
Australia, Blue Mountains in New South Wales: description, reviews

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Australia, Blue Mountains in New South Wales: description, reviews
Australia, Blue Mountains in New South Wales: description, reviews

Video: Blue Mountains, Australia Nature 2024, June

Video: Blue Mountains, Australia Nature 2024, June

This article will introduce readers to one of the most remarkable and beautiful national parks of exotic Australia, which are of very great global importance. New South Wales is a magnificent landmark created by nature. Located on the border of the city limits of Sydney (Australia).


Blue Mountains: general information

From the magnificent hills covered with forest, an incredibly beautiful and exotic, breathtaking view of the cliffs and valleys opens. Here, any traveler can take an easy walk through the forest, capturing the amazing landscapes of the surrounding nature, or arrange for themselves real adventures.

This national park is located in a state called New South Wales, located 100 kilometers from Sydney to the west. The height of some rocks is 1190 meters, and the gorges have depths of up to 760 meters.


More than 3 million people visit this park annually. The most popular rock is called Three Sisters. Many romantic and fearless travelers come here to go horseback riding in the magnificent spacious valleys, climbing mountains, hiking with lessons to survive in the bush and in the caves of Kanangra Park. And all this is offered by the amazing Blue Mountains.

The Great Dividing Range has placed this most remarkable corner of Australia on its territory.

Location and description of the mountains

This vast mountainous area of ​​about 1, 400 square meters. km is located from Sydney in one and a half to two hours by car.

The concept of "mountains" for many is associated with snowy giant peaks, but the Blue Mountains are relatively low and are hills. Victoria (the highest mountain) rises at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level, and the snow lies on it for only 5 months a year.


And yet, like all of Australia, the Blue Mountains have their own unique charm and attract the attention of a huge number of tourists from many countries. And the inhabitants of Sydney spend almost all their days off in these wonderful places.

Blue Mountains National Park (Australia) covers an area of ​​more than 1 million hectares. These are impassable canyons and many kilometers of rocky ridges, crossed by valleys, streams with amazing crystal clear water.

origin of name

The mountains got their name due to the blue haze characteristic of this area, which hangs almost all the time in the air. It is because of it that the eucalyptus hills that are visible in the distance seem bright ultramarine.

The eucalyptus tree is the most common (almost single) tree-like vegetation in Australia. Previously, such a forest covered almost the entire territory of this continent, until farmers began to cut it down in order to free land for economic activity.

Mountains (inconvenient areas for cultivation) preserved eucalyptus forests. All the air here is saturated with particles of oil of this vegetation, which in combination with dust and steam scatter mainly blue rays (shortwave).


So these mountains became blue in connection with the presence of haze above them enveloping the corresponding color. Since eucalyptus forests are ubiquitous in Australia, other peaks could well have such a name. And yet these are the only Blue Mountains on earth (Australia).

How to get there

This unique place can be reached by car. In 1.5 hours from the Central railway station of the capital of Australia, trains will deliver to the place. Thus, you can even take a 1-day walk with the return of the same route to Sydney.


A temperate climate prevails on almost the whole of mainland Australia. Blue mountains are no exception. The temperature in the winter (June to August) in the highlands is about 5 degrees, and in the summer (from December to February) - about 18 degrees. A little lower, the air warms up to 16 and 29 degrees, respectively, in the winter and summer seasons.

Across Australia, it rains at approximately the same rate. Snow falls only in the highlands, although often in the mornings it is often possible to observe hoarfrost in lowlands.

It has a very comfortable climate for relaxation and life.

Bit of history

Due to the inaccessibility of the terrain, the Blue Mountains represented an impenetrable barrier for researchers. It all started in 1770. At that time, for the first time in history, Captain Cook landed on the coast of a new undiscovered mainland, however, the passage deeper into the forests was impossible.

Only in 1813, a small expedition led by Gregory Blacksland, William Charles Wentworf and Lieutenant Lawson, was the first to cross an inaccessible mountain range, the so-called now Great Dividing Range. 7 people (explorers, servants), 4 horses and 5 dogs set out on a difficult journey in May 1813.


It was a very difficult trip due to insufficient equipment and a small supply of provisions. Chased them and the disease, and the attacks of the natives. Having overcome the severity of the campaign, after 18 days, research scientists still crossed the mountains and reached the valley.

The notches on the tree (west of Katumba) made by the pioneer heroes have survived to this day. Their names are immortalized in the names of peaks and some settlements.

Further development of the territory

After the successful completion of the expedition, widespread development of the territory began.

Engineer William Cox in 1814 began to build roads through the Blue Mountains. The builders were 30 prisoners, guarded by 8 employees. In just six months, a road with a length of 100 miles was built, thanks to which in April 1815 the first journey on it took place by Governor McVory. He founded several military posts in these places to protect against all sorts of attacks by Aboriginal people.

In the 1850s, Australia experienced the real "gold rush". Blue mountains have lost their usual peace. With the discovery of goldmines, streams of adventurers surged into these territories. During this period, there was an increase in Chinese emigration. Due to the increase in the number of buyers, they began to come to trade.

In 1867, the first railway was built from Sydney to Wentworf Waterfalls.

The economic development of Australia was also facilitated by the discovery of a coal deposit in 1879 in Katumba (from the name of an Aboriginal tribe who lived here in ancient times). A small town arose immediately, today it is the main tourist attraction of the Blue Mountains. Here is the famous peak of the Three Sisters.


A huge number of tourists are attracted by the Blue Mountains (Australia). An excursion to the Three Sisters rock plays a special role when exploring all the sights. A rather interesting legend is connected with it.


In former times, there were 3 sisters — three amazingly beautiful Aboriginal girls — who lived in the Katoomba tribe. Their names were Michni, Wimla and Gunned. They had a sorcerer father. It turned out that they all fell in love with 3 brothers from the nearby Nepin tribe. Then there were laws prohibiting the marriage of young men from other tribes.

And so the brothers decided to gather their compatriots and declare war on the Katoomba tribe in order to capture the girls by force. A fierce battle occurred between the troops of the two tribes, and luck was on the side of the troops of Nepin. The brothers were almost exulting in anticipation of their victory, but fate turned out in a completely different way.

Before the battle, the father of three sisters, wanting to save his daughters from military consequences, brought them to the very top of the mountain and turned them into 3 rocks. He hoped to restore their former appearance after the end of the war, but the sorcerer died on the battlefield.

Since then, no one has been able to dispel the three sisters. These 3 cliffs (with the names of Michni, Wimla and Gunnedou) are still waiting for their savior to once again turn into charming natives.