavel Steshenko were created for each other. They not only understood their partner perfectly, but also always supported them in difficult times.

“At first, these were only comic signs of attention that our environment simply ignored. Then the team began to notice the sympathy that we had for each other, ”says KVNschitsa.

According to Elena, for a long time they met exclusively at rehearsals, because both worked and were limited in time. But later, Paul managed to combine work, participation in the life of the team and courting a fragile and charismatic girl. After some time, Elena Rybalko and Pavel Steshenko decided to get married.


Family and core values ​​in life

Family for Elena has always been and remains now one of the most important values ​​in life. And its meaning, according to KVNschitsy, is in children and their well-being. And such a fragile and miniature artist has three of them: the eldest is ten-year-old Nikolai, the middle is six-year-old Gregory, and his daughter is three-year-old Klara.

Nikolai loves to do morning yoga and ride a bicycle. In addition, he is seriously interested in football. For over three years now, the “eldest” has been a defender in the football club “Dagomys”. Interestingly, for such a short career as a football player, his team has already managed to win a couple of prizes in youth tournaments.

Grisha is fond of the theme of space. He loves to read a lot and studies astrology. The youngest is still interested in fashion, dolls and cosmetics. In a word, all children are at work. But their mother does not often manage to spend holidays together. This was told in another interview by Elena Rybalko. The personal life of KVNchitsy herself is closely intertwined with her children and her husband. However, all family members are not always able to gather together: some on the road, some on a business trip.