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Japanese aircraft carriers: the history of creation, modern models

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Japanese aircraft carriers: the history of creation, modern models
Japanese aircraft carriers: the history of creation, modern models

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With such highly maneuverable combat units as aircraft carriers, the naval forces can easily take key positions in the vast oceans. The fact is that a warship, which belongs to the class of aircraft carriers, is provided with all the necessary means for transporting, taking off and landing combat aircraft, representing its main striking force. According to military experts, at the beginning of World War II, Japan had a significant number of ships of this class. This predetermined the fate of the WWII of Japan, whose aircraft carriers were considered one of the most powerful in the world. You will learn about the history of their creation from this article.

On the Birth of the Imperial Fleet

Japan acquired its first warship only in 1855. The ship was purchased from the Dutch and named "Kanko-maru." Until 1867, Japan did not have a single naval force. Of course, they existed, but they were divided and consisted of several small fleets, which were subordinate to different Japanese clans. Despite the fact that the new 122nd emperor came to power at the age of 15, his reforms in the maritime sphere were quite effective. According to experts, their scale can be compared with the reforms that Peter the Great carried out. Two years after Meiji came to power, Japan acquired a powerful American battleship. In the early years, leading the country to the emperor was especially difficult. However, he took warships from the clans and formed a fleet.

On the construction of the first aircraft-carrying ships

Soon, America and Great Britain, remaking civilian ships, created the first aircraft carriers. The Japanese government realized that the future of the marine fleet of each developed state lies precisely with ships of this class. For this reason, in 1922, in the country of the Rising Sun, the first aircraft carrier Jose was commissioned. This 168-meter ship with a displacement of 10 thousand tons transported 15 aircraft. He was involved in the 30s, when Japan fought with China. In the Second World War, Jose was used as a training vessel. In addition, having converted one of the ships, the Japanese designers created another aircraft carrier, which in history is known as the Akagi.


Compared to the Jose, this 249-meter ship with a displacement of more than 40 thousand tons looked more impressive. The Akagi Imperial Navy entered the arsenal in 1927. However, in the battle near Midway, this ship was sunk.

About the Washington Maritime Agreement

According to this document, signed in 1922, certain restrictions were envisaged in the naval affairs for the countries that took part in the agreement. As in other states, Japanese aircraft carriers could be represented in any quantity. Limitations affected the indicator of their total displacement. For example, for Japan, it should not exceed 81 thousand tons.

In addition, each state had the right to have two battleships for landing aircraft. The document indicated that the displacement of each battleship should be up to 33 thousand tons. According to military experts, the terms of the Washington Sea Agreement concerned only those ships whose displacement exceeded 10 thousand tons. Given the above limitations, the government of the country of the Rising Sun decided to replenish the composition of its Navy with three large Japanese aircraft carriers. Each aircraft carrier will have a displacement of around 27 thousand tons. Despite the fact that it was planned to build three vessels, only two Japanese aircraft carriers had enough time and money (photo of aircraft carriers in the article). In the United States, Great Britain, and other colonial countries, Asian territory was seen only as a source of rubber, tin, and oil.

This state of affairs did not suit Japan. The fact is that the Land of the Rising Sun sought to use minerals purely for their own purposes. As a result, a dispute arose between the colonial countries and Japan over certain regions of Singapore, India and Indochina, which could only be resolved by military means. Since, as the Emperor had supposed, the sea would become the place of the main battles, the Japanese made the main emphasis on the development of shipbuilding. As a result, the Maritime Agreement with the outbreak of war by the participating States ceased to be implemented.

The beginning of hostilities

According to experts, the number of aircraft carriers in Japan during the Second World War was the largest in the world. The imperial fleet had ten aircraft carriers. Unlike Japan, there were only 7 aircraft carriers in the United States. The difficulty for the American fleet command was also that such a small number of ships had to be correctly distributed from both sides of the United States, namely in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Despite the fact that during World War II there were more aircraft carriers in Japan, the United States of America won due to battleships. The fact is that there were much more American battleships, and they turned out to be much better.

About the Hawaiian operation

As a result of difficult relations between Japan and the United States, seeking to spread its influence on the Asian coast, the Imperial fleet decided to attack the American military bases located in the Hawaiian Islands. Even before World War II, Japanese aircraft carriers in the amount of 6 units in December 1941 transported 350 aircraft. Cruisers (2 units), battleships (2 vessels), destroyers (9 units) and submarines (6) were used as escorts. The attack on Pearl Harbor was carried out in two stages by Zero fighters, Kate torpedo bombers and Val bombers. The imperial army managed to destroy 15 US ships. However, according to experts, those American ships that were not in the Hawaiian Islands at that time were not harmed. After the destruction of the Japanese military base, war was declared. Six months later, 4 of the 6 imperial aircraft carriers participating in the operation were sunk by the US Navy.

On the classification of aircraft-carrying submarines

Around the world there is a classification according to which aircraft carriers are divided into heavy, escort and light. The former are the fleet’s most powerful striking force and transport aircraft of over 70 units. Escort ships carry up to 60 aircraft. Such ships serve as escorts. Light aircraft carriers can accommodate no more than 50 aircraft units.

Depending on the size of the aircraft carriers of Japan were large, medium and small. According to experts, such a classification was considered unofficial. Formally, there was a class of ships - an aircraft carrier. This name applied to both small and huge counterparts. The aircraft carriers differed only in their dimensions. Only one project presented medium-sized ships - the Soryu vessel, which was later renamed Hiryu.


The Japanese aircraft carrier in the history of the Imperial Navy is also known as the "Unryu". The Land of the Rising Sun had another subspecies of aircraft carriers, which were floating bases for the transport of seaplanes. These aircrafts could take off and land on the water surface. America has not used such weapons for a long time, but several such aircraft carriers were created in Japan.


Kamikawa Maru

Initially, the ships were used as passenger-freight. According to experts, the Japanese designers designed these ships in such a way that in the future the ships could be converted into aircraft carriers. During the Second World War, Japan had four such ships. These hydro-aircraft carriers were equipped with artillery and special means, with the help of which the seaplanes were stored, launched and maintained. In addition, these aircraft carriers in Japan should have been equipped with workshops and technical storage rooms by increasing the number of premises. To accommodate the crew, it was necessary to equip a lot of additional cabins. Of the four aircraft carriers during World War II, three ships were sunk in Japan.


Built at the Kawasaki Shipyard in Kobe. This 113-meter ship with a displacement of 5 thousand tons was used as a floating base for hydroaviation, as well as a conventional cargo craft. Work on the project began long before the Second World War. The Akitsushima entered the Imperial Navy's arsenal in 1942. To ensure a safe route between the United States and Australia, the Americans, along with their allies, launched a second attack on Japan in the Pacific. The Akitsushima floating base was used in the battles for Guadalcanal. Depth bombs were dropped by seven Type 94 bombers (1 pc.) And 95 (6 pc.). With the help of Akitsushima, an aviation group of 8 aircraft was transported, as well as fuel supplies, spare parts and ammunition. According to experts, the Japanese were not ready for the battle. The attack on the Imperial fleet was made very unexpectedly, as a result of which the initiative was lost, and the Land of the Rising Sun was forced to defend itself. In this battle, "Akitsushima" survived, but already in 1944, the Americans managed to sink this floating base.


In 1941, the imperial fleet was replenished with two aircraft-carrying ships, which in the technical documentation appear under the name "Shakaku", and later - "Zuikaku". By the beginning of World War II, Japanese aircraft carriers were the only large vessels not converted from civilian liners with a waterline belt of 21.5 cm. They reached 250 m in length and 17 cm in armor thickness. At the time, military experts say the Shokaku were the most protected ships. They were equipped with 127 mm anti-aircraft artillery and transported 84 aircraft.


In a battle, the ship withstood 5 torpedo hits. However, aircraft carriers were not protected from enemy bombing. The fact is that most of the deck was made of wood. "Shakaku" involved in the Hawaiian operation. Soon, both ships sank the American Navy.


Used Japanese aircraft carriers in the Second World War. Initially, they were developed as civilian liners. However, experts are convinced, it is possible that Japanese designers from the very beginning planned to remake them for military purposes. And in order to mislead the participants in the Washington Maritime Agreement, the Junye "camouflaged" under the passenger. Proof of this is the presence of reinforced armor at the bottom of the vessels. In 1942, imperial ships were successfully attacked by American submarines. At the end of the 2nd world aircraft carrier in Japan, the Junye was sent for scrap.

About the big ships "Taiho" and "Sinano"

In battles in the Philippine Sea, the Taiho aircraft carrier was used as the flagship. And it is not surprising, since this 250-meter ship with a displacement of 33 thousand tons was able to transport 64 aircraft. However, a couple of weeks after entering the sea, the Taiho was discovered by an American submarine. This was followed by a torpedo attack, as a result of which the Imperial ship and 1650 Japanese on board were sunk.

The Japanese aircraft carrier "Sinano" at that time was considered the largest. However, all information about him was so classified that no photographs of this ship were taken. For this reason, the largest was Interprises in 1961. "Sinano" began to operate at the end of World War II. Since by that time the outcome of the battle was already a foregone conclusion, the ship was only 17 hours on the water. According to experts, such a large percentage of destroyed Japanese aircraft carriers due to their inability to continue further sailing with a roll, which occurs as a result of a torpedo.


These are the Japanese aircraft carriers of World War II. Japanese designers started laying the ships of this type in the 1940s. They planned to build 6 units, but only 3 in time. The Unryu is an advanced prototype of the Hiru, which was built in the pre-war era. The Imperial Navy entered the arsenal of these aircraft carriers at the end of 1944. They used 6, 127 mm artillery guns and 93 25 mm anti-aircraft guns. and 6x28 PU NURS (120 mm). For the destruction of enemy boats in the "Unryu" there were depth bombs (type 95). The aviation group was represented by 53 aircraft. According to experts, now their use did not make sense. These ships could not influence the outcome of the war, since most of the pilots who were able to raise and land aircraft on such floating bases were already dead. As a result, two Unryu sank, and the last was dismantled for metal.


Since before the start of World War II, Japan and other participating countries still adhered to a naval agreement, but were already preparing for possible attacks, it was decided to equip the Imperial Navy with several ships that would be used as floating bases for submarines. In 1935, light passenger ships with a displacement of 14, 200 tons were created.

Structurally, these ships were ready for further modernization in order to ultimately turn them into light aircraft carriers. Perform combat missions "Dzuyho" could already in late December 1940. It was at this time that they were launched. The craft was equipped with a 127-mm anti-aircraft gun in the amount of 8 pieces and 56 automatic anti-aircraft guns of 25 mm caliber. The ship carried up to 30 aircraft. The crew is 785 people. However, during the battles aircraft carriers were sunk by the enemy.


This aircraft carrier was assembled in Nagasaki by the workers of the Mitsubishi shipyard. In total, three ships were made. Each of them had a length of 180 m and a displacement of 18 thousand tons. The ship transported 23 aircraft with all components. The enemy target was destroyed by six 120 mm naval guns (Type 10) and four 25 mm cannons. (Type 96). The aircraft carrier entered the Imperial Fleet in September 1940. During World War II, all three ships were sunk.

About the underwater aircraft carrier submarine

According to military experts, aircraft carriers manufactured in the United States and Great Britain used more advanced weapons. In addition, the technical condition of the ships was better than in the imperial ships. However, in creating its aircraft carriers, Japan could surprise with an approach to the design of military equipment. For example, this state had a submarine fleet. Each Japanese submarine aircraft carrier could transport several seaplanes. They were transported disassembled. If it was required to take off, the aircraft, using special runners, was rolled out, collected, and then lifted into the air by means of a catapult. According to experts, the Japanese submarine aircraft carrier was not used in major battles, but it was quite effective if you need to perform any related task. For example, in 1942, the Japanese planned massive forest fires in Oregon. For this purpose, the Japanese underwater aircraft carrier I-25 approached the coast of the United States, and then launched the Yokosuka E14Y seaplane inside. Flying over the forests, the pilot dropped two 76-kg incendiary bombs. Due to unclear reasons, the expected effect did not happen, but the appearance of a Japanese aircraft over America seriously scared the military command and leadership of the country. According to experts, a similar case where the war could directly hook America itself was an isolated one. About which Japanese aircraft carrier submarines were used, further.

About the creation of aircraft-carrying submarines

The first project of a Japanese aircraft carrier submarine was ready in 1932. The model in the technical documentation is listed as I-5 type J-1M. This vessel had a special hangar and crane, through which the lifting and launching of German seaplanes Gaspar U-1 were carried out. Its licensed production in Japan began back in 1920. Due to the fact that the submarine was not equipped with a catapult and a springboard, I-5 was abandoned from further construction. In addition, many complaints were regarding the quality of the case.

In 1935, the Japanese began to design a new submarine, which in the history of shipbuilding is known as the I-6 type J-2 model. For her, a specially designed aircraft E9W. Despite the fact that, unlike the previous submarine carrier, the new ship had a number of advantages, the Japanese fleet command was not happy with it. The new version also lacked a catapult and a springboard, which negatively affected the speed of the seaplane launch. For this reason, both submarine models remained in single copies.

A breakthrough in the creation of submarine aircraft carriers occurred in 1939 with the advent of the I-7 type J-3. A new option was already with a catapult and a springboard. In addition, the submarine turned out to be longer, thanks to which it was possible to equip a hangar with two Yokosuka E14Y seaplanes, which was used both as a scout and a bomber. However, due to the insignificant supply of bombs, it was significantly inferior to the main Imperial bombers. The following submarine models were three vessels I-9, I-10 and I-11 of type A-1. According to experts, Japanese submarines were regularly modernized. As a result, the Imperial fleet acquired several submarines V-1, V-2, V-3 and I-4 of type A-2. On average, their number ranged from 18-20 units. According to military experts, these submarines practically did not differ from each other. Of course, each craft was equipped with its own equipment and weapons, but what united them was that the air group in all four models consisted of E14Y seaplanes.


As a result of the unsuccessful bombing of the American Pearl Harbor base and subsequent major defeats in naval battles, the Japanese command came to the conclusion that the Imperial Navy needed new weapons that could change the course of the war. For this purpose, an effect of surprise and powerful striking force are needed. Japanese designers were tasked with creating a submarine capable of transporting at least three aircraft unassembled. Also, a new craft should be equipped with artillery and torpedoes, stay under water for at least 90 days. It was possible to realize all these requests in the I-400 submarine.


This submarine with a displacement of 6500 tons, a length of 122 m and a width of 7 m, was able to sink to a 100-meter depth. In offline mode, the aircraft carrier could stay for 90 days. The ship moved at a maximum speed of 18 nautical knots. The crew consisted of 144 people. The armament is represented by one 140-mm artillery gun, torpedoes in the amount of 20 pieces and four 25-mm caliber ZAU guns. I-400 was equipped with a 34-meter hangar, the diameter of which was 4 m. For the submarine, the Aichi M6A Seyran was specially designed.

With the help of one such aircraft, two 250 kg bombs or one weighing 800 kg could be transported. The main combat mission of this aircraft was to bombard military facilities of strategic importance to the United States. The main goals were to become the Panama Canal and New York. The Japanese made all the emphasis on the effect of surprise. However, in 1945, the military command of Japan considered that it was not practical to throw bombs and tanks with rats from the air on American territories that carried deadly diseases. It was decided on August 17 to attack the U.S. aircraft carriers that were near the Trucks atolls. The upcoming operation has already received the name "Hikari", but it was no longer destined to take place. On August 15, Japan surrendered, and the crew of the giant I-400 was ordered to destroy weapons and return home. The command of the submarines shot themselves, and the crew threw all the available torpedoes into the water. Three submarines were delivered to Pearl Harbor, where they were engaged in American scientists. The following year, scientists from the Soviet Union wished to do this. However, the Americans ignored the request, and Japanese submarine aircraft carriers were shot by torpedoes and sank an island in Hawaii in the area.