
Alexey Pazhitnov: biography and achievements. Pajitnov Alexey Leonidovich - Russian programmer

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Alexey Pazhitnov: biography and achievements. Pajitnov Alexey Leonidovich - Russian programmer
Alexey Pazhitnov: biography and achievements. Pajitnov Alexey Leonidovich - Russian programmer

Probably, everyone knows about what Tetris is, since this is a game for which more than one generation has been sitting for hours. But, unfortunately, the person who invented this game did not achieve popularity. And few people know who is the inventor of this game. It turns out that Alexey Pazhitnov is the man who invented tetris, our compatriot. He was born on March 14, 1956 in the city of Moscow.


Alexey Pazhitnov: biography

At school, Alexei studied as usual and did not stand out among his peers. But, as he recalls, his diary was always full of comments from teachers.

Alexei Leonidovich graduated from a mathematical school, and later the Aviation Institute. After graduation, Pajitnov got a job in a computer center, where he invented the legendary game in 1984. In 1991, Alexei moved to the United States. On his account a lot of work and awards.

Tetris creation

In 1984, young scientists spent hours in the laboratories with nothing to do. So Pajitnov Alexei Leonidovich was one of such people. During these years, he studied the problems associated with human speech recognition and intelligence. To overcome them, it was necessary to solve puzzles and difficult tasks. And then Alex decides to create a puzzle that will be interesting for both children and adults.

What glorified Alexey Pazhitnov? Initially, he created a computer game where the figures had to change their position under the gravity of other objects. But computers did not have much potential, and therefore the game had to be simplified. His figures consisted of five identical squares, but the people did not greatly appreciate his efforts, and then he decides to create something simpler. For Tetris, seven different shapes were developed. This number was not chosen by chance, it is this number that is able to remember a person's memory. The game was composed due to the language of Pascal.

What made Aleksey Pazhitnov famous all over the world? He creates a tetris in which four-square shapes fall down. By the way, few know why Tetris is called that. In fact, in the translation the word "tetra" means four. Although this game was originally called tetramino - but people themselves renamed it in order to simplify the pronunciation.


According to the creator of the great game, he created it in order to please people. Aleksei believes that for this purpose absolutely all games should be created, which later became famous throughout the world.

After Alexei created the tetris, the fame of a new toy spread to many cities, and two weeks later everyone played it, competing with each other. Although the first week only employees of the company where Alexey worked were engaged in fun. Two months later, after the first Tetris model was released, Pajitnov and his colleague created a color version of the game. The advantage of the new game can be called the fact that a table of records was laid in it. We played Tetris not only in Russia, but also abroad, the game gained popularity.

It is worth noting that the Academy of Sciences, where Pajitnov worked at that time, was officially considered the creators of the game. That is why Pajitnov for a long time could not receive income from his invention. After all, the game was created during business hours and on a working computer, which is why the rights did not belong to Alexei.

Game rights

Many people wanted to buy the rights to play tetris from Alexei. The first turned out to be Robert Stein, who later wanted to cooperate with Soviet entrepreneurs who wanted to earn big money on Pazhitnov’s invention. Although Pajitnov did not sign any documents and contracts with them. Many Americans even created their own versions of tetris, which were no less popular.

Later, Hungarian Stein resold the rights to the game Microsoft. In 1989, American Tetris was created. Since then, more than 70 million copies of games and over 100 million downloads to mobile devices have been sold. A bit later, gaming and arcade machines with the Tetris game began to be created.


Establishment of the Tetris company

Despite the fact that Aleksey Pazhitnov is not such a famous person, everything turned out perfectly in his life, since the inventor worked hard. He managed to organize Anima Tek, which Microsoft offered to collaborate with. And having already moved to the USA, he organized a company called Tetris, and only then he began to earn money on a game created many years ago. And since 1996, Alexey Pajitnov officially works at Microsoft. On all products that are released by Alexei, there is a note that he is considered the creator of the legendary game.


Tetris movie

Recently, information has leaked to the press that they plan to make a film in America so that all people can know who created the game, for which more than one generation spent a lot of time. The directors of this film, of course, will be the Americans. The exact release date of the film is not yet known.

The plot of the film will be not only the personality of Alexei Pazhitnov, but also the tetris himself. The plot will be sci-fi. According to the directors, the film promises to be no less popular than the game itself.

Tetris today

Despite the fact that the gaming industry is very well developed today, there are still people who play Tetris. In addition, each game console has a similar game. Today, many games have been developed, created in the likeness of Tetris. You can play in company or alone. By the way, this game develops erudition and other abilities in a child.
