
Alla Levushkina, surgeon: biography, achievements and interesting facts

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Alla Levushkina, surgeon: biography, achievements and interesting facts
Alla Levushkina, surgeon: biography, achievements and interesting facts

Alla Levushkina is a surgeon. Her date of birth is 1928! This heroic woman with a big heart is so devoted to the profession that she still carries out operations. Queues are always lining up for her office.

Briefly about the heroine of the article

Just think about it: Alla Levushkina is a 87-year-old surgeon, and a practitioner! She is a laureate of the highest standard award for a doctor - “Calling”. Needless to say, when presenting her the award, a huge hall, which could not accommodate everyone, applauded her while standing?


And the modest surgeon Levushkina Alla Ilinichna treated what was happening with indescribable calm. How could it be otherwise? The doctor’s task is to treat people well and only that way. A sense of humor and inexhaustible optimism help in this difficult work.

To institute

Alla's father worked as a forester in the Meshchersky forests.

Alla Levushkina is a surgeon from Ryazan. Her mother at one time worked as a school teacher. She received her education before the revolution, and changes in the country, especially the new ideology, were alien to her. Alla Levushkina (surgeon) recalled that her mother had to change her qualification: she became an employee in the field of finance.

Alla Levushkina (surgeon) had an older brother, whose name was Anatoly (worked in the poetry field).

Of her entire family, only an aunt was a doctor, but not even she influenced the choice of a girl's profession.

Alla Levushkina (87-year-old surgeon from Ryazan) loved reading very much as a child. Once she caught the eye of Vincent Vikentievich Veresaev’s work “Notes of a doctor”. After reading the book, she realized that she should become a doctor. Other authors who learned to become a doctor, but preferred the writing field, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov, had a great influence on her decision.

Note that the biography of the surgeon Alla Levushkina could have been completely different - a little earlier the girl really wanted to become a famous geologist. Fortunately for all medicine, the magical world of rocks did not open for her.

While studying

In 1946, Alla Levushkina (a 87-year-old surgeon from Ryazan, as we know, and at that time a seventeen-year-old girl) entered the Second Moscow Institute named after Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (formerly named after Ivan Sechenov). A year earlier, she failed to become a student. Alla had to work this time at a pedagogical educational institution in her native Ryazan.


Training in the postwar years was quite difficult. Winters were cold, and there was often not enough money for food. Often had to make a difficult choice between paying for fare and buying a cake. For travel without a ticket, I even had to go to the local police station. But the attendant was sympathetic to the situation and let the students go in pairs to study the most complex sciences.

Surviving alone in a hostel was virtually impossible. The students were friendly and always shared the “treasures” that parents and relatives sometimes sent. Everyone was happy with the usual potatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers. The true holiday was the appearance in the walls of the hostel of meat - pork, beef, or fish of any kind.

Alla Levushkina, a surgeon with great experience, knows firsthand how to cook several different dishes for several days from just one skinny chicken carcass.

The training process was very rich and interesting, because the lectures were conducted by doctors who over the past few years saved people on the military fields. Teaching from teachers based on real experience helped. Alla Levushkina (her biography cannot be described in several sentences on one page) and is now glad of this fact, because she was ready for almost any situation immediately after graduation.

The first years after the institute

Levushkina Alla Ilyinichna - a surgeon whose biography will continue to reveal facts worthy of respect to us, continues her training in the distant Tuva. The republic had just joined the Soviet Union, and the Russian people in those parts were quite rare.

The promising graduate was promised a brilliant career in the capital, but she refused to Boris Petrovsky himself, the future Minister of Health.


Alla remembered her thirst for adventure and travel, and the young doctor preferred an unknown region for her, measured life in the capital city. That was its distribution.

Romance in the far land was more than enough. The young specialist was sent to the farthest settlements. There were no roads, and often had to ride on horses, which the doctor was very fond of. Already in those years, having just begun her medical practice, Alla Levushkina was a surgeon who could confidently perform complex operations, not to mention the “standard” ones for the removal of hernia or appendicitis.

Further work

Five years later, Alla returns to his native Ryazan. And again, her life is connected with adventure and travel. As a specialist, she was attached to air ambulance.

The total experience with helicopters and aircraft of various models has exceeded thirty years. Pilots joked that she herself can sit behind the helm and get badges for experience and flight hours.

Here is such a versatile personality Alla Levushkina. The biography of a strong woman is full of interesting stories, which over the years have accumulated a lot. The most memorable were landing in a beautiful clearing in order to pick flowers, and literally jumping into an ambulance over the heads of wolves.

Levushkina Alla Ilyinichna is a surgeon whose biography was associated with daily flights. But she was very pleased with her work. Most importantly, she could constantly communicate with new people and personally knew all the doctors of the region.

The universal surgeon is not very willing to talk about the fact that there was often not enough time to take the patient to the hospital, and the operations had to be carried out in a barn, stable, even in a clean field in the rain. The average person cannot understand how great the risk is in this case. But it is all the more pleasant to receive flowers from a rescued and fully recovered patient who meets his savior after some time with the most sincere words of gratitude.

A new direction in work

In the early sixties there was not a single proctologist in the entire Ryazan region. The work is not prestigious, complicated, very painstaking, and there simply weren’t anyone who wanted to go to study courses. Except, of course, Alla Ilyinichna!

To get to training did not work right away. Due to her mother’s illness, Alla was forced to refuse an attractive offer. What was her surprise when after a while she found out that they simply did not find anyone who wanted to study in the whole area!

It was a chance that was impossible not to seize. Many discouraged the girl, believing that this area of ​​medicine is not for her. The decisive was the conviction of one of his colleagues, who stated that a height of 152 centimeters for a doctor is simply ideal for interventions of this kind.

The main achievement, according to Alla herself, is that many patients who were considered hopeless lived a happy life after the operation for another 20-30 years. For the sake of this, it was worth going into the profession.

Modern medicine greatly facilitates the work of a doctor by the presence of sophisticated equipment and a significant number of instruments.


Fifty years ago, doctors performed operations by touch. It was truly complex and jewelry work.

Almost seventy years of experience

Over the past year alone, Alla Ilyinichna personally conducted more than a hundred operations. On average, one intervention in four days.

The doctor notes that proctology is a very delicate issue, and many people put off visiting a doctor until the last.

Thus, situations are provoked in which it is no longer possible to manage only with medical treatment. Neglected cases, especially oncological ones, require urgent surgical intervention. Zero mortality over the past year eloquently shows how great the genius of this good and very responsible woman is.


Despite her age, Alla Ilyinichna is completely dedicated to medicine four days a week. This is not an office job filling out cards. A woman actively accepts patients who line up to her office from the very early morning, and then conduct operations on her own. She has a good word for everyone, regardless of gender, age, marital status and illness.

Folk love

Even before the presentation of the honorary award, doctors were actively recognized on the streets by former patients, their children, friends and relatives. Many smile warmly, give flowers, express their words of gratitude. Not without strong hugs and kisses.


Once, a former patient did not calculate and squeezed Alla Ilyinichna with such force that the doctor herself had to turn to her colleagues for aching pain in her side - these were three broken ribs. But the doctor cannot keep evil at people because of his kindness, and therefore for a long time has already forgiven the negligent boyfriend for a spontaneous surge of emotions.

Attitude towards today's students of medical institutes and universities

Alla Ilyinichna is extremely concerned about the attitude of students to study and medical practice as such. The woman sadly says that for many of yesterday's students, the primary desire is to earn money, and not help people. All applicants should think about the fact that the doctor is primarily a vocation, round-the-clock work on oneself, constant self-education and advanced training, as well as a huge sense of compassion. It is necessary to love people very much in order to decide to become a doctor.

Attitude to medical examination

Alla Ilyinichna is sincerely perplexed that the medical examination is now treated extremely formally, more like an unsubscribe than a real opportunity to identify a problem.


Despite the enormous potential of modern medicine, there are a lot of neglected diseases precisely because of the negligent attitude to health on the part of both patients and their employers. An experienced doctor encourages everyone to do a timely examination and fix problems at the stage when it is most simple to do.

Recognized Genius

For almost seventy years of work, Alla Ilyinichna never aspired to awards, rewards and leadership positions. Only for a short time she became the head of the proctology department, but this place was happily transferred to younger and more ambitious colleagues. Filling a pile of papers seems to her a waste of time, for which it would be possible to diagnose a latent disease.

The big award was not a particular surprise. The doctor took the news philosophically. The only thing Alla Ilyinichna was worried about was how she was so tiny and fragile that she could carry away a huge figurine and a heavy folder.

Fortunately, there were enough people who wanted to help the honored specialist. Kind people helped a good person. As, however, and always.