
Kononenko Maxim Vitalievich, journalist: biography, career

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Kononenko Maxim Vitalievich, journalist: biography, career
Kononenko Maxim Vitalievich, journalist: biography, career

Video: Абракадабра | Abrakadabra, student short film 2024, June

Video: Абракадабра | Abrakadabra, student short film 2024, June

Journalist Maxim Kononenko (Vesti FM) is known for his scandalous statements and views. His biography is full of contradictions and unconfirmed facts, he creates around himself a wide variety of myths and legends to shock the public. We will tell reliably how Maxim Kononenko lives, whose biography raises many questions among the general public.

Early period

The future journalist Maxim Kononenko was born on March 13, 1971 in the distant northern city of Apatity. Nothing is known about his childhood. The journalist himself offers the public conflicting information about his origin. According to one version, his grandfather was called Moses, and his last name was Ivanov. At the same time, Kononenko categorically denies his Jewish origin. He claims that his family originates from the Don Cossacks and Old Believers. According to another version, his distant relative was the hero of the civil war, the White Guard Sergey Markov, this information was documented refuted. According to the third version, Kononenko claims that he is a Martian by nationality.

All this information is issued in order to let the fog in and hide the true picture of reality. It is reliably known that Maxim lived in Apatity until 1988, and after that he moved to Moscow, with which all his subsequent life was connected.



Upon arrival in Moscow, Maxim Kononenko enters to study at the Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. Later, he studied for two more years at the Maxim Gorky Literary Institute. Kononenko successfully applied both formations in his professional activity.

The beginning of a professional path

Even while studying at MIREA, Kononenko got a job at InterEVM, then transferred to the computer department of Steepler. Before graduating from the Institute of Radio Engineering, he managed to work on a future specialty in several companies.

In 1996, he transferred to work in the IT company ParaGraph. This is a famous Russian company created by Russian scientists during the time of universal diversification. In her portfolio were contracts with giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Disney. Maxim later transferred to ParallelGraphics. This company was created on the basis of ParaGraph. The company was engaged in three-dimensional graphics, Internet technologies, on its account cooperation with Boeing, with European and Russian space services. Kononenko worked in this enterprise for more than 10 years as a leading programmer.

By virtue of his specialty, Maxim was perfectly versed in the features of Internet communications, so Kononenko decided to connect his future activities with the network, but he did not want to be just a programmer, although he did it brilliantly. In 2000, the network contest ROTOR (Russian Online TOP) awarded him the titles of “Programmer of the Year” and “Person of the Year”.


Journalist career

In parallel with his work as a programmer, Kononenko conducts his own review of Russian popular music, Russian POP, on the Internet. This review attracted a huge number of readers. Writing was very attractive to Kononenko; it was not in vain that he studied at the Literary Institute. In 1995, Maxim takes part in the Tenet online literary contest with the Tango story and wins it. Since 200, he has been running his own column on the website. In 2001, he was invited to the newly opened newspaper "Newspaper" to maintain a page on pop music.

Having found his second calling, Kononenko with incredible activity began to participate in a wide variety of projects, their list is very long. For some time he worked as the chief editor of the Bourgeois Journal and the newspaper Re: Aktsiya, he also created his own newspaper and worked as an author and technical editor in it. Later, Maxim Vitalievich begins cooperation with Vesti FM radio. First, he leads the column "Replica". Later it was transformed into "The View of Maxim Kononenko." In this program, he expresses his opinion about various events. His position is almost always provocative and non-standard. The work on Vesti FM radio brought the journalist fame with a wider audience, because earlier he was more popular on the Internet.

In 2005, Kononenko comes to television. He becomes co-host of Gleb Pavlovsky in the program "Real Politics" on NTV. In 2009, on the same channel, she opened the program “Collection of Nonsense”.

Since 2016, Maxim Kononenko, a journalist with a controversial reputation, has become a columnist for the Novosti news agency and RT in Russian.

On the account of Kononenko several published books. Stories about Vladimir Vladimirovich came out as a separate publication, and works were also published in the genres of fiction, humorous prose, and alternative history.


Internet projects

In his first year at MIREA, Maxim Kononenko began to create his own pages on the Internet under the nickname Parker, in honor of the pen gifted by his girlfriend. So Maxim went down in Runet history as "Mr. Parker." He is not in vain called the pioneer of the Russian Internet, as he was one of the first to participate in many Internet projects.

In 1995, Maxim opened his first website, Mr. Parker's Crazy House. On it, he published a lot of copyright materials, including conducted his musical review.

He is known for his comic projects, "Kill Pushkin." Since 2002, Kononenko led the very famous site “Vladimir Vladimirovich. ru ”, where he published fictional parody stories from Putin’s life. The site stopped adding content in 2014.



Kononenko brought fame to the page in the Live Journal. A distinctive feature of Kononenko's texts was the great presence of obscene language and the defiant position of the author. Several times the page of Maxim Vitalievich was blocked by the LJ administration, the occasion was calls for dog-hunting and an attack on the UK. The journalist closed his blog and began to post his texts on a site named after himself.


Personal life

Maxim Kononenko does not like to talk about his private life. It is known that he was married to a girl named Catherine, an architect by profession. She was doing a home project, which the journalist was planning to build in 2005. The couple has a son named Gleb. Not so long ago, Kononenko was indignant on the Web that his son had to learn the text of the anthem of the Russian Federation, which the journalist categorically did not like. Maxim Vitalievich does not know anything about the existence of other children, nor about whether the spouses continue to live together.
