
Actress Maria Pirogova: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

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Actress Maria Pirogova: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows
Actress Maria Pirogova: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

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Actress Maria Pirogova can not yet boast of a large number of bright roles. For the first time, the girl attracted the attention of viewers thanks to the series “Interns”. In this humorous television project, her character was Alice, the daughter of Dr. Bykov. What is the story of a rising star?

Actress Maria Pirogova: the beginning of the journey

The performer of the role of Alice was born in Moscow, it happened in January 1990. The family of actress Maria Pirogova is in no way connected with the world of cinema and theater. The parents of the girl earned little, they did not have the opportunity to buy beautiful things for their daughter. Maria is still indifferent to fashion brands, prefers convenient and comfortable clothes.


In childhood, Pirogova did not stand out from the crowd of peers. She was a diligent student, an obedient daughter. Hardly anyone could have imagined that she was destined to become a famous actress. However, even in childhood, Mary began to dream of fame and fans.


By the time she graduated from school, the future actress Maria Pirogova firmly decided to continue her education at the Shchukin school. She managed to achieve her goal on the first attempt. Maria was taken to a special course by Yuri Nifontov, which trained actors of puppet theaters and youth theater.


Even while studying at the Shchukin school, the girl began acting in TV shows. First, she played a cameo role in the television project Law and Order. Criminal intent ”. Then Pirogova starred in the TV series "Univer." Her heroine was the girl Asya, who convinced the main character Sasha to decorate her body with piercings.


In 2010, aspiring actress Maria Pirogova came to audition for the television project Interns. The girl had a chance to get one of the key roles. She could have embodied the image of the intern Vari Chernous. However, a busy shooting schedule was supposed, and Maria was still a student of the Shchukin school. She refused the role, and Christina Asmus embodied the image of the naive, quiet and shy Barbara.


Nevertheless, Pirogova still managed to play in the comedy series Interns. Her heroine was Alice, the daughter of Dr. Bykov. Initially, Pirogova was going to abandon this role, however, the director of the television project made every effort to convince her. Alice has nothing to do with the quiet and shy Barbara. This girl is confident in herself, quickly makes decisions and goes to her goal, sweeping away everything in her path.

The biography of actress Maria Pirogova tells that she liked acting in "Interns". The hardest thing the girl was given an episode in the morgue. The actors, lying on tables with bare legs, at the same time scared and made her laugh. Pirogova was disappointed when she found out that her heroine would not be in the continuation of the series. She managed to make friends with members of the crew, did not want to part with them.


In what other films and TV shows did Maria Pirogova manage to play at the age of 27? Her filmography contains about 20 film and television projects, a list of which is given below.


  • "People of Shpak."

  • "My crazy family."

  • "Comrade cops."

  • MUR. "Artists."

  • "Night swallows."

  • "Dark World: Equilibrium".

  • "The right to love."

  • "Youth".

  • "Don't make the girls angry."

  • "Balabol."

  • "Tiger Trail."

  • "Pearl Wedding."

  • "Breakfast in bed".

  • "Queen Margo".

  • "Black blood".

  • "Good intentions".

Vivid roles

In 2011, actress Maria Pirogova managed to light up in another television project. We are talking about the series "Comrade Police", in which she got the role of Lieutenant Remezova. The heroine of the actress is a girl endowed with an analytical mindset, a strong character. Maria is afraid of big dogs, so she was not easy to have a scene in which a shepherd chases her character.


In 2013, Pirogova again attracted the attention of the public. The film “The Dark World: Balance” was presented to the audience, in which the actress got the role of a student named Dasha. Maria’s character is in a difficult situation, the girl is forced to fight supernatural evil. She has a unique ability, she can see shadows coming from the world of darkness. Pirogova’s colleague on the set was the famous actor Pavel Priluchny.

Also, fans will be able to see their favorite actress in the TV series Youth. Maria did not have to go through the casting for a long time, she was approved almost immediately. The heroine of Pirogova in this television project was Olga, a journalist of the City Herald. A few key characters are fighting for the girl’s attention. The actress introduced Olga as a young lady sensible, calm and independent. She herself describes her as a "girl-blanket."