
Alina Topalova: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Alina Topalova: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Alina Topalova: biography, personal life and interesting facts

Alina Topalova. Does this name and surname tell you anything? Is this beautiful girl related to a former member of the Smash band? Yes, she has to be his sister. Want to get more information about her? Then you need to read this article from beginning to end.


Alina Topalova: family

Let's start with the parents. Mikhail Genrikhovich Topalov and Tatyana Anatolyevna met in the early 1980s. He was then a professional musician, performed as a member of the rock group "The Fourth Dimension". And Tanya just graduated from the Institute of History and Archives. Their relationship has developed rapidly. And a few months after the date of meeting, the lovers entered into a legal marriage.


In 1985, the firstborn was born to the spouses - a son, who was named Vladislav. And on October 16, 1988, his sister, Alina Topalova, was born.

Soon after the birth of children, Mikhail Genrikhovich decided to change his occupation. Indeed, in musical performances it is not possible to make good money. Topalov (senior) got a job at the Main Department of Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then he became a business man, founded a law firm. And later, he acted as the producer of his son.

In 1994, Alina Topalova and her older brother Vlad left to live in the UK. The future lead singer of Smash studied at London College. And his little sister attended school, where all classes were conducted in English.

In 1997, Vladislav and Alina returned to Moscow. In the Russian capital they were sent to the most ordinary school. That's just to the school they got on a black jeep with security. Now these are unlikely to surprise anyone. And in the 1990s, businessmen who had many enemies had to take care of the safety of their children.

Alina and her famous brother spent the summer holidays in Washington. From the USA, they brought branded things, as well as equipment (video recorders, players, etc.) with suitcases.


Unfortunately, the Topalov family happiness eventually collapsed. In the early 2000s, Tatyana and Mikhail divorced. Mom took Alina with her, and Vlad stayed with dad.

Mikhail Topalov had violent romance with young beautiful girls. For a short time, the man was married to Marina Krashennikova, the director of InSpace Consulting. In 2002, they had a common son. Then Michael had a love relationship with singer Vetlitskaya Natalia. The businessman and producer even wanted to marry her.

As for the mother of Vlad and Alina, the woman was able to successfully marry a second time. In January 2008, she gave birth to a daughter from her new husband. The baby was called Anna.

Fidget Group

Parents always wanted Vladik and Alinochka to sing and perform on stage. And so, in 1990, Tatyana Topalova saw an ad for recruitment in the children's group "Fidgets." The next day, she led her son and daughter to the casting. Children were accepted into the group, which at that time consisted of 8 people. Volkova Julia and Lazarev Seryozha came a bit later. Vladik immediately made friends with them. And his little sister was secretly in love with Sergei Lazarev.

Alina was two years eight months old when she first appeared on the scene. Our heroine does not remember herself well at this age, only separate pictures flicker before her eyes.


After 10 years, Vlad and Alina graduated from Fidget. By that time, the team had “grown” to 400 people. If you think that on this the creative activity of the younger representatives of the Topalov family is over, then you are greatly mistaken. They were already a ready-made team. Mikhail Genrikhovich took up the promotion of his children and Sergei Lazarev.

Initially, the Smash group was to consist of three people. But the first producer of the team, Simon Napier-Bell, refused this idea. He decided to remove Alina, leaving only Sergey and Vlad.

Mom was glad that her daughter did not get into the Smash group. Why so? Firstly, because of jealousy. She did not want Alinochka to spend a lot of time with her father. Secondly, a woman persuaded her daughter to go to college, and not spend time on a musical career.

SMASH success

Mikhail Topalov invested a lot of effort and money in promoting his son and his friend, Sergei Lazarev. At the end of 2001, a fashion group with the English name Smash appeared in Russia. In a short time, two sweet-voiced guys managed to win the hearts of millions of girls and women. The collective lasted until 2006, releasing two studio albums.

Alina remembers how Smash fans were on duty at their apartment, painted all the walls in the stairwell with declarations of love for Vlad. She was a little and shy girl. And then there was so much attention to her person. Everyone suddenly wanted to communicate with her and be friends.

Relationship with brother

Our heroine claims that she never envied Vlad. In her eyes, he was a beloved older brother, a talented and hardworking person.

In her student years, Alina often received beautiful expensive gifts from him - a Vertu phone, a Richmond denim jacket and so on. For the girl, it was important attention, not the cost of these things.


Today, the Topalov’s brother and sister are in a great relationship. They come to visit each other. True, this does not happen as often as they would like. And all because of the heavy workload at work (both).

Education at MGIMO

What kind of education did Alina Topalova get? The biography indicates that after school she went to submit documents to MGIMO. The sister of the ex-lead singer of the group Smash chose the law faculty. After 5 years, she was awarded a red diploma. In 2011, the girl graduated from the magistracy. And again with a red diploma.

Own business

From 2009 to 2011 our heroine worked in a serious law firm. She had a decent salary and great prospects. But at some point, the beauty realized that she was engaged in a business that she did not like at all.

Alina got a job in an agency that organizes social events. There, the girl met Evgenia Kalimullina. Having gained sufficient experience in the event industry, she decided to launch her own business.

At the end of 2012, Alina Topalova began to implement her plans. She created an event agency with Zhenya Kalimullina. At first, the girls held only a few events a month. They currently have no end to customers. Eugene and Alina gladly undertake the organization of magnificent weddings, noisy parties and fun corporate parties within Moscow and the Moscow Region.

The Voice Project

Friends and colleagues constantly told the girl that she should sing. In the summer of 2015, one good friend persuaded Alina to participate in the Voice project (Channel One). Father and brother did not support this idea. But A. Topalova nevertheless went to the casting.


During the "blind listening" not one of the star mentors turned to her. Someone else would regard this as a defeat. And for her, a lawyer by training, with a 12-year absence on the stage, the very participation in such auditions was a real success.

Topalova Alina: personal life

Our heroine has a chiseled figure, a pretty face and a pleasant voice. It’s impossible not to fall in love with her. But is the heart of beautiful Alina free? Now you will know about it.

Articles regularly appear on the web with a headline such as “Alina Topalova got married” or “Sister Vlad Topalova went down the aisle”. But all this is unsubstantiated rumors.


She met her soulmate more than 6 years ago. Alina’s chosen one is Alexander. But the girl carefully hides his surname, age and occupation.

As of May 2017, Alina Topalova continues to meet with Alexander. Whether the couple lives together or not is not exactly known. The young man and the girl are very fond of each other. However, they are not in a hurry at the registry office.

Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting things about Alina Topalova:

  1. She actively uses the social network Instagram, where she has almost 25 thousand subscribers. The girl understands that many people are interested in just like Vlad Topalov’s sister. However, a large number of photos that the beauty regularly uploads allow us to conclude that we have an interesting and self-sufficient person.

  2. In May 2011, she was a debutant of the Vienna Ball, held in Gostiny Dvor (Moscow).

  3. Topalova Alina loves to travel. Over the past six months, she has visited Israel and France.

  4. Our heroine sings beautifully (in Russian and English) and knows how to play the guitar.


  5. A year ago, she got a pet - a charming Pomeranian puppy. Is it true that a dog named Haribo looks like a little white little bear?

  6. Tatler Russia magazine included Alina Topalova in the rating of the 50 sexiest girls of 2016.

  7. Her godfather is the "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" A. A. Lazarev.