
Budagov Yuri: biography, photo

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Budagov Yuri: biography, photo
Budagov Yuri: biography, photo

The famous TV presenter Ksenia Borodina several times tried to build a family life. The first husband of Ksyusha was businessman Budagov Yuri. The girl fell in love with a caring and helpful young man and willingly accepted his proposal to get married.


Road to marriage

Ksenia Borodina is a popular TV presenter, who won the love and interest of viewers, thanks to the role of a TV presenter in the project on TNT channel "Dom-2". Ksenia was able to get this work after long unsuccessful attempts to break into television. She attended castings, sent out resumes and portfolios to various projects and programs, but everywhere she was refused. Already at the moment when Ksenia decided to leave the country and at the invitation of her mother to go to Italy, they called her with TNT. The call was a happy swallow and the beginning of a professional career: the girl was approved as co-host Ksenia Sobchak in the project "House-2". Since then, Borodin has been conducting the program without changing himself, returning to the set again and again, regardless of life circumstances. Budagov Yuri appeared in the life of Xenia, when she was already a famous and popular TV presenter.



Budagov Yuri - the first husband of Ksyusha was not a participant in the project, the girl met him outside the program. Young people met several times on the set of the Comedy Club program, but were not closely acquainted. Once Budagov Yuri and Ksenia Borodina crossed on the same road, heading in the same direction each in his car. Having caught up, the couple started a conversation about nothing, and the businessman struck Ksenia with a manifestation of concern, which she had not felt for a long time from the surrounding men. Yuri Budagov suggested that the girl quickly solve her problems with car repairs and even left his as a temporary means of transportation. Ksenia was delighted. For a long time she dreamed of meeting such a strong and caring man as Yuri Budagov.


Development of a relationship

The novel of the TV presenter and a successful businessman developed rapidly. Yuri Budagov beautifully and touchingly looked after. Fans of Xenia could already see photos of their common pastime on popular sites. The man won the heart of Xenia by trying to make her life easier, taking all the decisions on himself, simplifying any situation, protecting his beloved from unnecessary trouble. The couple began to appear frequently at parties. Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budagov, photos confirm this, were happy lovers. Very quickly, the relationship grew into something more, naturally the man and woman wanted to build a family.



The relatives found out that the couple decided to get married a week before the wedding - the hurricane of young passions so swiftly circled. The wedding was celebrated modestly enough, without journalists and the press. Video of the wedding ceremony is available only in the family archive. Yuri Budagov, whose biography is little known, became an excellent husband. The life of a young family began beautifully, all the guests, as well as the lovers themselves, were satisfied with the wedding.



A few months after the wedding, Ksenia Borodina realized that a new person would appear in the family - the long-awaited child, whom both future parents so wanted. With the desire of Ksyusha to have children, Yuri Budagov completely agreed, the biography of the young man did not include previous marriages and the presence of children. Therefore, the young were happy and were looking forward to the birth of the baby. Nine months later, Ksenia and Yuri had a daughter born safely. The girl was named Marusya, and she was a small copy of her mother, although everyone who is familiar with the Borodin-Budagov couple suggested that the child would look like a father.


Ksenia Borodina's father is an Armenian. Half of her blood flows Armenian blood, her husband Yuri Budagov has the same nationality, but he is a purebred Armenian. In this regard, relatives and friends expected that the baby will completely inherit his dad's appearance. However, the born girl was so similar to her mother that the baby photographs of Xenia and her daughter could not be distinguished from each other. This is how nature grinned at the prophesying future experts.


Living together

After the birth of Marousi, friction and inconsistencies began in the family. Ksenia Borodina, being connected by a signed contract with the TV channel, could not stay at home for a long time. The work of the TV presenter of the popular show involves short-term parental leave. At the same time, Ksenia was not going to quit her career. Such a course of events did not suit the father of the family; Yuri Budagov was very dissatisfied with the state of affairs. The nationality of Xenia's husband, his character, traditions and customs of Armenians suggest a slightly different lifestyle for a married woman. Against the background of such contradictions, scandals began in the family. Of course, the couple tried to find a compromise. Ksenia adapted to her husband and tried to match his ideas about family life, and Yuri tried in every way to put up with the need to see his wife on the screen as a TV presenter. But the turbulent temperaments of both did not let passions pass away, which flared up with new and new strength.