
Actualization is the systematization of information

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Actualization is the systematization of information
Actualization is the systematization of information

Video: #ExeterHabibSeminars #IslamAfterColonialism 11 Feb Mana Kia on Companionship as Social Ethics 2024, June

Video: #ExeterHabibSeminars #IslamAfterColonialism 11 Feb Mana Kia on Companionship as Social Ethics 2024, June

Actualization is an action that focuses on the adaptation of a certain object to the conditions in a given situation. This concept finds its meaning in various sciences.

Various aspects of the essence of updating

So, when viewed in subjective-idealistic teachings, absolutization is the principle of a certain activity with the identification of the reality and activity of the subject.


When viewed from the perspective of the methodology of science, actualization is a comparative historical method on the basis of which the study of modern processes is carried out and the opportunity arises to study them from the perspective of similar previous events. As for hermeneutics, this concept is considered in the form of understanding the text at the level of interpretation, which involves the definition of textual characteristics in relation to the semantic content of the listener. However, the term in question acquires a slightly different meaning from the economic position of the state.

The economic component of updating

The most widely used this concept has received in Ukraine. So, from the second quarter of 2012, Oschadbank began updating the depositors of the Sberbank of the former USSR. All depositors who passed registration on time (before the beginning of 2012) had the opportunity to receive compensation before the end of 2012.


The updating process consisted in contacting Oschadbank with a depositor who registered personal compensation books at a strictly defined time. He had to present the necessary documents and, using the methodological assistance of the bank employees, filled out documents for receiving a deposit.