
Actress Lyubov Polekhina - biography, filmography and interesting facts

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Actress Lyubov Polekhina - biography, filmography and interesting facts
Actress Lyubov Polekhina - biography, filmography and interesting facts

Lyubov Polekhina was born on July 2, 1952 in the village of Vasilyevka, Russia. The famous actress is 66 years old, her height is 164 cm. She is a famous artist of the Soviet Union and has starred in many Russian films, as well as abroad. Marital status - divorced. The popular artist is the mother of two children: the son of Dmitry and the daughter of Milena.

Lyubov Polekhina: biography

The actress has been famous since the Soviet Union. She starred so often that she did not even have time to view her own pictures. But soon the famous artist disappeared from the field of view of filmmakers for 15 years. Lyubov Polekhina said in one of the programs that she had gone abroad, where she continued her career as an actress.


Childhood and youth

Love was born in the village of Vasilyevka near Kursk. Her parents were ordinary people: her father is a driver, and her mother is a teacher. In addition to the artist, her two brothers were brought up in the family: Vladimir and Yuri. From a young age, the girl already knew who she wanted to become. But she didn’t tell anyone about it. Relatives of the actress also had wonderful talents: her father danced well, his grandfather sang, and her brothers played the guitar and accordion.

When Lyubov was 19 years old, his father died. Then her mother advised her to go to the College of Light Industry of Kharkov. Having studied only one course and not having received the profession of fashion designer, the girl left to conquer Moscow. But the entrance exams at universities were over, and she had no choice but to find a part-time job and rent inexpensive housing.


The girl became a janitor and even received a letter from the district leadership for her excellent work. A year later, Lyuba still passed the entrance exams and entered the VGIK at the directing and acting department. Her mentors were Tamara Makarova and Sergey Gerasimov. On the same course with the actress, Larisa Udovichenko studied and the future husband of Polekhina - Mario Ribero.

Student Activities

For actress Lyubov Polekhina, the fame period began in 1974. At that time, she was a sophomore and received two roles at once. The first is the pupil of the orphanage and the second in the film "Mother and Daughters." Fans overwhelmed the famous student with letters. One day, Lyubov shared in one of the programs that after the release of these films she had too much an obsessive fan. He persistently sought her attention and even seemed aggressive somewhere. The teacher of the course Gerasimov immediately assigned protection to the actress.

Also in her student years, the girl starred in no less wonderful films - the drama "Red Chernozem" and the melodrama "We Have New." In the last film, Love played an active worker at a construction site, who called on everyone to perfect order.

Actor career

Outside the institute, the actress continued to act in various popular films: “Do not part with your loved ones” and “Wedding Day will have to be clarified.” On the set of the last picture, the girl played with the famous actor Boris Shcherbakov.

Lyubov Polekhina took part in a two-part film about Peter the Great (“Youth of Peter” and “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds”), which was shot by a university teacher. In them, a talented actress showed the image of the bright beauty Alexandra Brovkina.


Further, the famous actress starred in the saga about the richest industrialists of Demidov, where she got the main role - Evdokia Tarasovna, the first wife of Akinfiy. Here Lyubov Polekhina met an actor like Vadim Spiridonov.

When the actress was offered to star in the next film by Sergei Gerasimov “Leo Tolstoy”, she was told that this was his last work in the cinema field. In this film, Gerasimov acted as the most famous writer, and the second teacher, Lyubov Polekhina, Tamara Makarova, as the wife of Leo Tolstoy Sophia. The actress herself had a chance to play a resident of Yasnaya Polyana Aksinya Shuraev. The film received the main prize at the Karlovy Vary festival.

Husbands of the famous actress

With her first husband, Mario Ribero, the famous actress met at the institute. Their stormy romance lasted for five years. A couple in love lived in an apartment that was bought with honestly earned money. Later, Mario did not succeed with a career in Moscow, and he decided to return to his homeland, to Colombia. Of course, he invited his beloved girl with him.

In 1980, the creative couple finally signed. However, the actress's mother and her teacher Sergei Gerasimov were not particularly enthusiastic about this union and in every possible way persuaded her to stay in Russia. But the girl in love did not listen to anyone's advice and began to live on two continents. After 12 months, the son Dmitry was born to the spouses.


In 1986, Lyubov Polekhina met her husband’s relatives. When the popular actress gave birth to a daughter, she thought to file for divorce. She really did not like not to see her husband for many months. Mario persuaded his wife to leave him for good, and a year later the actress agreed. For 6 months, Lyubov learned the local language, and a little later, Colombian film studios began to offer new roles to the Russian star.

Ribero was not far behind his wife and began working as a director of Colombian TV shows. Due to hard work, the couple rarely saw each other, began to move away from each other, and quarrels occurred in the family. In 1996, the actress rested in Miami and there met Vladimir, who was an emigrant. Later he invited Lyubov to marry him.

The woman saw in this option a way out of the difficult situation. And after a while she secretly took the children to America and stayed there to live. For almost three years she lived with a new man. But here, the personal life of Lyubov Polekhina did not work out. The reason for this divorce was pathological jealousy from Vladimir. In this country, Love lived another seven years. When her daughter Milena expressed a desire to become the same actress as her mother, Love decided to return to Russia. It was there that the woman wanted to educate her daughter.

Personal life of Lyubov Polekhina

Children of the popular actress still have not pleased her grandchildren. But she says that she does not feel like a grandmother and does not feel her age. All the fault lived years abroad.


The son Lyubov Polekhina became an opera singer and often tours to different cities and countries. The daughter of the actress learned in Russia, but decided to act in the same place as her mother in Colombia and Mexico. Children are still chatting with their father Mario. He got married a second time. In marriage, he had a daughter