
Angelina Jolie in childhood and adolescence

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Angelina Jolie in childhood and adolescence
Angelina Jolie in childhood and adolescence

Video: Kids' Choice Awards 2015 | Discours d'Angelina Jolie | Nickelodeon France 2024, June

Video: Kids' Choice Awards 2015 | Discours d'Angelina Jolie | Nickelodeon France 2024, June

Angelina Jolie - everyone knows this name without exception. The famous Hollywood actress, who won the hearts of viewers around the world with her beauty and unique talent. She is considered the standard of beauty, kindness and wisdom. Numerous awards and prizes, roles in the most popular films of our time, as well as participation in many charitable foundations - all this is truly admirable. But few people know how Angelina Jolie was in her childhood and what she had to go through before she became world famous.

Early years of the star

The famous Hollywood actress was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles into an acting family. Father, John Voight, at that time was a fairly sought-after actor, and my mother, Marceline Bertrand, could not boast the same popularity, but was a wonderful actress. Angelina Jolie in her childhood did not know her father's love. Her parents divorced when the baby was not even a year old. Voight simply threw Marcheline with the baby in her arms because of the strong passion for women on the side. Having taken Angelina and her older brother James, the mother decides to take them to New York and takes full care of the children, leaving her dream to become a famous actress.


Despite all resentment, the father invites his six-year-old daughter to star in his film “In Search of a Way Out”. Apparently, the need for money leaves the family no choice, and they willingly accepted such a tempting offer. After all, Jolie starred in the film along with Marcheline.

By instilling an interest in cinema for her children, Marchelin often took her children to the cinema, and this, according to Angelina, prompted her to choose a profession. Angelina Jolie, who had a lot of negative moments in her childhood, peered with pleasure at the actors' play and dreamed of being in their place.

Difficult school years

When Angelina was eleven, the family returned to their native Los Angeles. Thanks to her eccentric nature, Jolie never ceases to amaze her mother with unexpected actions. She decides that a funeral home can be a great business idea. But no one supported her ideas, considering this a childish tomfoolery.


After such ideas, Anji goes for treatment to a psychotherapist and school psychologists. Teachers considered her a real sociopath because of problems in relations with peers. But this does not prevent the future Hollywood star from enrolling in Beverly Hills High School. But soon, big acting ambitions are waning. Angelina is plunged into real depression due to her non-standard appearance and bullying by classmates.

Angelina Jolie in her childhood (the photo is in the article) did not look like the other girls in school. She was very unconventional for the Los Angeles school atmosphere. Excessive thinness, non-standard habits and second-hand clothes greatly shook the self-esteem of the future star. Angelina Jolie in childhood and adolescence was in a constantly depressed state. Useless trips to modeling agencies, where Jolie was simply not taken seriously, were an even bigger blow. Few people know, but Angelina Jolie in childhood was already sick with anorexia. To save her figure and from constant stress, the girl practically did not eat anything and constantly went hungry. Fortunately, she was diagnosed with the first stage of anorexia in time and underwent treatment, after which she changed her eating habits.

First love

According to the actress herself, she began to live in a civil marriage at the age of 14. According to Angelina, her mother came to such a decision and allowed her and her boyfriend to take a room in their house. This cohabitation lasted two years, until the lovers broke up. Remembering this, Angelina fully supported her mother's decision, calling it reasonable. But the star herself understands that 14 years is too young for a life together, and she would never have allowed her own daughter to bring the guy into the house.


The reasons for the separation were numerous cuts on the body of Angelina. Since childhood, Jolie had a very strange hobby - collecting knives, with which she subsequently cuts all over her body. Due to the constant depression and bullying of peers, Jolie “drowned out the pain”, inflicting a huge number of cuts on herself. According to the celebrity, this allowed her to feel like a living person and relieve stress. The young man simply could not stand such actions on the part of his beloved and left her.

The first career advancement

At the age of 14, real changes begin in the life of a star. Even comparing the photos of Angelina Jolie in childhood and adolescence, you can see how much her body changes, she turns into a real beauty.


Then luck begins to smile at her, and she is hired by many modeling agencies not only in America, but also in England. She starred in many music videos and receives first fame among fashion designers and photographers. Then Jolie tries on a role in her first film, which is dedicated to the famous model of the 70s, where she successfully debuts and receives an award - the Golden Globe. This was the beginning of her long journey to the podium of world celebrity.

Stormy youth

According to the actress herself, all the depressive states in her life were directly related to the huge resentment against her father, which the star transferred from childhood to adolescence. She tried to commit suicide and led a rather reckless lifestyle. She tried almost all possible drugs and came to shows and public performances in an inadequate state.


Angelina Jolie in her childhood, whose pictures are simply touching, in fact, she loved to try her luck and loved to walk along the blade of a knife from the very beginning of her life. So, already in her youth, drugs became part of her life and almost took her away. According to the actress, she was very lucky that she managed to stop on time. During a turbulent youth, Jolie did a lot of terrible things, but now it's over. One day, her regular dealer dealer made a statement in the press, thereby telling everything about the star. To which Angelina, admitting her mistakes, told the world about her past problems. And she told how much she regrets about her rash acts.

Some facts about Angelina

“Jolie has poor eyesight and wears contact lenses.”

“Once in her youth, Jolie hired a hitman to part with her life.”

- Angelina Jolie was accused of having an intimate relationship with her brother, the actress first confirmed this information, then admitted that it was a PR move.

- In her youth, Angelina was in a romantic relationship with several model girls, thereby confirming rumors about her bisexuality.