
"Aquamir", a water park in Novosibirsk: reviews, description and features

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"Aquamir", a water park in Novosibirsk: reviews, description and features
"Aquamir", a water park in Novosibirsk: reviews, description and features

Novosibirsk water park compares favorably with similar complexes in terms of size, number of attractions, the latest water treatment system and a modern approach to providing services to the public. "Aquamir" offers a water holiday at any time of the year, and also invites you to visit the hot baths, water aerobics classes, spa, and many other useful places.


The water park of Novosibirsk was opened in 2016. Today it is considered the largest and most modern indoor water sports complex in Russia. Aquamir covers an area of ​​35, 000 square meters. meters, of which 11, 000 square meters were allocated for the water zone, the artificial sea occupies 1000 square meters. meters. For the entertainment of vacationers, 153 attractions were installed, the Aquaplay children's town was equipped. The total length of the main slides is more than 1 kilometer, the longest and "adrenaline" of them - "Manta" - is comparable in size to the wing of the airliner.

The infrastructure of the water park complex includes a multifunctional spa area, where 13 types of baths and saunas are presented, a SPA salon with a range of services, a massage room and much more. Bars and cafes located on the second level of the water park invite you to reinforce your strength.

Visitors have the opportunity to choose two options for staying in the water recreation area - a whole day or a limited number of hours, the term plan includes a visit to the term. According to the architectural plan, the complex will later include a hotel, a sports complex with a pool and a gym.



To the delight of Novosibirsk citizens and guests of the city, the Aquamir water park offers attractions to choose from from extreme to meditative, they were conditionally divided into groups:

  • Baby.

  • For adults only.

  • Extreme

  • Family

  • Group

You can indulge in fun on any hill, but taking into account age and weight restrictions.

Resort all year round

The water park in Novosibirsk has been very popular since its opening. The infrastructure of the entire complex is constantly evolving, which attracts visitors not only for entertainment, but also for sports or relieving stress in the jacuzzi, baths or spa. But the first and main destination of the water park will always be water activities.

The most popular attractions are:

  • Manta. The descent is carried out on a 4-seater raft through open and closed sections, the speed of movement resembles rafting on a hilly mountain river, but more comfortable.

  • "Aquasfera" - a slide with a height of more than 150 meters, designed for adult extreme sports, the movement passes through the gutter with open and closed sections.

  • "Tornado". This attraction is also chosen by adrenaline lovers. The descent is carried out through a closed pipe with a flight into a wide bowl, from which, having described 2-3 circles, the visitor falls directly into the pool.

  • For fun without tickling nerves, the rides “Open”, “Closed”, “Family” are designed for rides. The structures include bends, turns and a calm descent into the pool.

The choice of slides impresses even experienced visitors to various water parks, the Water Loop attraction is especially marked, in which brave testers make a bend, reminiscent of a flight model - Dead Loop. Despite the loud name and obvious dizziness, the slide is completely safe, its height does not exceed 19 meters, and the movement is due to the inertial moment.


Finding a slide to your taste in the water park is simple, but experiencing everything is a great pleasure that almost no one refuses. The only condition for complete happiness is the observance of safety measures, which are constantly reminded by instructors, stands and other storage media of the complex tell.

Holiday Impressions

Many people seek to get to the water park of Novosibirsk. Reviews are full of bright emotions, photographs of a joyful holiday for adults and children. Most reviews talk about the amazing size of the water recreation area. Some said that Aquamir wins a lot in comparison with the capital's water parks.

Everyone notes a large number and variety of entertainment - from slides to a jacuzzi. Out of competition for the Siberians was an assortment of diverse baths and saunas with a choice of temperature and invigorating cool pools. A lot of emotional stories are devoted to one's own sensation of descents from high slides or the development of the Water Loop.

Some visitors celebrated birthdays at the water park and reported that this service is one of the best from the entire assortment. Many people liked the very idea of ​​holding a holiday in such an atmosphere, they were pleased with the discounts, the staff took care of the comfort of all those who arrived for the holiday.


Water relaxation

Aquamir water park in Novosibirsk (Russia) is interesting not only for active adventurers, but also for those who like to immerse themselves in the aquatic environment to relax and relieve stress. Unchanged popularity is the large "Wave Pool". It satisfies the needs of all categories of vacationers - there is where to splash, jump in the waves, arrange a swim with competitions. For passive relaxation around the pool there are sun loungers and deck chairs where you can sit down and listen to the music of the surf.

Another major attraction is called "Slow River", where special equipment creates a weak current, and vacationers' rafts ply throughout the amusement park, making it possible to examine in detail all the news and enjoy the peace.



The description of the water park in Novosibirsk will not be complete without a story about the playground, for the sake of which most families come to visit. The design of the children's zone sends the imagination of the kids to the pirate ships, warm oceans and the search for treasures. Numerous fountains, geysers, slides, climbing structures are arranged here. The whole complex is a single space for games, entertainment and vivid impressions.

Hills are arranged for children from the youngest age, descending on them is fun and safe. The most attractive place for the conquerors of the water element was the highest platform of the entire water town, where a large overturning barrel full of warm water was installed. When it overturns, it covers the child with a waterfall, which causes constant delight regardless of how many times it has already happened to experience the attraction.

In the children's area, the pool depth is only 0.2 meters, all structures passed the necessary testing, additional safety measures are provided, the stay is available only accompanied by adults. Access to the slides is allowed for children above 1.5 meters. And the Aquamir quapark in Novosibirsk is one of the favorite places for visiting by citizens, and is also included in all tourist routes.


A bit about the service

Entertainment, relaxation, change of experience - these are the main goals that come to the water park. But nothing will keep the client, if the basic principles of good service are not taken into account: accessibility, cleanliness, openness, security and much more. How are things with such services, say guest reviews. At some visitors, the Novosibirsk water park was perplexed by the need to sign a large number of forms before gaining access to the recreation area. Of all the administrative delays, this is the only one that causes constant irritation.

Positive ratings were set for many services, which is rightfully proud of the Novosibirsk water park. Guest reviews tell about a convenient identification system using bracelets - they open and close personal lockers, pay for food in a cafe, and pay for additional services. It is noted that deck chairs, bots, life jackets in the recreation area are enough and enough for everyone.


What to look for

Vacationers left wishes at the water park in Novosibirsk. Reviews of many visitors draw the attention of the administration to some inconveniences that slightly overshadow the rest. So, it is indicated that the bots intended for descent from the hills are very heavy, it is difficult for women and children to lift them up, it would be much easier if there was any lift in the arsenal of the water park.

Several reviews were written in which the guests said that they were injured when descending from the high-speed slides and urged the administration to check the joints of all structures, as well as other details, as not only bruises, but also cuts were revealed on the body.

Also, reviews of the Novosibirsk water park say that thoroughly spoil the picture of some food establishments where the staff allows themselves to be impolite. There are four cafes in total on the territory, but their assortment is very similar, and this deprives visitors of the choice.

Since most people come to rest on weekends, there are queues for slides, in baths, and in cafes. Only children do not suffer from this, and adults believe that in this way they lose a lot of time, and ask to somehow resolve this problem. Critical comments on the payment system were made by almost everyone who visited the water park in Novosibirsk.

Reviews say that you must pay for your stay in cash at the box office, payment by card is not accepted, but there are ATMs in the lobby. It is not possible to book tickets and pay them through any online system, which creates the first place right at the entrance to the water park.


Many visitors noted that there is a problem with hair dryers - they give a barely warm and weak air pressure. In summer, wet hair is not a problem, but in winter it is already critical and can cause a cold.

Comments on very small changing cabins were left, which also leaves not very pleasant memories. There are a number of scattered comments about the water park in Novosibirsk. Reviews of flam users talk about all the above disadvantages and give some recommendations, but in general there are many more positive ratings.

Reviews about children's holidays

The most popular is the playground "Aquamira", a water park in Novosibirsk. Reviews of parents note that the children's area is very comfortable, filled with a large number of attractions. The temperature of air and water in this part of the water park is much higher, which everyone liked - the children did not freeze, although it was very difficult to get them out of the water and tear them off from the rides.

For most children, after the first visit, the water park in Novosibirsk became their favorite place. Reviews say that all other leisure options, in the understanding of children, significantly lose in quality, the number of impressions, the involvement of all participants and the unifying power. Parents recommend that you go to the Aquamir with their children and enjoy the joy of childhood.

Adolescents in the water park have more opportunities - high slides and a large wave pool are open for them, where you can always waste all the accumulated energy. Moms and dads pointed out, for one unpleasant moment - the younger generation is walking around in the children's area without bathing suits, and some of the children swallow water in the heat of entertainment. Both are unhygienic, but the lack of underwear and waterproof diapers can be dealt with. Therefore, the request is addressed to the administration: to introduce the necessary requirements into the rules for visiting the water park.



The Aquamir complex operates seven days a week, which leads a large number of guests to the Novosibirsk water park. Reviews about prices say that they have grown significantly during the year. The administration reasonably remarks on such attacks that the cost depends on utility tariffs, which are constantly growing.

The main prices for visiting in 2017 are as follows:

  • The tariff "All inclusive" (water park + baths) - a full day for an adult costs 2200 rubles, for children from 4 to 17 years - 1600 rubles. Prices are valid from 10:00 to 21:00.

  • 4-hour rest at the rate of "All inclusive" - ​​for adults - 1600 rubles, children (7 to 14 years old) - 1400 rubles. Prices are valid from 10:00 to 21:00.

  • Promotional rate "Evening" (from 18:00 to 21:00) - for adults - 1000 rubles., For children - 800 rubles.