
Svetlana Korkoshko: the happy fate of a beautiful woman

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Svetlana Korkoshko: the happy fate of a beautiful woman
Svetlana Korkoshko: the happy fate of a beautiful woman

Svetlana Korkoshko was born in the midst of the war - in 1943. Her parents at that time were evacuated in the Urals, in the city of Nizhny Tagil. In 1944, the family moved to the village of Kaganovich, which was located on the outskirts of Krivoy Rog. Svetlana’s childhood passed there. I went to school at six. Mother seriously feared for the health of the child, as the girl all the time fell into unpleasant situations on the streets of the city.


Post-war life was poor. In addition to Svetlana, the family had several more children. Each youngest child had to carry things older. To somehow feed a large family, parents kept a garden and livestock.

Parents tried to give a good education to all their daughters. Someone became an agronomist, someone a teacher, someone a seller. And Svetlana dreamed about acting. At that time, no one appeared on the screens except Marina Ladynina and Boris Andreev. All youth sought to be like them.

Admission to the theater university

At the age of sixteen, Svetlana warned her mother that she wanted to go to enter a theater university. She began to dissuade: “What kind of profession is this ?! It’s much better to become a doctor! ” But the girl was adamant.


At 21, Svetlana graduated from the Kharkov Theater Institute. And immediately she was accepted into the troupe of the Ivan Franko Theater. It was the main theater of Ukraine, where all aspiring actors sought to get. In 1964, she first appeared in films. The debut film was "The death of the squadron." The actress was noticed, and immediately loaded with work. A year later, Svetlana received an apartment in Kiev. Constant filming and roles in many performances helped the young girl live comfortably.

Invitation from Moscow. The beginning of the creative biography of Svetlana Korkoshko

In 1965, the actress was invited to play in the play "Antigone" by Sophocles. A year later, the troupe involved in the production went on tour in Moscow. Upon returning home, Svetlana received a call from the Moscow Art Theater with a job offer.

The actress decided to try her hand. In addition, after marrying his admirer Yuri Boretsky, one way or another, it was necessary to move to Moscow.


Getting into the main theater was not easy. Each actor had his own connections: family or friendly. “But if they invited, then they waited, ” thought Svetlana. In some ways, she was right. Immediately upon arrival, she was involved in “Mary Stuart”, and a little later - in “The Seagull”, in “Three Sisters” and “Nightingale Night”. We managed to gain a foothold in the troupe.


The spectacular appearance of the actress impressed the directors. Roles rained like cornucopia: "Postal Novel", "Circle", "Dead Season", "Strange Woman", "Taming of Fire", "Brothers Karamazov". Active stage activity began. Soviet delegations invited abroad, where the directors took Svetlana.

Dreams of a beautiful life came true: the actress lived in five-star hotels, traveled, was included in the elite circle of world celebrities. It was one of the happiest periods in the life of Svetlana Korkoshko (photo below).


Personal life

The first marriage with actor Yuri Boretsky was not quite successful. Svetlana shone, her career went uphill, and her husband only envied this. Being the son of an influential father, he did not want to ask him for help. Svetlana herself decided to turn to Ivan Pyryev himself with a request for patronage in admission to the directing department. Boretsky was taken, despite the fact that breaking through there was not easy. However, getting an education did not make Svetlana a famous director out of spouse. For some time he worked on "The Seagull", but could not "light up" anywhere else.

With the advent of Oleg Efremov from Sovremennik, life at the Moscow Art Theater has changed dramatically. He took many colleagues along with him. So it was with Vladimir Salyuk - a young actor and director. Once, Svetlana was invited to take part in the play "Valentine and Valentine", where she needed to play friends of the main characters together with Vladimir. The girl immediately fell in love. For a long time I struggled with my feelings, tried to save my family, despite the problems in relations with my husband. Vladimir was also not free.

At the end of April 1974, the lovers got married and since then have not parted even for a minute. The son Fedor was born in marriage, now he is over 30 years old, he graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University, knows several languages. Now, after forty years, if you look back, you can assume that the personal life of Svetlana Korkoshko has developed happily.