
Antoine Najarian: biography and photos

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Antoine Najarian: biography and photos
Antoine Najarian: biography and photos

Najarian is not a dog handler or trainer. Sometimes he is called a zoopsychologist. Antoine Najarian considers himself a specialist in canine behavior. His talent is to change the actions and habits of ill-bred pets as soon as possible.

Antoine’s abilities are based on long-term observation of animals, analysis of their behavior, a subtle understanding of the psyche of dogs and great love for four-legged friends of a person. His book, recommendations on the Internet, radio and television programs have become for many owners the key to understanding their charges and the ability to manage their behavior. Helping the owners eliminate excessive canine aggressiveness and disobedience, Nadzharyan saved a lot of animals from euthanasia (mortification) or a lifelong chain sentence as an evil dog in someone’s yard.


Love since childhood

Dogs captured the attention and feelings of Antoine Najarian, when he was six years old. The boy’s imagination was shocked by the neighbor's shepherd, masterfully carrying out all the owner’s commands. Parents denied Antoine the request to have a dog, and he made friends with homeless dogs who flocked after the boy and slept on his landing. He fed and loved them, watched, looked after and communicated with them, despite the neighbors' complaints about the canine kingdom into which the house had turned.


Path to recognition

Looking closely at the habits of his homeless children, Antoine learned to adjust their behavior. He developed his new skills by training dogs of classmates and acquaintances, taking animals home for re-education. After school, Najaryan took up dog training seriously, gained more experience, achieving amazing results in his activities. He was contacted for help and advice, invited to participate in television programs about pets. After moving from his native Yerevan to Tolyatti, the fame of Antoine Najarian gradually spread throughout Russia. And today his book, materials on radio, television, on the Internet are very popular.

Nadzharyan is recognized in Russia as an authoritative and unique specialist who is able to balance the relationship between the owner and the dog in completely seemingly hopeless cases.


Work or hobby

Antoine himself believes that he never worked, and is convinced that in order to achieve progress and success in life you just need to love your job.

He holds paid seminars and consultations on Skype. In especially difficult situations, he personally comes to correct dog behavior, even if the owners invite him to another city or country. This way of life is liked by Antoine Najarian. According to the specialist himself, work for him, first of all, is pleasure, and then - earnings. He often deals with animals for free, noting that it is difficult for people who need his help to pay. In return, Antoine gains experience that is never superfluous.

On the Internet, everyone can watch his educational videos for free, read numerous interviews and articles. These are not vague generalized recommendations, but always concrete interesting examples with solutions to the problem, fascinating explanations of dog psychology and human behavior.


The secret of success of Najarian Antoine

Body language is more important in canine communication than sound. Having thoroughly studied the habits of these animals, Antoine not only understands their actions, but also predicts intentions. With minimal use of words, it affects dogs in a more understandable way for them (gesture, movement, touch). He can pacify an aggressive dog with a sharp jerk of his hand, imitating a bite and showing which of them is the main one. Many of the effective techniques that Najarian uses in his practice, he borrowed from the natural behavior of the dogs in contact with each other.

The dog behaves as a person allows him. If the animal becomes uncontrollable, then the owner must change its actions, for which he needs a certain strategy of behavior. Offering her, Najaryan every time spends the most part of work with people, but not with their pets. It is not enough to give a person a ready-made scenario for solving the problem; one must make him understand what he is doing and why.

Abstract thinking is alien to the animal. Perceived through the sense of smell, hearing, taste, vision and touch, his whole world is concentrated here and now. This should be used to achieve the desired result from the pet. Acting on the five basic feelings of the animal, Antoine Najarian brought the art of manipulating dog behavior to perfection.


Popularization of Najarian’s methods

Antoine began to appear in television shows a long time ago, both in Armenia and in Russia. Now on “Vaz TV” he leads the author’s program. He often speaks on the radio and gives interviews in periodicals. All materials are posted on the Internet. From there, most people learned about Najarian’s skill.

Of greatest interest are his training videos. A good example of how the behavior of a pet changes in a few minutes, surprises and delights the audience. Short films are collected not only on a separate video channel hosted on the YouTube service, they are in many places laid out by other sites and individual users. Each video can be taken as an example of a ready-made script to solve a specific problem. But it does not always give a complete understanding of why one should act in this way.

By registering in the official group of Najarian in the VKontakte social network, you can get advice on Skype. Because there are too many of them, the master does not answer letters, but the group offers a lot of tips and videos for the most pressing issues. Members of the group immediately sign up for seminars. Antoine conducts them personally throughout the country. This is a semblance of workshops during which people learn from Antoine Najarian the experience of communicating with their pets. Video recordings of some skype consultations and seminars are also posted online.



An interesting and necessary publication with a lot of useful tips, explanations, interesting examples consists of two parts. Here, many years of experience Nadzharyan collected. The book is fascinating, written simply and very clearly, read in one step.

The first part is written for those who first got a puppy, and inevitably encountered difficulties. The manual will also be useful for people who have long lived with problems with dog behavior, having reconciled themselves and giving up on them. The second part offers more concrete examples and proven situations.

The title of the book of the same name by Antoine Najarian, “The Art of Communication with a Dog, ” became his visiting card on the Internet. The book is quoted, discussed, and the proposed methods put into practice. Sometimes readers' comments are no less interesting than the publication itself.


Biography of Antoine Najarian

About the personal life of a specialist in dog behavior, you can write only what he himself has repeatedly stated about himself. Najarian was born in Yerevan. His childhood passed there, professional activity began. His mother is a journalist, and his father is a national artist. In 2004, Antoine left Armenia and settled in Togliatti. By the move, Nadzharyan was prompted by the death of his first dog, it became unbearably painful to remain in his hometown after such an event.

Now Nadzharyan is 42 years old, he has a family. Eton calls his wife, sons and staffordshire terrier his pack and believes that without their support he would not have achieved today's success. He speaks of his wife as his muse. The eldest son helps Antoine rehabilitate dogs. Eton often becomes a mediator and teacher in working with other animals.
