
Freen (spider): description, photo, lifestyle

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Freen (spider): description, photo, lifestyle
Freen (spider): description, photo, lifestyle

Video: Green Lynx Spider 2024, June

Video: Green Lynx Spider 2024, June

Around the world, there are only about a dozen scientists who have been studying creatures called leg-footed spiders. For this reason, information about the way of life of the frins and their behavior is very small.


For ordinary people, the frin (animal - spider) caused a lot of confusion, it was considered very dangerous. People were afraid of meeting him. In fact, everything is not true, it's just fiction.

Squad of tropical arachnids

Arachnids are a class of invertebrate animals that are scorpions, spiders and ticks. Representatives of this large family belong to the oldest terrestrial animals. Arachnids are widespread everywhere, the habitat of some orders is exclusively tropical and subtropical belt.


This class has 11 units, one of which is the Freenes. This is a very small detachment of tropical arachnids, the size of which reaches no more than 45 mm. Squad Spiders is the most numerous, it unites 20, 000 species. It is assumed that the data are inaccurate, because spiders inhabit all of the land, there is no corner on the earth in which these or other species are not located.

Arachnids are mainly terrestrial animals, only some groups of ticks and spiders are inhabitants of fresh waters, the habitat of only one group is the sea. Arachnids belong to predators, with the exception of some ticks, they feed on plant matter.

Walking legs in individuals of this class of invertebrate animals have four pairs, in contrast to insects. The size of some species of arachnids does not exceed a fraction of one millimeter, for example, parasitic ticks. The size of the spiders is 0.5 cm or 2-3 cm.

Tourniquet spider: description

This type of spider is painted in a reddish or yellowish color. The so-called cephalothorax is broad, there are 3 pairs of lateral eyes and a pair of medial ones on it. Abdomen is articulate, without caudal thread. From here came the name, which in translation from the Greek language means "stupid ass." On the second and third segments of the abdomen are the lungs, there are two pairs of them.


Chelicerae short, with hooked segment at end. Pedipalps with spines, grasping, large, terminal segments also hook-shaped. The length of the legs is up to 25 cm, the longest front legs, whose legs are flexible, multi-segmented flagella, like antennae of an insect. In movement, the leg-footed spiders, moving from place to place sideways, are similar to crabs.

Freen (spider) is unique for the reason that he is the owner of six walking legs. Other representatives of arachnids have eight. Ordinary people at all times looked at tow-legged spiders in trouble, having heard various tales.

Friny - habitats, lifestyle

Currently, there are 17 genera, 5 families and 136 species of tourniquet spiders around the world. Under natural conditions, their habitat is tropical forests with a humid climate. These are nocturnal predators. In the afternoon, the frin (spider) hides in the crevices of the rocks, under the lagging bark of fallen trees. Seeing a bright light, the predator freezes, spreading out on the surface of the shelter, if you touch it, it instantly runs away.


As soon as darkness sets in, the phryn slowly begins to crawl out of his shelter to hunt. At the same time, he carefully patrols the entire adjacent territory, catching prey with the help of sensitive filiform processes located on the front pair of legs. Seeing his trophy, he quickly goes on the attack, grabs it with long pedipalps. At dawn, the frin hides in a damp shelter.

How frins breed

Phrynos puberty occurs in the third year of life. The eggs are located in the female under the abdomen, they are covered with parchment sheath from the secretions of the genital tract. The abdomen, flattening, covers the egg packet. On average, the female lays about 60 eggs. Young frins that were born are first under the abdomen, after a few days they begin to molt and they diverge. One that falls without waiting for molting runs the risk of being eaten by a female.

During mating rituals, males organize “combat” tournaments for the right to be the leader. In some cases, it resembles a real fight. The battle is considered to be completed when one of the participants leaves the battlefield. The mating ritual of the frins looks very simple: the victorious male with his pedipalps begins to lead the female to the spermatophore, where she lays eggs.

Friny - scary, but harmless spiders

A phryn is a spider that has neither spider glands nor glands that secrete poison. Despite the fact that this creature is terrible, it is harmless to people. In English-speaking countries, frins are called scorpions - whips, as well as pest spiders. In fact, they do not belong to one, nor to the other.

It makes no sense to believe that the frins are poisonous. They look terrifying, but in fact, these predators are very cowardly. They are afraid of any movements and even shadows. Making their photo is quite difficult.