
Casey Affleck - Ben Affleck's brother

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Casey Affleck - Ben Affleck's brother
Casey Affleck - Ben Affleck's brother

Does Ben Affleck have a brother? The famous American actor has a talented brother named Casey, who is a theater artist, acts in films, is engaged in directing and producing activities. Let's look at the biography of the actor, talk about films with his participation, note the facts from personal life.

Childhood and youth


Ben Affleck's younger brother - Casey, was born on August 12, 1975 in the town of Falmouth, which is located in the north-eastern part of the United States. At the time of the birth of the boy, his mother was a teacher at a local school. The head of the family was unemployed and godlessly drank alcohol. Soon, the parents of the future actor divorced. Mother devoted all her free time to raising two brothers. She began to regularly take guys to the theater and cinema, instilled a love of art. All this was aimed at ensuring that the boys did not repeat the fate of their father.

Casey Affleck and Ben Affleck (brothers) began to play movies in their youth. Young talents got mainly small roles. In addition, guys were regularly invited to shoot commercials.

In the mid-80s, the father of Casey and Ben Affleck rehabilitated from heavy alcohol addiction. After a long separation, the brothers met again with the former head of the family. Later they developed a normal relationship. The father began to support in every possible way the creative undertakings of his sons.

Upon reaching adulthood, Casey, Ben Affleck's brother, was enrolled in the prestigious George Washington University. In his second year, the guy decided to transfer to Columbia University in New York City. An in-depth course of studying philosophy, physics and astronomy took place here. Having never received a diploma of higher education, Casey Affleck decided to start an actor's career.

Movie debut


Ben Affleck's brother first appeared on the big screen in the 95th year. At this time, Casey was invited to participate in the filming of the movie of the shocking director Gus Van Sant called "Die in Name." Here, a novice actor appeared in the image of a morally unstable teenager with a sociopathic tendency. Casey Affleck's partners on the set were Hollywood stars such as Nicole Kidman and Joaquin Phoenix.

In 1997, Casey Affleck starred in two films along with her older brother Ben. These were the films “In pursuit of Amy” and “Good Will Hunting”. The following year, the young artist was invited to the picture "In pursuit of the sun." Here Ben Affleck's brother played one of the main roles, along with Holly Berry. In the 99th, the actor appeared in another successful film - the comedy “Drown Monu” with Jamie Lee Curtis, Denny de Vito and Bette Midler in the lead roles.

In 2001, Casey starred in the box office movie "Ocean's Eleven Friends." Ben Affleck's brother appeared in the image of Virgil Malloy, a Mormon who played the role of a driver and an expert on robotics for a brilliant robber team. The film became a real hit and was enthusiastically received by both the audience and authoritative film critics. Despite this, participation in the filming of the adventure tape did not bring Casey fame. After all, the young artist was lost on the background of such Hollywood stars as George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Julia Roberts.

Career development


In 2002, Ben Affleck's brother tried himself not only as an actor, but also as a scriptwriter and video editor. At this time, the picture “Jerry” was released on wide screens, where Casey played a major role in a duet with Matt Damon. The director of the film was a good friend of the actor Gus Van Saint. During the rental in theaters, the tape managed to collect about 250 thousand dollars, which did not cover the cost of shooting.

In 2007, Casey Affleck shared the set with Brad Pitt himself in the drama Western How Cowardly Robert Ford Killed Jesse James. For this work, the young actor was awarded a nomination for the Golden Globe and Oscar. Participation in the project finally allowed Casey to step out of the shadow of her more successful brother.

The next film, which brought the actor real success, was the tape "The Killer Inside Me." Here, Casey starred with Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson. The very next year, the artist took part in the creation of the sparkling comedy "How to Steal a Skyscraper." Casey's filming partners include Ben Stiller, Matthew Broderick and Eddie Murphy.

Recent work with the actor


Incredibly successful for Casey Affleck was the year 2016. The actor successfully performed roles in several films: “Three Nines”, “And the Storm struck”, “Manchester by the Sea”. For participating in the last film, the artist was awarded the Oscar in the category "Best Actor".

Not so long ago it became known that Casey played the central character in the film “My Outcasts” based on the novel by writer Peter Rock. At the box office, the picture is expected to appear in 2018.