
Alexander Polyarny: biography and description of the book

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Alexander Polyarny: biography and description of the book
Alexander Polyarny: biography and description of the book

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Thanks to the development of the Internet, a lot of modern writers have become known to the world. Alexander Polyarny is one of the youngest literary figures of art. At 22, he already has a millionth readership. In his social networks, the author constantly posts small stories and short stories. In his life, he has already managed to release a book, which has become a bestseller.

Biography of Alexander Polyarny


The poet was born in 1994. He spent all his childhood in the city of Murmansk. Among peers, he practically did not stand out. His father was a factory worker. My mother moonlighted as a seamstress. He never had any conflicts with friends. Tipping points in the biography of Alexander Polyarny:

  • In 2011, the guy read a work by Ray Bradbury. The book inspired him to embark on the writer's path. It was after this that he began to compose short stories.
  • Created notes on the phone. Polar made over a thousand entries on his device. Since he wrote almost all his free time.
  • Published stories anonymously. Alexander, using various nicknames, uploaded small stories to the Internet. They received positive reviews. That is what motivated the author to continue his work.

Thanks to publications on the network, Alexander Polyarny gained an audience of readers. All his fans constantly wrote positive reviews to the guy. Thanks to this, the author began work on his book.

Writer popularity

For three years, Alexander worked on his first work. He originally called it The Story of a Love. However, the author decided to change the title of the book to "The Tale of Suicide." Polar did not have enough funds to release his literary work. That is why the guy decided to attract investment in the publication of the book.

For the first month he managed to collect only 20 thousand rubles. However, this was not enough for the publication. A few months later, the young writer managed to collect 400 thousand rubles. Thanks to this, the circulation of the book exceeded 50, 000 copies. This success was noted by the famous publishing house AST. Already in February 2018, “Mint Tale” appeared on the shelves of bookstores. The publisher "AST" renamed the work, as it did not pass according to moral standards.