
Alexey Kolyshevsky: biography, list of books and interesting facts

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Alexey Kolyshevsky: biography, list of books and interesting facts
Alexey Kolyshevsky: biography, list of books and interesting facts

Alexey Kolyshevsky is a writer with a bright original talent. His frank, shocking books cause a storm of conflicting emotions and interpretations. There are a lot of rumors and speculation about him, they discredit and adore him.


Who is he - Kolyshevsky Alexey, whose bibliography includes eleven piercing original bestsellers? What does he want to achieve with his work? And why does he choose such eccentric, peculiar themes and plots? Let's find out.

In the meantime, get acquainted: Alexei Kolyshevsky (biography, list of books, personal life and much more that you would like to know about your favorite author, presented in the article).


The future writer was born in Moscow in November 1973. He studied at one of the capital’s secondary schools.

Even then, in the gifted boy, all the makings of a future extraordinary, diverse personality were manifested: he loved literature, loved sports, was observant and charismatic.


Immediately after school, the guy was forced to go to the electrode factory, having a working specialty - a compressor.

In parallel with work, Alexei Kolyshevsky received higher education. At first he studied at the correspondence department of Moscow State University with a degree in sociology, then he acquired a law degree and at the end he studied at VGIK (film drama department).


As you can see, Alexei Yuryevich approached education very carefully and seriously. He, as a bright multi-faceted personality, wanted to try himself in everything in order to qualitatively realize his outstanding mental potential.

In the mid-1990s, Alexei Kolyshevsky met with Sergei Minaev, who subsequently provided him with tremendous support as an aspiring writer.

Service in the authorities

Starting from 1996 and over the next ten years, Alexei Yuryevich served in the bodies of the KGB-FSB of the Russian Federation.

The FSB is the federal security service of Russia, or the federal executive body, which provides and is responsible for the security of the entire state.

This special service provides for military and civilian federal service.

Alexey Yuryevich Kolyshevsky was engaged in financial and tax intelligence. Repeatedly entered the work in the capital's shopping malls and private alcohol companies, occupying the main leadership positions. In connection with his official duties, he participated in the detention of one of the richest people in the world - Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky.

The experience gained in the field of counterintelligence and business had a favorable effect on the further literary and entrepreneurial activities of Kolyshevsky.

At the age of thirty, a successful special agent receives the rank of lieutenant colonel. Two years later, despite the promotion and other state awards, Alexei Yurievich retires and embarks on a trip around the world.

The path to creativity

During the world cruise, Kolyshevsky is actively researching.


For example, he is looking for traces of members of the SS who escaped punishment who are guilty of war crimes and crimes against all of humanity.

Also, Alexei Kolyshevsky studies the history of creation, rituals, teachings and the structure of Freemasonry - a secret world society.

The collection of this information helps the retired lieutenant colonel to determine the direction of his future literary activity.

First novel

Returning to his homeland, Alexei Kolyshevsky, whose biography sharply changes its direction, takes up a pen and paper and writes his first novel - “MF - Roman first-person life. Based on real events. ”


A longtime good friend, Sergey Minaev, helps a novice writer publish a book.

The novel effectively breaks into the literary expanses of Russia and instantly gains popularity. Having caused a lot of controversy, he becomes a real bestseller.

The protagonist of the work is a cool manager, an office worker who is passionate about getting rich and trying to understand the meaning of life. He connects love and freedom with a solid bank account, and he sees life through the prism of green pieces of paper. Will something change in his life?

The narration is in the first person. The work raises some vital issues set forth in the philosophical thoughts of the author about the social and political life of modern Russia.


The next work by Kolyshevsky is the book “Skidders. A novel about rats. ” The work reveals a vivid living language, without embellishment and exaggeration, revealing the whole background of big business.

The main character is Klenovsky German (in the future, the author will devote several more books to him), accustomed to a fun, luxurious life. And in order not to lose all this - luxury cars, expensive things, jewelry and trinkets, he used to give a “kickback”, give and take.

The book “Skidders” produced an unprecedented resonance in higher circles.


Although the author claimed that all the names and events in the work are fictitious, many saw modern real characters in the novel. In connection with the publication of the book on Aleksei Yurievich, several assassination attempts were made and several criminal cases were instituted with regard to libel, humiliation of personal dignity and honor.

All this only fueled public interest in this work.

To be continued

Before the passions calmed down, another book by Kolyshevsky, “Patriot. Cruel novel about the national idea. ”

In the story, the favorite character of Alexei Yuryevich is again found. This time, Herman will lead his readers behind the scenes of serious politics, where there is no place for pity, honesty and sympathy. The work tells about dirty political games and dishonesty with the state treasury.

The following works of the author are the same novels, exciting with their frankness and shamelessness. This is a spy-historical detective “Sect”, with a mystical bias, and a political and economic novel about the life of oligarchs in exile - “Outcasts”, and an adventurous and fantastic story about the search for the elixir of immortality - “Thirst”.

Continuation of sensational novels also gained considerable popularity: “Sect-2”, telling in an unprecedented interpretation about the life of the founder of Christianity, and “MZh-2”, based on a real horrific murder and telling about the terrible relationship between migrant workers and those who cover them.


All of Kolyshevsky’s works are written in a lively dynamic language that is understandable to modern readers, and cause a storm of emotions - both positive and negative.

Therefore, in order to judge the creative skill and rationality of the author, you must personally familiarize yourself with his works.