
Alisa Tolkacheva - the most secular designer

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Alisa Tolkacheva - the most secular designer
Alisa Tolkacheva - the most secular designer

The press glorifies her as a person known in fashion circles, able to choose an individual style for any person. The heroine of the article has a natural flair for trends and successfully creates them. Dressing pop stars, completely changing their image for the better.

Designer Alisa Tolkacheva: biography

Seven years ago, no one knew about the existence of such a talented designer. The girl was born in Kiev and since childhood dreamed of creating her own clothing collections. She gladly reviewed all the programs in which the fashion theme was touched in any way. The desire grew every day, and the girl’s favorite pastime was drawing model pictures on the catwalk and characters for participating in performances. She always carefully thought out the details and approached the matter very responsibly.


Mom, seeing her daughter's restless interest in modeling, decided to equip her with a working area with all the necessary accessories. Naturally, the choice of the institute was simple: Alisa Tolkacheva entered the Department of Graphics at the Art Institute.

First job

The first place of work of Alice was the knitwear factory "Kievlyanka". This organization was considered quite prestigious and collaborated with various foreign companies.

In 1994, the girl decided to move to Moscow. She does not like to talk about moving, as she planned to live in the capital with a young man, but he died tragically.

Hard way

Not immediately Alisa Tolkacheva became what most people know her today. The first months of life in Moscow were full of adversity and disappointment. No profitable orders were and were not foreseen in the foreseeable future, and ambitions did not subside.


Six months later, the money ran out, and she decided to ask for help from her fellow countryman, producer and designer Boris Krasnov. He answered with a categorical refusal, appealing that Alice herself must achieve everything in order to take place in this life. It was on this day that all the linen was blown away from the balcony by the wind, since there were nothing to buy clothespins either. But Krasnov did not touch this sad fact, and he suggested that Tolkacheva go to her city, since she does not know how to earn money to support her life.


Alisa Tolkacheva is a designer with character. Even after a sharp conversation with Krasnov, she did not leave anywhere. Gradually organized her own creative workshop, which is managed jointly with her friend Anna Isaeva. There are regular customers. Now Alice's level of skill as a designer is expressed in universal recognition: more than 25 of the most popular artists trust only her to think about her stage image.


An image-maker fashion designer dresses stars from head to toe, developing dress, shoes, accessories with her own hand and choosing a suitable hairstyle. Naughty stars already know her: she is always authoritarian, like a doctor, and does not accept hints in her work. If a person comes to a fashion designer, then the professional will prescribe a “comprehensive treatment”, and if the customer wants to show his desire and express his personal vision - there are ateliers for this.

Do-it-yourself collections

The development of stage images for stars attracts such eminent designers as Alice Tolkacheva. The designer also does not forget about creating their own clothing collections. Alice herself admits that the Paris High Fashion Syndicate does not officially recognize her, although all models have no analogues and differ in the texture of the fabric.

Personal ideals

Outrageous models arise due to the manifestation of the personal ideals of the designer. For example, Alisa Tolkacheva does not like vulgarity, but unusualness in collections is an internal essence. Itself does not carry its shocking creations, but receives tremendous pleasure from the process of their creation. The catwalk is a scene, you need to shine on it.

Alice has a special relationship with Angelica Varum. It was this singer who first ordered the costume from an unknown girl designer.
