
Anish Giri and Sofiko Guramishvili. Photo of chess player Anish Giri

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Anish Giri and Sofiko Guramishvili. Photo of chess player Anish Giri
Anish Giri and Sofiko Guramishvili. Photo of chess player Anish Giri

Video: Husband vs Wife | Anish vs Sopiko in Banter Blitz with Anish Giri 2024, June

Video: Husband vs Wife | Anish vs Sopiko in Banter Blitz with Anish Giri 2024, June

Anish Giri (chess player) - Dutch grandmaster (received the title in 2009) according to the International Chess Association, two-time Netherlands chess champion (2009 and 2011). The highest FIDE rating was recorded in January 2016 - 2798 points. As of February 2017, the chess player’s rating is 2769 points. In July 2015, the Dutch grandmaster married Georgian chess player Sofiko Guramishvili. On October 3, 2016, a son Daniel was born to a chess couple.


Chess geek geek - Anish Giri

Born June 28, 1994 in the city of St. Petersburg (Russia). He lived and was brought up in Russia until 2009. Father, Sanjay Giri is an Indian with Nepalese roots, and Olga's mother is Russian. The family often moved to countries, because the father had constant business trips. He was a hydrologist by profession, had orders for the construction of dams in many countries. The family managed to live in Russia, the Netherlands and Japan. In this regard, Anish is fluent in three languages ​​- Russian, Dutch and English (also understands a little Nepali, Japanese, Indian and Japanese).

Familiarization with Anish Giri chess took place in St. Petersburg. Here he was a student of the Youth School No. 2 (Kalininsky District). The young man’s chess talents grew with arithmetic progression, as a result of which he managed to fulfill the grandmaster norm at 14 years and 6 months.

Performances for the Netherlands, the manner and style of a chess player

Since 2009, takes part in world chess tournaments under the flag of the Netherlands. The most remarkable event of his career is a victory over Magnus Carlsen (4-time reigning world champion).


The chess strategy of seventeen-year-old Anish Giri forced Magnus to give up on move 23 when the grandmasters met as part of the tournament in Wijk aan Zee. Anish's chess style is famous for its impenetrability. Experts say that if Anish does not want to lose, then his opponent’s maximum is a draw. The Dutch grandmaster can use even the smallest advantage. Giri’s unprincipled manner of playing differs in that even in the most seemingly hopeless position, he seeks the right path and brings the party to victory. Tournament statistics show that the chess player has the smallest number of defeats among the world's best grandmasters.


Meet the future wife - Sofiko Guramshvili

Anish Giri (photo with his wife is presented below) met his lover in 2011, when fate brought them together at a tournament in Reggio Emilia. It was the largest chess championship in which Anish managed to take first place. His ill-wishers often notice that he rarely wins tournaments, mainly he shares the second or third places, and this time there was an unconditional victory, which the chess player considers symbolic, because there he met his future wife. Since then, they began to communicate warmly, then for some time they were friends. As a result, everything came to a logical conclusion, they fell in love. Mutual understanding, warmth and love made young people understand that they should get married.

Grandmaster Wedding: Anish Giri and Sofiko Guramishvili

On July 18, 2015, a wedding took place between two talented chess players - Sofika Guramshvili and Anish Giri. The wedding ceremony took place in the ancient Georgian city of Mtskheta (the former capital of Georgia). The city stands at the confluence of two rivers - the Kura and Aragvi. This is a popular place where young couples get married. The sights of this region are classified as UNESCO.


The wedding of Anish Giri and Sofiko Guramishvili took place in Tbilisi, in the homeland of the bride. Anish recalled in an interview that he was surprised and delighted with the good nature and colorfulness of Georgian traditions. Initially, the couple did not plan to organize a grand event with a large number of guests, but this is not accepted in Georgia. They married in a church, which is a few kilometers from Tbilisi, in Mtskheta. This is a very picturesque place, which is popular among tourists. In this ancient city, amazing nature and architecture, the ideal of this place can be admired. The chess players played a magnificent wedding, which was saturated with the traditions of the Georgian feast - there were songs, dances and endless wishes. Anish even sang in Georgian.