
Long legs and beautiful faces: cute twins from Taiwan are already 17 years old - how they look (photo)

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Long legs and beautiful faces: cute twins from Taiwan are already 17 years old - how they look (photo)
Long legs and beautiful faces: cute twins from Taiwan are already 17 years old - how they look (photo)

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Among entertainment content on social networks, the so-called puppet faces received a special direction. Mostly these are, of course, girls. In Taiwan, seventeen years ago, twins were born - Sandy and Mandy. And today, they are perhaps the most popular girls in Taiwan.

The beginning of the story

The story of the twins conquering the Internet began fourteen years ago, when their mother, by the way, also from a family of twins, posted on her page on a social network a photo of her daughters. Photography blew up the Internet, many began to subscribe to my mother’s page and follow their life. Most of the subscribers left good kind comments, thanked the mother for sharing such cute photos with the community. As they say, popularity collapsed immediately. The mother did not try to hide her children and pleased the army of fans quite often.
