
Jacques Derrida: teachings, books, philosophy

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Jacques Derrida: teachings, books, philosophy
Jacques Derrida: teachings, books, philosophy

Video: PHILOSOPHY: Jacques Derrida 2024, June

Video: PHILOSOPHY: Jacques Derrida 2024, June

Who is Jacques Derrida? What is he famous for? This is a French philosopher who initiated the creation of the International College of Philosophy in Paris. Derrida is a follower of the teachings of Nietzsche and Freud. His concept of deconstruction in many respects echoes the philosophy of logical analysis, although he categorically could not find contact with philosophers of this direction. His mode of action is the destruction of stereotypes and the creation of a new context. This concept proceeds from the fact that the meaning is revealed in the reading process.


Big name

For the past thirty years, Jacques Derrida and his philosophy have often been mentioned in books, lectures, and magazines. For several years, he even became the object of cinema and cartoons. Even one song with his mention is known. Jacques Derrida is known for authorship of the most complex philosophical work of his time. He lived for 74 years and before his death in 2004 made two conflicting predictions about what will happen after his death. The French philosopher was sure that he would be quickly forgotten, but said that some of his works would remain in his memory. In essence, these words define the rebellious essence of the philosopher; his work was determined by constant unwillingness to remain within the framework of his usual personality.


How to recognize a philosopher?

Once Peter Sloterdijk noticed that it is possible to calculate the philosopher from his works, where sentences are built from chapters of arguments. The second method is based on the transition to the context and the search for the hidden meaning of theses. Naturally, the text may become less important than the context. Jacques Derrida chose to work with the text, but did not expect special results from the second. He noticed that he did not require the reader to immerse himself in his texts and feelings of ecstasy from this, but he wanted to see a critical attitude towards translations and footnotes.

Corrosive character

The French philosopher turned out to be a real pedant. In his works, he addresses a wide variety of issues, criticizes Western European philosophy, and overcomes metaphysics through analytics of concepts. There is a risk of replacing the true meaning with a false one, and the main one with a borderline one. The ordinary model of knowledge was rejected by the philosopher, that is, to understand the meaning of the text, you can not get acquainted with the text. Such a model assumes the effect of presence, and Derrida argued that understanding requires study in comparison with other objects and the possibility of recognition in different situations. The philosopher's thoughts were a challenge for many fellow workers.


In books

Did Jacques Derrida write books? Sure! In one of the most famous works of 1967, he argued that the emphasis on the present hides the attitude towards death. In other words, recognizing that a person exists means that a person is mortal. The philosopher did not seek to show his superiority, but devotedly loved that he was deconstructing. It was in such a model that the greatness of Plato, Hegel, or Rousseau was manifested for him. The works of Jacques were most warmly accepted in literary circles, where they were studied along with the works of other post-structuralists. Derrida was the first to use words and terms that combine mutually exclusive meanings. An example would be a pharmakon, meaning medicine and poison, or espacement, which means space and time at the same time. Such terms make a strange ambiguous impression on an unprepared reader.


Quotes and catchphrases

To find himself, Derrida wrote an autobiography, which he could not finish, because in many situations he did not identify himself. Derrida believed that the lion's share of biographies is written just out of a desire to meet his “I”. The philosopher for his statements was accused of vagueness and inability to formulate his thoughts, as well as a claim to originality. In addition to his concept, Jacques Derrida left a quote. Now they sometimes beat not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

  • "Such is the fate of the tongue - to move away from the body" - can you argue with such a phrase?

  • “At times sophistication appears as the ability to make the right choice in accordance with intuition” - extroverts tired of the usual forms are willing to use this argument.

  • And how do you like his famous idea that “Yes” needs to be repeated ?! After all, this is really a brilliant observation. The remark that the reader must be either completely inexperienced or over-sophisticated can be considered exactly the same.