
Actor Mikhail Kokshenov: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

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Actor Mikhail Kokshenov: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows
Actor Mikhail Kokshenov: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

Mikhail Kokshenov is an actor who became famous thanks to comedic roles. Most often, this person creates images of simple-minded, stupid guys. “The most charming and attractive”, “Sportloto-82”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and“ Katyusha ”, “ Can't be! ”, “ Garage ”, “ Shirley-myrli ”- famous paintings with his participation. Over the years, Mikhail Mikhailovich managed to appear in more than 130 film and television projects. What is the story of the star?

Mikhail Kokshenov: family, childhood

The comedian was born in Moscow, it happened in September 1936. Actor Mikhail Kokshenov was born in the family of an engineer and actress. The future lyceum spent the first years of his life in the Primorsky Territory, where his parents moved soon after the birth of his son. Then the family returned to the capital, where Mikhail graduated from high school.


As a child, Kokshenov did not dream of an acting profession at all. In his dreams he saw himself as a fearless long-distance sailor. After the seventh grade, Mikhail tried to enter the naval school, but failed to undergo a medical examination due to poor eyesight.

Choosing a Life Path

After graduation, the future actor Mikhail Kokshenov served in the army. Then the young man graduated from the Moscow Industrial College, acquired the profession of petrochemical engineer. For some time the guy worked hard at the Glavnefterudprom association, but this work quickly bored him.


Unexpectedly for all, Kokshenov decided to change his life. He became a student at the Shchukin school, graduated from this educational institution in 1963. The novice actor performed his first roles on the stage of the V. Mayakovsky Academic Theater. Then, for three years, Mikhail collaborated with the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, and in 1974 he joined the creative team of the Theater Studio of the film actor.

First roles

Actor Mikhail Kokshenov began his path to fame with the performance of episodic and secondary roles. For the first time, a young man got on the set as a student. He flashed in episodes of the paintings “Height” and “Colleagues”. This was followed by small roles in the films, a list of which is given below.

  • "Girls".

  • "Chairman."

  • "Time forward!".

  • "Taiga landing."

  • "Three seasons."

  • "There is no ford in the fire."

For the first time, Kokshenov was attracted to his attention by the military melodrama Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha, in which the aspiring actor played one of the central roles. Until the real glory was still far away, but the directors noticed a promising newcomer. He embodied the image of a secretary in Golden Calf, starred in the films The Master of the Taiga and Liberation: The Arc of Fire, mini-series Varkina Zemlya and Adjutant of His Excellency.

70s movies and TV shows

In what films and series did Mikhail Kokshenov play during this period? His filmography was replenished with the following film and television projects.

  • "About friends, comrades."

  • "Young".

  • "Master".

  • "Russian field".

  • "Dauria."

  • "Tell me about yourself".

  • "Engineer Pronchatov."

  • "Cases of bygone days."

  • "The fifth quarter."

  • “With fun and courage.”

  • "I serve at the border."

  • "The bread smells of gunpowder."

  • "Eternal Call".

  • "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth".

  • "You can still have time."

  • "The last day of winter."

  • "The only …".

  • "Star of captivating happiness."

  • "Diamonds for Mary."

  • "The son of the chairman."

  • "In the area of ​​special attention."

  • "Incognito from St. Petersburg."

  • "Garage".

  • "Little tragedies."

Comedic roles

From the biography of Mikhail Kokshenov it follows that he became famous thanks to comedic roles. It all started with the image of a village bump, which the actor created in the film “It Can't Be!” Leonid Gaidai. He took part in other comedies of the famous director, for example, “Sportloto-82”, “Private Detective, or Operation“ Cooperation ”.


The roles of the unlucky guys went to Mikhail in the comedies “The Most Charming and Attractive”, “Impotent”, “Where is Nofelet?”, “Summer Trip of Sergeant Tsybuli”, “Shirley-myrli”, “And Goddamn It”, “Valentine's Day”.

What else to see

From the biography of Mikhail Kokshenov it follows that for several years now his health has not allowed him to work. In what films and series did the talented actor play his last roles at the moment? In the television project "Moscow History" he embodied the image of the dean of the Faculty of Economics. In "Daddy's daughters" Kokshenov played Alexei Vasnetsov. In the comedy “Holy Work”, he got the role of a man who is forced to treatment in a psychiatric clinic. Also, the actor flashed in an episode of the series "Voronin."