
Actor Ivan Makarevich, son of Andrei Makarevich

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Actor Ivan Makarevich, son of Andrei Makarevich
Actor Ivan Makarevich, son of Andrei Makarevich

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Video: Celebrities rally support for jailed actor 2024, June

If you are interested in knowing whether nature rests on the children of the stars, let's get to know better the son of the legendary creator of the rock band Time Machine. 30-year-old Ivan Makarevich (photo presented in the article) did not follow in the footsteps of his father, choosing the profession of actor for himself. Currently, he plays in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya and is actively acting in films. So, more details.

Ivan Makarevich: the beginning of a biography

The young man was born in 1987, on June 30. He is the middle of three children of Andrei Makarevich. His mother, Alla Mikhailovna, a cosmetologist, broke up with her husband two years after the birth of the heir, but managed to maintain a good relationship with him.


Father took an active part in the fate of Ivan, trying to instill a love of music. But two years of music school in the guitar class were enough for the boy to understand: this is not his. Ivan Makarevich became interested in playing the drums, which he still does.

At the end of the prestigious 45th gymnasium, the graduate went to storm the Moscow Art Theater School. He became a student, but was expelled a year later. I did not despair, trying to start all over again in GITIS. He studied at the course of S. Golomazov, to the theater of which he was subsequently invited. He perfectly proved himself in graduation performances, playing Lariosik in “Turbin Days”, Vozhevatov in “Dowry”, Petrush in “Demons”. Currently busy with Arcadia (Augustus Coverly) and Kinomania. Band.

Ivan Makarevich: filmography

The film debut of the novice actor took place in 2004. Alexei Sidorov, the director of the film “Shadow Boxing, ” saw his portrait in one of the magazines and invited him to audition. The first main role in the cinema was Ivan Pushchin in the film "1814".


Then the proposals literally fell on the young actor, who already has 18 projects in his piggy bank today. The most famous role was the image of the young Ivan the Terrible in the film of the same name directed by Andrei Eshpay (2009). This work greatly changed his worldview: behind the appearance of a tyrant, he saw a deeply unhappy person who survived a difficult childhood.

Ivan Makarevich created on the screen and the image of his own father. This happened in the film of Garik Sukachev called "House of the Sun" (2010). It is curious that it was Makarevich Jr. who played the son of Sasha Bely (“The Brigade”) in the 2012 sequel.

In 2013, viewers could see the actor in the disaster film "Metro". He recreated the image of the assistant driver. Did Ivan Makarevich star in the series?

The roles of Sasha - the computer genius from the TV show "Survive After" (2014-2015) - he achieved with enviable persistence, passing the casting several times. So he liked the script. His last work was the television series "Hunting the Devil" (2017).

Currently, Ivan is involved in the filming of a comedy, which will soon be released on a wide screen.
