the culture

The basic rules of conduct in the theater

The basic rules of conduct in the theater
The basic rules of conduct in the theater

Video: Movie Theater Etiquette 2024, June

Video: Movie Theater Etiquette 2024, June

The theater is truly a temple of art, symbolizing spiritual beauty, sophistication and good manners. The atmosphere prevailing in it imposes certain restrictions on each guest. In order to temporarily become part of it, enjoy the spectacle and merge with the cultural bohemia, you should certainly follow etiquette and strictly abide by all the rules of conduct in the theater.

How to dress in the theater

The first thing you want to pay attention to is clothing. Short and overly open clothes will be considered a sign of bad taste, and shorts, jeans and T-shirts are completely unacceptable for the theater


. If you don’t have the opportunity to go home to change clothes after work, then on a weekday it will be enough to simply supplement your business suit with some accessories - this will make it more elegant. However, if you are going to the premiere, then you just need an evening toilet: an elegant dress for women and a formal suit or tuxedo for men. In winter, it is recommended that you take along replacement shoes. A women's hat and a lush hairdo can interfere with seeing the scene sitting behind, so it would be nice to refuse them. Also in the theater strong smells of perfumes should be avoided. The abundance of aromas in a closed room can be annoying.

Before the performance

So, you are in the theater! Of course, you weren’t late, because you would have shown disrespect for the actors, musicians and stage workers who were preparing to meet with you. When submitting your coat in the wardrobe, throw it over the barrier, after checking if the hanger on it comes off, because a demonstration of your sloppiness will be completely inappropriate in an institution of this rank. Large bags and bags must also be left with the cloakroom


. Then, looking at yourself in the mirror, you can slightly correct the hairstyle, but nothing more. To paint lips and tie a tie should still be in the toilet. Going to your place in the auditorium, you must continue to strictly observe the rules of conduct in the theater. For example, passing in along a row should be facing the other spectators sitting in the hall, while apologizing for the disturbance. Your apology may be dumb, just a respectful nod of your head. As a rule, the cavalier passes first, chooses a more convenient place for the lady and holds the seat of the chair while his companion is located, after which he sits down. All misunderstandings related to places should be resolved with the help of a manager, in no case do not enter into a dispute with anyone.

The performance has begun

Sitting in a chair, you should not put both hands on the armrests, the rules of conduct in the theater say that you own only one of them. The height of indecency will be a loud discussion of something during the performance, rustling with pieces of paper from candies, champing and talking on the phone.


The sound of a mobile phone should be turned off immediately, since silence in the theater is needed not only by the audience sitting in the hall, but also by the actors, so that nothing prevents them from getting used to the role. To ask a neighbor for binoculars or a program is bad taste. You have to get your own and keep them on your lap during the performance. Remember that the binoculars are designed to more clearly consider the action taking place on the stage, and not in the auditorium - frankly looking at the public is extremely indecent! As for applause, they also have their own rules. They will be relevant only at certain climaxes: at the end of the play, at the end of the act or some successful scene, during the release of the famous actor. Remember, inappropriate applause can ruin the whole impression of the performance and interfere with its holistic perception!


Theater behavior during intermission

Intermission is the time when you can stretch the bones, have a bite, discuss the performance and share your impressions, without violating the rules of conduct in the theater. If during the intermission you decide to go to a cafe, then please do not forget about etiquette during meals and do not stay here for long - after all, come to the theater for the sake of art. In addition, after the third call in the hall, the lights are dimmed, and it will be impossible to get to your place.

When the performance is over


Leaving the venue during the performance is considered indecent. Only when the curtain falls, you can safely go to the wardrobe. It is calm, without rushing and without creating a stampede in the lobby, so as not to give the impression that you did not like the performance, and you strive to run home as soon as possible.

Theater and children

It's a little harder to go to the theater with the kids. What exactly should be the behavior in the theater is not very clear for children. They want to make noise and pamper, because in essence they are more natural in emotions than adults. Therefore, for them, as a rule, separate morning performances are organized. They will not be able to attend evening performances until they reach the age of ten.