the culture

Anastasia: Nastya’s character, short name, influence on fate

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Anastasia: Nastya’s character, short name, influence on fate
Anastasia: Nastya’s character, short name, influence on fate

Nastya is an abbreviated name that is used when referring to Anastasia. For a long time, this name is one of the most famous in Russia, and is quite common in Europe. What is the secret of popularity and why can every girl named by this name be proud that she is Nastya? To find the answer to this question, it is worth looking at the meaning and characteristics of the name.


Abbreviated name of Anastasia

Bearers of this name are usually called simply and concisely - Nastya. But, in addition to this option, there are other, less common, but still perfectly suitable for it. You can use affectionate appeals, such as Nastya, Nastasya, Asya or Stasya.

But do not forget that Nastya is an abbreviation of the name, and Anastasia is beautiful with her sound and meaning.

Name origin

This name came to us from Ancient Greece and has a male version - Anastasius. The basis for it was the word "anastas", which in translation sounds like "immortal" or "resurrected". This name is beautiful in its simplicity and lightness. The abbreviated name Nastya sounds nice, but its full form is more melodic and better conveys the beauty of its bearer.

The character of Anastasia

It will not be easy for everyone close to a girl bearing such a name, because Nastya's mood can change in a matter of seconds. She had just been in a good mood and, for no reason, fell into apathy and did not want to make contact. Despite the fact that such ladies are self-absorbed and often are captive of their own thoughts, they need a lot of attention and support. The self-confident look is only a cover for Nastya. It can be easily hurt and offended.


Anastasia can not sit still in one place and constantly needs movement. She is able to quickly lose her temper and be upset. To reassure Nastya, who is experiencing nervous tension, is not an easy task. She is very impulsive and reacts violently even to those things that, it would seem, do not have much significance. But not for Anastasia, who is used to being active in everything.

Bearers of this name have a good imagination and high intelligence. If the abbreviated name of Nastya seems simple and straightforward to someone, he will certainly be surprised at the abilities of this interesting girl. She can achieve good results in training if she tries to attach greater importance to details that Anastasia usually does not like.


In relations with other people, the girl shows herself as an interesting conversationalist, with a sharp mind and a great sense of humor. But at the same time, she often closes herself in herself, trying to show strangers her confidence and inaccessibility. But this is only a mask that Anastasia uses, so that no one could touch this thin and timid nature. In love, Nastya is legible and has requirements that not every man is capable of meeting. But for a loved one, she opens up as a passionate and sensual partner.