
Actor Jason Clarke: biography, photo. Top movies

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Actor Jason Clarke: biography, photo. Top movies
Actor Jason Clarke: biography, photo. Top movies

Video: Jason Clarke Wife, Kids, Siblings, Parents (Family Members) 2024, July

Video: Jason Clarke Wife, Kids, Siblings, Parents (Family Members) 2024, July

Jason Clark is an Australian actor who is lucky with box office films. “Johnny D.”, “The Great Gatsby”, “Everest”, “Terminator: Genesis”, “Planet of the Apes: Revolution”, “The most drunken district in the world”, “Death Race” are just some of the famous films with his participation. The actor plays secondary roles more often than the main ones, but this does not bother him at all. What else can you tell about this man?

Jason Clark: The Beginning of the Way

The actor was born in Australia, it happened in July 1969. Jason Clark was born in a family far from the world of cinema and theater. His father specialized in shearing sheep, and his mother was engaged in housekeeping. As a child, the boy decided that he would become a movie star. Relatives disapproved of his plans, called for a “serious” profession, but Jason already believed in himself.


The young man began his path to fame with episodic and secondary roles in long-playing television projects. “Purely English murder”, “Home and on the road”, “Diagnosis: Murder”, “School of broken hearts”, “Water rats”, “Call of the killer”, “Wild side”, “All saints” - it can be seen in all these series.

Film career

His first role in the big movie, Jason Clark played in 1997. The novice actor made his debut in the action movie "Dilemma", which tells about the everyday life of the Los Angeles police. In 1998, he played a young policeman in the criminal thriller Twilight, and then appeared in the episode of the drama Praise.


In 2002, the filmography of Jason Clark acquired the painting "Cage for Rabbits." The role of the courageous constable Riggs allowed the aspiring actor to attract public attention for the first time. However, the success was fleeting, and the young man was again forced to return to episodic roles.

Star movies

In 2008, the action movie "Death Race" was presented to the audience. The main character of the picture is the champion-racer Jensen, who is serving a term for murder, in which he was unfairly accused. He is forced to take part in the bloody contest at which his jailers earn. Jason Clark embodied in this film the image of Ulrich, one of the inhabitants of the prison.


In 2009, the biographical drama “Johnny D.” was released. In this tape, the actor played John Hamilton, nicknamed "Red", a gang member of the elusive Dillinger. Then he played the role of a government official in Wall Street: Money Does Not Sleep. The next breakthrough was the image of one of the Bondurant brothers, which Jason embodied in the film "The most drunken district in the world."

What other roles of Jason Clark deserve the attention of fans? We can not help but mention the film "The Great Gatsby", to star in which the actor began in 2011. The film takes the audience in 1922, talking about underground alcohol, jazz and a decline in morals. The most striking figure of high society in New York is the mysterious Mr. Gatsby, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Jason, however, reincarnated as George Wilson - a man who takes the life of a brilliant secular lion.

What else to see

One of the main roles went to Clark in the fantastic film "Planet of the Apes: Revolution." He played Malcolm - the founder of the colony, which accepts in its ranks people who survived after an epidemic called Monkey Flu. The hero is a peace-loving person who is trying to establish friendly relations with animals claiming to be supremacy over the planet, to prevent a battle with them, which will entail many unnecessary deaths.


Successful for the actor was 2015. He played the role of John Connor in the science fiction film Terminator: Genesis. His character is the leader of a group of people who resist cars that have taken over the world and are destroying humanity. A photo of Jason Clark in the image of Connor can be seen above.

One cannot but mention the drama “Everest”, released in 2016, in which he brilliantly played the desperate mountaineering instructor Rob Hall, who dreams of conquering the highest peak of the planet. The hero forms a group of the most outstanding athletes and together with them goes to climb Mount Everest. Of course, not everyone will return alive and unharmed from this dangerous journey.