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The altruist is the highest degree of the egoist or its complete opposite

The altruist is the highest degree of the egoist or its complete opposite
The altruist is the highest degree of the egoist or its complete opposite

Video: Peter Singer, The Most Good You Can Do | Effective Altruism and Personal Happiness | Core Concepts 2024, June

Video: Peter Singer, The Most Good You Can Do | Effective Altruism and Personal Happiness | Core Concepts 2024, June

Altruism refers to selfless care for other people. If you open the dictionary of antonyms, you can find that the exact opposite of the term "altruist" is an egoist. A person with high moral principles that require him to perform disinterested actions aimed at satisfying the interests of another person. A person can be attributed to an altruist only when there is not a single thought in his head about any benefit for himself.


An ordinary person often, helping his relatives, one way or another, counts on reciprocity. To a true altruist, all this is alien. He just gives everything. This is the whole point of such people. The altruist does not need to consider how much has been invested by him, and he does not expect that something from what he gave will return to him.

So still, what kind of person is an altruist usually? This is a calm, gentle person who rarely remembers his affairs, too keen on other people's concerns. It is very difficult for such people to sit down to dinner without inviting another to the table. In the event that people prone to altruism were able to help a person, they are sincerely glad of this. Such people are always very happy if other people succeed, and also very empathize with those who have some problems.

It happens that a person with such vital views tries to give away as soon as possible everything that he has first come across only because it seems to them that they need it more than he does. One of the negative aspects is that a person very often acts in such a way that he harms himself. An altruist is not only one who gives everything thoughtlessly, but one who thinks about how to make money to help others. To begin with, a wise person will figure out whom and how much to give. He will give a fishing rod and teach it to use, and not just feed the fish.


But, however, the meaning of the word "altruist" has long changed. And now this is the name of the person who, taking care of himself first of all, does not forget about other people. But such a person is not an altruist. This is the creator. Moreover, such people are much more reasonable. For starters, they will make their own life normal, and only then will they help others, while ensuring that their help is needed.


Probably everyone understood who the altruist is. The meaning of this word, if you recall, is completely opposite to the word "egoist". But there is a theory according to which, altruism is the highest form of egoism. After all, a person receives genuine pleasure from the successes of other people, taking direct part in achieving these successes.

We are all taught in childhood that good is good, and good deeds will make us significant in society. So it is, but you need to understand that you can not let people use themselves. It is only necessary to help when a person really needs it. Otherwise, he simply "sits on the neck." The main goal of any altruist should be not so much the provision of everything "ready" as help in achieving goals by the person himself. This is exactly the way people should be helped. Strive to not only receive support, but also provide it!