
Arctic Cyaney - the largest jellyfish in the world

Arctic Cyaney - the largest jellyfish in the world
Arctic Cyaney - the largest jellyfish in the world

Arctic cyanide is the largest jellyfish in the world. This is a very interesting and mysterious creature that lives in very harsh conditions, preferring the cold waters of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. With the help of this article we will try to get to know her better.

External description

The jellyfish dome in diameter reaches an average of 50-70 centimeters, however, specimens up to 2-2.5 meters are often found.


Such an inhabitant of the oceans can even be called a giant. No wonder the stories of writers (for example, Arthur Conan Doyle's “The Lion's Mane”), which mention Arctic cyanide, are very popular. Its size, however, depends entirely on the habitat. Moreover, the north she lives, the larger it becomes.

Arctic cyanee also has numerous tentacles that are located on the edges of the dome. Depending on the size of the jellyfish, they can reach from 20 to 40 meters in length. It is thanks to them that this sea creature has a second name - hairy jellyfish.

Its color is striking in its diversity, and young Arctic cyanes have bright colors. With age, they become more dull shades. Usually jellyfish are found dirty orange, purple and brown.


Arctic cyanide lives in the waters of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, where it lives almost anywhere. The only exceptions are the Azov and Black Seas.


Jellyfish lifestyle

Arctic cyanide, a photo of which, in addition to our article, can be found in various literature, is a rather active predator. Her diet includes plankton, crustaceans and small fish. If, due to a lack of food, Arctic cyanoea begins to starve, it can switch to its relatives, both of its own species and other jellyfish.

The hunt is as follows: it rises to the surface of the water, directs the tentacles in different directions and waits. In this state, jellyfish look like algae. As soon as her victim, passing by, touches the tentacles, the Arctic cyanide immediately encircles the whole body of its prey and releases poison, which can paralyze. After the victim stops moving, she eats it. Paralyzing poison is produced in the tentacles, and along their entire length.


In turn, Arctic cyanide can also be a dinner for other jellyfish, seabirds, turtles and large fish. It is worth noting that even the largest specimens do not pose a particular danger to humans. In the worst case, a rash appears at the point of contact with this ocean inhabitant, which immediately disappears after the use of antiallergic drugs. Typically, such a reaction occurs in a person with sensitive skin, and some people sometimes may not even notice anything.

Reproduction of Arctic cyanide

This process is very interesting: the male throws sperm through the mouth, and they, in turn, enter the female’s mouth. Here, the formation of embryos takes place. After they grow up, they go outside in the form of larvae that attach to the substrate and turn into a single polyp. After several months of active growth, it begins to multiply, due to which the larvae of already future jellyfish appear.