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Anastasia: name forms, derivatives

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Anastasia: name forms, derivatives
Anastasia: name forms, derivatives

Video: “At The Beginning” from the 1997 ANASTASIA film | ANASTASIA The Musical 2024, June

Video: “At The Beginning” from the 1997 ANASTASIA film | ANASTASIA The Musical 2024, June

Many contemporaries consider Anastasia the most beautiful female name. There are simply many other forms of name. This is one of their Slavic forms. It sounds majestic and proud. Some guys dream that their girlfriend would be called that way. In our article we will talk about the different forms of the name Anastasius, its meaning, the nature of the owner.



Nastenka was the name of many beauties from Russian folk tales. We immediately imagine her as a girl with magnificent eyelashes, a thin voice. She affectionately welcomed old Frost, who generously rewarded her for her kindness and patience. Many people remember the film "Oh, this Nastya", in which the girl was very fond of fantasizing. The beginning of the 2000s was marked by the release of the wonderful Russian series "Poor Nastya", played by the magnificent Elena Korikova.

The name Nastya is at the highest level of the rating. For a long time it was the leader in Russia, only then gave way to Sofya. Hearing the name of Nastya, many immediately recall the words from the song of Yuri Antonov:

In life, far open wide for me

You have appeared more beautiful spring

Birds in the sky chirp: "Nastya!", The herbs echo: "Anastasia!"


Meaning of the name

A name came from the ancient Greek language, but over time they began to consider it exclusively Russian, and it acquired Russian features. Yes, and he has several values:

  • "resurrecting";
  • resurrected
  • "rebelled";
  • "immortal".

In ancient Greek, the name Anastasios was, and from it came the modern form of the name Anastasios. It is believed that this girl has tremendous willpower. She has the strength to overcome the most difficult situations in life, a revival for a new life, when others give up.


Derivative and diminutive forms named after Anastasia

Among the ancient Rus, Anastasia met both in peasant families and in noble noble families. Everyone knows the famous Anastasia Dolgorukaya. The following short forms of the name Anastasia were distributed among the people: Anastasia, Nastasya, Nastasia, Nastaseya. This name is found in almost all European countries.

Perhaps the most gentle diminutive form of the name Anastasia is Anastasiyushka. Most often, at home the girl is called Nastya, Nastenka. The following abbreviated forms of the name Anastasia are common among young people: Nastena, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Nastyakh. Less common: Nastya, Nayusya, Nastya, Nastya, Nastya, Nastya, Nastya, Stasya, Nastasyushka. Sometimes very short forms of the name Anastasia come across: Nasya, Nata, Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya, Tena, Tusya, Tasya, Asya, Syut, Susha. A huge number of options. There are other forms of the name Anastasia.


Characteristics and character of the owners of the name

The lucky sign of the zodiac for the birth of Nastya is considered Scorpio. Pluto is the patron planet of the possessor. Green is most suitable. The auspicious tree is jasmine. Orchid got into the cherished plants. Siamese cat patronizes the animals. Malachite is called a talisman.


A girl named Nastya is the favorite of the family. It combines mind, beauty, tenderness, daydreaming. It has great intuition. Sometimes a girl is so romantic that she is prone to idealization. Nastya is charming, elegant, changeable in mood, cautious, nervous, ready for love and alienation. This is a young lady with a subtle mental attitude, unmistakable intuition. She sometimes expresses prophetic opinions. Even the most sophisticated thinkers often fall back before her analytical mind.

Tender and beautiful Nastya love in kindergarten, school. She is not inherent in anger, cunning, revenge. The dreamy princess grows up on good tales, therefore she often imagines. Studying is easy for a girl, she tries to get deep knowledge. She is quickly determined in her favorite subject and works in this direction.

The girl is very fond of flowers and small funny little things. It will make a good artist, kindergarten teacher, psychologist. She arranges her personal life early. In husbands he chooses a strong and courageous guy, sometimes a military man. It’s easy for her to inspire and touch something to tears.

Anastasia's wife never flirts and does not seek adventures on the side. He loves children and finds a common language with her husband's relatives. She has good taste, she pays great attention to her wardrobe. Even enemies eventually become her friends. Nastya is used to making decisions herself, so she often gets her way.

It is interesting that similar characteristics have this name in Western European countries. Dr. House's first wife, for example, was called Stacy. She worked as a lawyer in the clinic and resolved the most controversial issues.


Anastasia in love and marriage

Is the girl Nastya happy in her personal life? More often than not! She becomes a devoted and caring wife. Mutual understanding reigns in marriage, but before that she will have to go through many severe trials and disappointments. Attractive young Nastya can be cunning and take hasty steps. Her life path is not easy. But she becomes a good housewife, devoted and caring wife. The husband is proud of her unmistakable taste.

Most of all, husbands will suit her Pavel and Eugene. In second place are Dmitry and Andrey. With caution, you need to build relationships with Vladimir, Ivan, Sergey, Maxim, Alexander. Anastasia skillfully uses all the female charms to win the love of her chosen one.


Famous owners of a name from the past

A rich history remembers many girls who have a wonderful name Anastasia. It is worth recalling the first wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible Anastasia Romanovna. She was from the Zakharyin-Yuryev clan. She made a beautiful queen.

Many readers are fans of the most beautiful actress Anastasia Vertinsky. Anyone who has ever watched the Soviet film "Amphibian Man" will never forget the image of the main character Guttiere. The girl just played Vertinskaya. The heroes of the film are so beautiful that he became a masterpiece for many years.

One of the most famous bearers of the name, the writer Anastasia Tsvetaeva, happened to express herself in the work in such a way that she became known around the world.

The fourth daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, the little princess, was also called Anastasia.