
Alexander Dick, actor: biography and filmography

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Alexander Dick, actor: biography and filmography
Alexander Dick, actor: biography and filmography

Video: Brando. 2024, June

Video: Brando. 2024, June

Alexander Dick is a Russian actor. The life path of this talented person consists of ups and downs, unhappy and happy love, rumors and discussions. The life of a public person always remains in sight and is of considerable interest to the public. Let's try to figure out who Alexander Dick is, and how much truth is in the rumors associated with him.

Actor Alexander Dick: biography, personal life

A lot of roles were performed by the famous Russian actor Alexander Dick, but the modern generation knows little about his biography. In this article, you will learn a lot about his life and work.

Dick is a Russian actor, famous since the days of the Soviet Union. Honored People's Artist of Russia since 2002. Born December 1, 1949 in Tajikistan, the city of Dushanbe. Sasha's parents were Ukrainians who ended up in this Tajik city before the war. From a young age, Sasha began to get involved in acting, for days and nights he sat in the theater hall, watching the actors play. In this theater, his acting career began.

Alexander Dick - an actor (whose orientation has been questioned more than once) is familiar to many from the film "Dangerous Turn", which was released on television in the seventies. World-famous actors such as Valentina Titova, Vladimir Basov, Yuri Yakovlev and others also participated in this short series.


Student time

Alexander Dick went to enter Moscow, where, apart from the Moscow Art Theater School, he did not try anywhere else. He became a student of the famous educational institution on the first try.

His mentor was an artist from Moscow, who came on tour in Dushanbe - Reinbakh Vladimir Yakovlevich. It was this man who insisted that Sasha enter the Moscow Art Theater, and strengthened the young man's love of acting.

As a student, Dick discovered a talent for dancing, nature awarded him not only the gift of an actor, but also wonderful plastic. The young man liked ballet art. After graduating from the famous Moscow Art Theater Studio in 1970, Alexander Dick (actor) became part of the Moscow Art Theater.


The beginning of the creative path

Under the patronage of Tatyana Doronina, well-known in Russia, he played a huge number of roles in performances staged on the basis of classical, world-famous works.

Since 1982, Alexander has delighted his audience with his talent at the widely known theater “Sphere”.

At the age of 45, Dick completed his work at the Moscow Art Theater and continued his acting career in the theater of the Russian Army under the direction of Alexander Burdonsky. In parallel to acting, Alexander Dick successfully voiced films, television programs. Now he is engaged in teaching.

Dick enjoys teaching acting to students. He always responsibly prepares for classes. He is worried about each of his students and how the fate of each of them will turn out.


Filmography of Alexander Dick

Alexander Dick is an actor whose filmography consists of 22 films, here are some of them:

  • 1970 - “Strokes to the portrait of V.I. Lenin”.

  • 1972 - mini-series "Dangerous Turn" (Gordon Whitehouse), "Notes of the Pickwick Club" (Snodgrass). “The Last” (high school student Peter).

  • 1976 - “Mary Stuart” - played by Mortimer, the series “Siberia” - played the role of lieutenant.

  • 1978 - “The Sweet Bird of Youth” - played by Staffa, the bartender. In the same year, Alexander Dick (actor) played the role of the Marquis in the historical drama "Father Sergius."

  • 1979 - “Summer Residents” (Pavel Sergeevich), and also Dick got the role of Cyres Headley in “This Fantastic World”.

  • In 1981, Dick starred in the adventure movie The Ring of Amsterdam, playing the role of spy resident George Skanes.

  • In 1982, a picture was released entitled "Death on Takeoff, " where Dick played Veris Spelsey, a trade employee.

  • 1983 - "The Man from the Country of Green." He played the role of Snogden.

  • 1984 - role in Belkin's Tale, also in the film Snowstorm. Alexander Yakovlevich played Dravin.

  • 1987 - Got a role in the film “This Fantastic World. Issue 12. ” This part was called "They don’t joke with works." Peter Bogert was perfectly played by the talented Dick. This year also brought him a role in the film "Christians."

  • In 1992, Dick starred in the comedy melodrama One in a Million.

  • In 1993, a wonderful detective "Your fingers smell like incense" was released, in which Dick played Stanton.

  • 2001 - The Turkish March. He played the role of Gorelov.


Alexander Dick (actor) - personal life, orientation

Alexander Dick is very talented, his whole existence is closely intertwined with theater and films.

Alexander Dick is an actor whose personal life is partly shrouded in mystery.

He met his beloved Künne while working at the Moscow Art Theater. In the seventies, Alexander legalized relations with Ignatova Kunne Nikolaevna, who was 14 years younger. The first time they saw each other at work at the Moscow Art Theater. Then both worked for Tatyana Doronina. Their relationship was constantly subject to general discussion, both because of the difference in age, and because they constantly converged and diverged.

Künne’s son from his first marriage, Peter was only 9 years younger than Alexander, which is probably why he didn’t like Dick, and he was against their relationship with his mother from the very beginning. Actor Alexander Dick, whose biography is described in detail in this article, constantly cursed with his wife's son Petya when he lived with him in the same apartment. Perhaps his disagreements with the stepson arose precisely because of a small difference in age. Failure to find a common language with the stepson led to constant quarrels with her lover.


The marriage of the star couple ended in the fact that Alexander moved from his wife and Peter to a separate apartment. The actress began to drink slowly due to separation from her beloved husband, her relationship with her son began to deteriorate. Later, after exchanging the common apartment that she had inherited from her first marriage, Ignatova again met Dick, and they began to live together. Peter now lived separately.

Relations between Alexander Dick and stepson after the death of his wife

In 1988, Künne passed away. The cause of death is still unclear. Rumor has it that Ignatova abused alcohol before her death. The actress was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery.

Alexander and his stepson do not communicate until now. In an interview about his mother’s third husband, Peter mentioned that Alexander Dick is an actor whose orientation was bisexual, but this fact remains unproven. Perhaps because of hostility to the actor, Peter thus decided to take revenge on the unwanted stepfather.

The scandal itself does not refute, but does not confirm the published information, giving the public a place for imagination. Perhaps this is the right position. Alexander Dick is an actor whose personal life, orientation and career are of interest to many because of his fame. However, information about it, accessible to the masses, is relatively scarce. After all, every person, even an actor, has the right to personal space.

Alexander Dick - actor. The films in which he was shot were of various genres: comedic, fantastic, dramatic. Dick played Gordon Whitehouse in the detective film of Vladimir Basov. This was his first significant role. The tape was shot on the work of the famous play Priestley called "Do not wake a sleeping dog."

Voiced films

In addition to the fact that the honored artist played roles in a huge number of films, he also participated in the dubbing of famous foreign films.

  • 1990 - 1993 "Jeeves and Worcester";

  • 1996 - The Eraser;

  • 1997-1999 - “Love and Secrets of Sunset Beach”;

  • 1998 - Beauties, Cards, Money, Two Trunks, Count of Monte Cristo;

  • 1999 - Eyes Wide Shut;

  • 2001 - Password “Swordfish”.

The voice of Dick speaks such celebrities of world cinema as Gerard Departier, Rutger Hyer and Don Cheadle.

Theater of the Russian Army - roles

In the theatrical production of Masquerade, Dick played Kazarin. In the play "Diamond Orchid" he got the role of Orton. In the production of “Your Sister and Captive, ” he played Henry Darnley, in “Last Ardently in Love” - Barney. In the play Trees Die Standing, the director, in Paul I the French envoy, and At the Bottom the baron. In “Invitation to the Castle”, Dick became Romainville, in “Duet for Soloist” - Fielding, in the play “Much Ado About Nothing, ” Dick got the role of Don Pedro. In the production of “Wolves and Sheep”, the actor played Lynyaev, in “The Barber of Seville” - Bartolo.


Roles in the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky

In the play "The Last" (A. M. Gorky), the actor played Peter, Alexander, Yakorev, in the production of "Three Sisters" (A. P. Chekhov) - Tuzenbakh. In the play “Mary Stuart” (Schiller) - Mortimer, in “At the Bottom” (A. M. Gorky) - Baron. In the play “The Last Days” (M. A. Bulgakov), Dick played the role of Dantes, in “Hot Heart” (A. N. Ostrovsky) - Narkis. In the production of “For every sage is quite simplicity” (A. N. Ostrovsky) played Glumov, in “The Sweet-Birded Bird of Youth” (Tennessee Williams) - Chanswain. In the play “Summer Residents” (A. M. Gorky), he played Ryumin, in “Macbeth” (William Shakespeare) - Malcolm.
