the culture

How to answer the question: "How are you?" Several variants

How to answer the question: "How are you?" Several variants
How to answer the question: "How are you?" Several variants

Every day, a person communicates with different people: friends, relatives, colleagues or fellow students. And sometimes you have to answer uncomfortable, uninteresting or just on-duty questions.


True is an option.

If a person does not know how to answer the question: “How are you?”, It is worth thinking about just telling the truth. But it can also be completely different. For a relative, this can be a detailed answer, which will contain a lot of interesting and important nuances from life, for a friend, a short answer in a few sentences will suffice. That's just the meaning should be true.

Sweet lie

The answer to the question: "How are you?" may also be false. This technique is used in a conversation with the enemies of a person who wants to annoy. You can also embellish reality in front of former guys (girls) or just people who are frankly envious. But you should not misinterpret your whole life and come up with non-existent events, because after a certain time, a lie can be revealed and it will just be uncomfortable.


How to answer the question: "How are you?" Pretty simple advice: monosyllabic, i.e. using only one word or phrase that fully reflects reality. The following words or phrases can be examples: “Best of all”, “Excellent”, “Cool”, “Normal”, “So-so”, “Blockage (at work, school)”, “Disgusting”, etc. After that, you can quickly switch to another topic if you do not want to develop a thought.


To rhyme

Another option is how to answer the question: "How are you?" - to rhyme. This method is good if you just want to get away from the answer. So, you can take into service the following phrases: "Until I gave birth, " "Like soot white, " etc. It all depends on the defendant’s imagination.


Funny phrases that can be used can also help, again, if you want to avoid the real answer. So, there are a huge number of options: “I don’t know, the prosecutor has a day off”, “Oh, business affairs …”, “I’m not a business person, I don’t turn things around”, etc.



How to answer the question: "How are you?" people who are frankly tired of? Sharp. You should not be rude, but sometimes you really want to just cut off the desire to continue to be interested in this, saying: "It's not your business, " "Leave me alone, " "What is your concern?" However, do not abuse this option.

Keep silent

You can also simply ignore this question or keep silent in response. Thus, a reasonable interlocutor will understand that it is no longer worth asking a similar question. If not, you can use the method described above.

Question to question

Everyone knows that answering a question with a question is not good, but sometimes, if you really want to, you can. This method is suitable in a situation if you want to avoid the answer. We need to ask the counter question “How are you doing?”, “What’s my business, better tell me about yourself”, etc.


If you want to be original, but not seriously answer the question: “How are you?”, You can prepare answers for every day. You need to take a notebook and paint the desired answers for 30 days. And then, depending on the number, just look in the diary for the entry and answer exactly what is written there. May this not be true.