
Anastasia Volochkova shared a photo shoot in different wigs

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Anastasia Volochkova shared a photo shoot in different wigs
Anastasia Volochkova shared a photo shoot in different wigs

Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova rarely pleases fans with new images. We used to see the artist with blonde curls, but recently she decided to radically change her image and changed her hair color. It just turned out that this transformation is temporary.

Creative imagery

Anastasia recently posted pictures on her Instagram page in which she appears in completely different images: either with blue, then with orange hair, then with an extremely short ragged haircut, then again with long curls. It turns out that the ballerina visited the hairdressing salon, where various wigs were presented in the assortment. Anastasia could not resist and decided to try on some models.


It is amazing how much a person’s appearance can change with a change in hairstyle and hair color. In different photographs, the ballerina looks very different: not the same as we used to see and perceive her. Somewhere the image turned out to be frivolous and flirtatious, somewhere, on the contrary, Anastasia began to look like a tough and peremptory businesswoman.

It should be noted that each image looked quite organically. So, perhaps, in vain Anastasia has not been moving away from her usual image for so long. If she had ventured into bold experiments, she could have drawn attention to her person even more.

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The photos scored thousands of likes, but the subscribers did not have a very pleasant surprise from the artist. The fact is that Anastasia disabled comments, so none of the fans could express their point of view regarding the new images of the ballerina.

It became a mystery to everyone why Anastasia needed to try on wigs in principle. Alas, the ballerina did not leave any accompanying comments and explanations to the pictures.

Perhaps in this way she simply advertised the salon? A similar option is not excluded, but fans and journalists are inclined to another version: the ballerina has problems with her hair, so she may soon have to wear wigs.


New haircut

At the end of last year, unexpectedly for everyone, Anastasia cut her long curls and came out with a new short haircut like a square with torn edges. The ballerina said that this measure was forced. The fact is that for a long time the artist resorted to hair extensions. Because of this, her curls were thinned, deteriorated, so it was necessary to somehow restore their health. Then Anastasia decided to give them a little "rest" from overhead strands. The artist also made special masks to restore hair.


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Recalling the recent transformation of the ballerina, the fans concluded that Anastasia may have ruined her hair so much that she would soon have to wear wigs.


Strange outfit

However, the news about wigs is still a flower compared to the outrageous acts of the famous ballerina. For example, not so long ago, in one of the spa salons near Moscow, the artist appeared in a strange way: she was almost naked in a fur coat.

Under the outerwear, according to eyewitnesses, there were only panties or mini-shorts (they couldn’t make out exactly). It is strange that Anastasia was shod in street winter shoes. If she wore slippers or moccasins, for example, it would be possible to assume that the ballerina simply moved from one room to another and, in order not to dress completely, threw a fur coat on herself. Well, it turned out a very strange way, which left everyone present at a loss.
