
Actor Richard Burton: biography, life story and interesting facts

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Actor Richard Burton: biography, life story and interesting facts
Actor Richard Burton: biography, life story and interesting facts

Video: Richard Burton Biography 2024, June

Video: Richard Burton Biography 2024, June

The legendary Hollywood actor - Richard Burton - was nominated for an Oscar an uncountable number of times, but did not win a victory, which, however, did not prevent him from entering the history of world cinema. He has won Grammy and Golden Globe awards, as well as leading roles in dozens of films. Women loved him, as evidenced by his repeated marriages and novels, and the most famous of them is still being discussed on the pages of glossy magazines.


Young years

Richard Walter Jenkins was born in 1925 in Wales, in a miner family, in which at that time there were already 11 children.

Living in poverty, he began his acting career from school. From the first roles, his teacher Philip Barton considered the boy's real talent and did everything to bring him to perfection. Richard understood that he owed his acting skills to a teacher who believed in him and put his soul into his student. In gratitude, he took himself, as a stage name, the name of Barton and made it known throughout the world. In addition, fate gave Richard a meeting with Tenager Ricci. This philanthropist appreciated the natural abilities of the son of a beggar “coal miner” and provided him with a large sum, which allowed the guy to get an excellent education at Oxford University.


Carier start

In 1943, actor Richard Burton made his debut on the professional stage. However, he was soon drafted into the army, and until 1947 he served in the US Air Force. Demobilized, the young man entered one of the London theaters. A year later, Richard successfully made his film debut in the film "The Last Days of Dolvin", in which he played one of the main roles. In parallel, he worked a lot on the radio, and a little later he was given a role in the famous Shakespeare Memorial Theater in Stratford-upon-Avon. Having become famous in his homeland, Richard Burton went to conquer Hollywood. There he made his debut in the movie "My Cousin Rachel", in which he played the main male role.

Consequences of failure

The complex nature of the creator and his non-recognition at the time did their job: the last years of his life, Richard Barton suffered from alcoholism and its concomitant illnesses. The actor tried to be treated, but a constant state of stress led to constant breakdowns, and, as a result, death at 58 years. Alcohol during his lifetime left an imprint on his fate: binge became the reason for his break with his beloved woman - Elizabeth.


Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

The romance of these great actors was once written by the entire world press. This is undoubtedly one of the most famous couples of all time. Even the story of Jolie and Pete, in comparison with these daredevils, seems boring and primitive. Millions of people all over the world savored the details of their relationship: public love confessions, repeated divorces and weddings, quarrels and scandals - all this is only part of their hectic life. But, unfortunately, two such creative and hot-tempered characters cannot live peacefully and happily. Despite great love, they broke up, but when you mention the name Richard Burton, you immediately remember Elizabeth Taylor, and vice versa.


Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, films with the participation of which almost always had success, starred together in 11 films. The first of them was the famous Cleopatra. At the time of the start of the painting, Elizabeth was married to Eddie Fisher, and Barton was married to Sybil Williams, from whom he had two daughters. A few months after filming, they got married and lived together for more than ten years. The couple’s most famous joint picture was “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”, For which Elizabeth received a second Oscar, and Barton received another nomination for this award, which he never managed to hold in his hands. Richard himself believed that participation in this film was his mistake, since it was this work that shaped his henpecked image, which he tried in vain to get rid of.


At the same time, at the end of his life, he once admitted to journalists that his main role in life was the role of spouse Elizabeth Taylor.

Other women of Richard Burton

The actor, whom Marlene Dietrich herself called “a man who makes a woman’s heart beat stronger”, had an uncountable number of fleeting novels with many recognized Hollywood beauties of his time and was married 5 times (twice to Elizabeth Taylor). In addition to Liz and Sybil Williams, which was already mentioned, the models of Susan Hunt and make-up artist Sali Hay were the wives of Barton. The first wife of Richard Burton not only endured a romance unfolding before her eyes with Liz Taylor for a whole year, but long before that she pretended not to notice her husband's relationship with the English actress Claire Bloom. In a duet with her in 1958, the actor starred in the movie “Look Back in Anger, ” which critics recognized as one of his best works.

Love happens not only to people

Perhaps the failure in his personal life haunted him because Richard was the only true and unconditional love of the scene. Indeed, at that difficult time, when he was a little boy from a large family, whom there was no one to raise, because his parents tried their best to earn a living, his only consolation was the game. When there was nobody to give him parting words of life, he fell into the hands of a volume of Shakespeare, which determined his future fate. And the teacher, who took up his upbringing with the zeal of his father, finally instilled in Barton a love of acting.
