
Actress Zudina Vera Sergeevna: biography

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Actress Zudina Vera Sergeevna: biography
Actress Zudina Vera Sergeevna: biography

In 1999, the famous musician Anastas Mikoyan founded the first of its kind theater - the theater of music and drama. The uniqueness of the format was in the concept - to combine the dramatic and musical direction into a single whole. The creator of the theater saw the key to success in creating a troupe, where each actor would cope equally well with vocal parts and choreographic numbers, dramatic plastic and stage speech.

Actress Vera Zudina has been working in this theater for more than ten years. Her name is well known to theatergoers in Moscow.

“I devote myself completely to the theater, I don’t have any strength left for the cinema, ” the actress explains the lack of film work in her career.


short biography

Vera Zudina was born on January 16, 1985 in the city of Kaliningrad, Moscow Region, so until 1996 the city of Korolev was called.

From an early age, Vera decided to devote herself to the service of Melpomene. As a schoolgirl, she began to study in the theater studio at the theater of the young spectator of the city of Korolev. Her acting debut took place there: the role of Little Red Riding Hood in the play of the same name. Then came the roles of Cinderella, the Princess (in the play based on the fairy tale “Flint”).

During her studies at the Institute for Humanitarian Education, she participated in student theater productions. Her roles at this time: Nedopesok, Catherine II (in the play "Love is a Golden Book").

As an additional education, Vera Sergeevna added classes to courses at the Moscow Art Theater School.

She participated in the work of the theater group "Prologue".

Work and creativity

Today, Vera Zudina plays in the Stas Namin Theater of Music and Drama, and also collaborates with the theater studio of Polina Smaller - Lege Artis. In addition, since 2017, Vera Sergeyevna has been the Deputy Artistic Director of the theater Stas Namin for creative matters, and also teaches acting and stage speech in the children's theater studio at the theater.

In an interview, Vera Zudina said that a lot of work, on the one hand, is a heavy burden, but on the other hand, worries, projects are all connected with the theater, which is very dear to the heart, and therefore it is performed with pleasure. Rather, on the contrary, the weekend does not bring joy. I would like to continue the process as soon as possible, create, do, rehearse, do something with the guys from the children's studio … Only in this case does the feeling of a full life come. However, the stress affects, and from time to time I still want to exhale.

One of the outstanding works of the actress, together with Lege Artis studio, is the role of the Dark Goddess Takhisis in the musical The Last Test.


The play was written by composer Anton Kruglov and singer Elena Khanpira based on the fantasy “Twins Trilogy” from the book series “Spear Saga”. Since 1998, the musical existed in the audio version, until in 2014 the premiere on stage was held.

The modern production was so fond of the Saga fans that an initiative group was created from among them. Fans asked the actors to re-record the audio version. The necessary funds for this were planned to be raised using crowdfunding. And they collected - as much as 160% of the required amount.

One theater observer, visiting the play “The Last Test”, spoke of the singer Takhisis in the following way:

I was struck by the game of Vera Zudina. You know, she was so convincing and powerful that at some point I caught myself thinking that she was completely replaying partners in the scene. It was just magical.

By the way, in honor of the twentieth anniversary of this musical, the lineup performing in 2016 gathered again. In mid-January 2019, an updated version of the “Last Test” will be shown at the Adrenaline Stadium club in Moscow.