
Actor Sergei Bekhterev: biography, roles, films

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Actor Sergei Bekhterev: biography, roles, films
Actor Sergei Bekhterev: biography, roles, films

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Colleagues called him a man with a difficult fate. The famous lyceum Sergey Bekhterev took place in the profession and was in demand in it. His talent is multifaceted, so he was subject to the most diverse images. For this, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, although an inexplicable paradox was observed: the venerable lyceum Sergey Bekhterev did not have his own living space. Of course, such a problem should have been solved by his native church of Melpomene, and he gave the actor the keys to the official apartment, but the actor did not live in it. He lost his own housing, falling for the bait of scammers. He survived this deception hard. What was the creative path of the famous actor? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Sergei Bekhterev, whose biography at first glance may seem unremarkable, is a native of the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. He was born on May 19, 1958.


This is not to say that his childhood was cloudless and rosy: his mother passed away early, and his father left the family before her death and remarried. The burden of raising the boy fell on the shoulders of his grandmother, who surrounded him with care. At the same time, Sergey Bekhterev’s father tried to keep in touch with him, and the boy eventually found a common language with his stepmother.

The actor’s love for great art arose in early childhood. Sergei Bekhterev said that when he was 4 years old, he wanted to try on the images of two bright and charismatic leaders: Lenin and Hitler. Seven years later, he was fortunate enough to act in films: he took part in the film “Amazing Mortgage” directed by Leonid Makarychev. After that, he decided to forever connect his life with the art of acting.

Acting Training

In 1979, the young man became a professional actor, receiving a diploma from LGITMiK (now the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts). The basics of reincarnation were taught in the workshop of Arkady Katzman and Lev Dodin.


After graduation, he falls into the troupe of the St. Petersburg State Small Drama Theater (European Theater), where he will play his best roles. After some time, he will begin to work as a lyceum in Art-Peter.

Theatrical work

The test ball on the stage was the role of Lieutenant Vetkin in the play “Gentlemen Officers” (1980). Then followed the brilliant image of Father Guskov in the production of "Live and Remember" according to Rasputin. Gradually, the viewer began to pay attention to the talent of the young actor. Theater-goers especially noted the role of Gregory, filigree performed by Bekhterev in Leo Dodin's play “The House”. The actor was thunderous applause. Sergey Bekhterev turns into a famous lyceum. He is gladly affirmed for roles in classical productions: The Seagull, Demons, Lord of the Flies. His masterful work directed by F. Abramov “Brothers and Sisters” in 1986 was awarded the USSR State Prize.


He brilliantly reincarnated as the representative of Ganichev. The artist Sergei Bekhterev was able to depict his hero as accurately as possible: a wolf's grin, iron teeth, soreness of consciousness - a kind of combination of executioner and saint. Ganichev takes the latter away from poor families, and his children suffer from night blindness. In general, there was something to play, and the actor brilliantly coped with the task.

As already emphasized, the versatility of the talent of Sergei Stanislavovich was evident. He played both comedic (a young shepherd in the Shakespearean Winter's Tale) and dramatic roles (Gaev in the Chekhov's Cherry Orchard). The images of fairy-tale heroes also succeeded him (the Master in Star Boy by O. Wilde). He even played on the stage of women (a prostitute in Coltes' Roberto Zucco).

In 2003, a graduate of LGITMiK, in partnership with Olga Obukhovskaya, staged “Vaclav Nizhinsky. Married to God. ”

It should be noted that Sergey Bekhterev, whose roles were memorable for the viewer, sometimes complained that his native church of Melpomene, in which he had served for a long time, could not help in solving the painful housing problem.


Even after he left the theater of Europe, he did not have his own corner, wandering around friends and acquaintances. Sergei Bekhterev, an actor whom the whole country knew, even periodically lived with his stepmother.

Movie work

A graduate of LGITMiK devoted most of his creative time to serving in the theater, but sometimes he also starred in films. And in the field of cinema, he also gained fame and success. Sergei Bekhterev, films with whose participation were included in the golden fund of Soviet cinema, was loved and recognizable by the public. The actor was opened by the famous director Dmitry Svetozarov, who was able to make out a real nugget under the guise of a “trivial intellectual”. It was he who without much thought approved the actor for the role of a person with disabilities, who is a genius and a villain in one person. The film was called “The Arithmetic of Murder, ” and Sergei Bekhterev was awarded the Best Actor at the International Film Festival, which took place in 1993 in Valenciennes, for participating in it.


It should be noted his work in such popular films as “The Life of Klim Samghin” (Stepan Tomilin), “Blonde Around the Corner” (Nervous Buyer), “Dog Heart” (Medium).

Bekhterev did not refuse to participate in television series. Here are some of them: “Saboteur. The end of the war ”, “ Gangster Petersburg ”, “ National Security Agent ”.

Work on television and radio

The actor spent a lot of time on television, participating in the series of programs "Studio-F", "Boyarsky Dvor", "Small Performance". For over twenty years, Sergey Stanislavovich worked on the radio, reading to the audience poetry and prose.

Personal life

Did Ankylosing spondylitis have a family? Yes, he was married to a woman who was professionally engaged in the visual arts.


Then their marriage broke up. Also, Sergey Stanislavovich had an adopted son, whom his ex-wife left him. Then he moved to live in Spain.